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22、A.to be on the alert when being followed.
B.not to leave senior citizens alone at home.
C.not to let anyone in without an appointment.
D.to watch out for those from the electricity board.
23、A.she was robbed near the parking lot.
B.all her money in the bank disappeared.
C.the pension she had just drawn was stolen.
D.she was knocked down in the post office.
24、A.marketing consultancy.
B.Professional accountancy.
C.luxury hotel management.
D.business conference organization
25、A.having a good knowledge of its customs.
B.knowing some key people in tourism.
C.having been to the country before.
D.being able to speak japanese.
26、A.it will bring her potential into full play.
B.it will involve lots of train travel.
C.it will enable her to improve her chinese.
D.it will give her more chances to visit japan.
27、A.The lack of time
B.The quality of life.
C.The frustrations at work.
D.The pressure on working families.
28、A.They were just as busy as people of today.
B.They saw the importance of collective efforts.
C.They didn't complain as much as modern man.
D.They lived a hard life by hunting and gathering.
29、A.To look for creative ideas of awarding employees.
B.To explore strategies for lowering production costs.
C.To seek new approaches to dealing with complaints.
D.To find effective ways to give employees flexibility.
30、A.family violence.
B.his children's efforts.
C.her father's disloyalty.
D.his second wife's positive influence.
31、A.his advanced age.
B.his children's efforts.
C.his improved financial condition.
D.his second wife's positive influence.

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