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  57. A) It inspired many leading designers to start going green.
  58. D) quality organic replacements for synthetics are not readily available
  59. D) are gaining more and more support
  60. A) She doesn’t seem to care about it.
  61. B) It has a very promising future.
  62. B) A person’s hair may reveal where they have lived.
  63. C) Food and drink leave traces in one’s body tissues.
  64. B) The water it delivers becomes lighter when it moves inland.
  65. A) A map showing the regional differences of tap water.
  66. C) It helps the police narrow down possibilities in detective work.
  67. C) income
  68. A) mostly
  69. B) Besides
  70. D) trend
  71. D) particularly
  72. A) While
  73. C) slipping
  74. B) if
  75. D) larger
  76. C) thanks to
  77. A) unique
  78. A) over
  79. D) decay
  80. C) launch
  81. B) widening
  82. D) general
  83. B) vehicles
  84. A) or
  85. B) predicts
  86. B) likely
  87. difficulty (in) catching up with his fellow classmates
  88. would not have been caught in the heavy rain
  89. more likely to gain/ put on weight
  90. What is not realized by many people/ What many people do not realize
  91. closely related to the lack of exercise

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