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22、A.To cut down its production expenses.
B.To solve the problem of staff shortage.
C.To improve its administrative efficiency.
D.To utilize its retired employees' resources.
23、A.Buy a tractor.
B.Fix a house.
C.See a piece of property.
D.Sing a business contract.
24、A.It is only forty miles form where they live.
B.It is a small one with a two-bedroom house.
C.It was a large garden with fresh vegetables.
D.It has a large garden with fresh vegetables.
25、A.Growing potatoes will involve less labor.
B.Its soil may not be very suitable for corn.
C.It may not be big enough for raising corn.
D.Raising potatoes will be more profitable.
27、A.To introduce the chief of the city's police force
B.To comment on a talk by a distinguished guest
C.To address the issue of community security
D.To explain the functions of the city council
28、A.He has distinguished himself in city management
B.He is head of the International Police Force
C.He completed his higher education abroad
D.He holds a master's degree in criminology
29、A.To coordinate work among police departments
B.To get police officers closer to the local people
C.To help the residents in times of emergency
D.To enable the police to take prompt action<
31、A.people differ greatly in their ability to communicate
B.there are numerous languages in existence
C.Most public languages are inherently vague
D.Big gaps exist between private and public languages

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