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1、 请回答第43题_________
A.The weather forecast.
B.The cancellation of playing tennis.
C.The hot weather.
D.The tennis being played.
Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.
Recently the Barbican museum in London held an exhibition called the Rain Room. During the time this exhibition was open, my Twitter stream was filled with photos of people standing in the Rain Room, accompanied by the caption(标题) “Rain Room @ The Barbican!” and a location attachment to prove that they were indeed in the Rain Room.
This got me thinking. What were people actually saying by Tweeting about their visit? I think all they were doing was meeting the obligation that we have to share. Not sharing in the sense of treasuring a moment with people close to us, but sharing in the sense of "notify the world that I am doing a thing". It's not sharing; it's showing off. When we log in to Facebook or Twitter we see an infinitely updating tream of people enjoying themselves. It's not real life, because people only post about the good things whereas all the dull or deep stuff doesn't get mentioned. But despite this obvious fact, it subconsciously makes us feel like everyone is having a better time than us.
This is the curse of our age. We walk around with the tools to capture extensive data about our surroundings and transmit them in real-time to every acquaintance we've made. We end "up with adimin is hed perception of reality because we're more concerned about choosing a good Instagram filter for our meal than how it tastes.
I don't that that it's inherently wrong to want to keep the world updated about what you're doing. But when you go through life robotically posting about everything you do, you're not a human being. You're just a prism(棱镜) that takes bits of light and sound and channels them into the Cloud.
The key thing to remember is that you are not enriching your experiences by sharing them online; you're detracting (转移) from them because all your efforts are focused on making them look attractive too they people. Once you stop seeing things through the eyes of the people following you on Twitter or Facebook or instagram, you can make your experiences significant, because you were there and you saw the sights and smelled the smells and heard the sounds, not because, you snapped a photo of it through a half-inch camera lens.
What do we learn from the first two paragraphs?
A.Rain Room exhibition received a large audience in London.
B.Most of people feel obligated to share their experience with Mends.
C.Many people want to notify others of their experience by Tweeting.
D.All people having gone to the Rain Room took pictures.
A.Give his ankle a good rest.
B.Treat his injury immediately.
C.Continue his regular activities.
D.Be careful when climbing steps.
5、Questions are based on the following passage.
Most people would agree that,although our age exceeds all previous ages in knowledge,there has been no corresponding increase in wisdom.But agreement ceases as soon as we attempt to define“wisdom”and consider means of promoting it.
There are several factors that contribute to wisdom.Of these I should put first a sense of proportion:the capacity to take account of all the important factors in a problem and to attach to each its due weight.This has become more difficult than it used to be owing to the extent and complexity of the special knowledge required of various kinds of technicians.Suppose,for example,that you are engaged in research in scientific medicine.The work is difficult and is likely to absorb the whole of your mind.You have no time to consider the effect which your discoveries or inventions may have outside the field of medicine.You succeed(let us say)as modem medicine has succeeded,in enormously lowering the infant death—rate,not only in Europe and America,but also in Asia and Africa.This has the entirely unintended result of making the food supply inadequate and lowering the standard of life in the parts of the world that have the greatest populations.To take an even more dramatic example,which is in everybody’s mind at the present time:you study the makeup of the atom from a disinterested(无利害关系的)desire for knowledge,and by chance place in the hands of a powerful mad man the means of destroying the human race.
Therefore,with every increase of knowledge and skill,wisdom becomes more necessary,for every such increase augments(增强)our capacity for realizing our purposes,and therefore augments our capacity for evil,if our purposes are unwise.
Disagreement arises when people try to decide
A.how much more wisdom we have now than before
B.what wisdom is and how to develop it,
C.if there is a great increase of wisdom in our age
D.whether wisdom can be developed or not
6、 One of the lessons both IPCC and history has taught us is that future never appears as you expect it to be.
7、 Questions are based on the following passage.
In his first term. Mayor Michael Bloomberg mapped out a fair plan to get rid of 11,000 tons of New York City garbage every day. The complex proposal was designed to make each district take care of its own trash. It was also supposed to help limit noisy garbage trucks going long distances through, the city to reach marine barges (驳船), railways or out-of-state trash facilities.
Nobody wanted these new garbage transfer stations in their neighborhood, even with promises of new high-tech, low-smell facilities. There are already stations in Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island, most of them in lower-income commtmities. Only one area of the city--the Upper East Side of
Manhattan--has refused to accept a trash facility. The city should not give in to local resistance.
It is time for residents in that neighborhood to accept a share of the city's garbage problem. The city should build a modern, environmentally sound facility at 91st Street to transfer trash from Manhattan to barges on the East River. That trash, estimated at up to 1,800 tons a day, would then go by barge to other states.
Deputy Mayor Cas Hoiloway said last week that the city has had to fight off "lawsuit after lawsuit" with "every useless argument under the sun" from those opposing the 91st Street facility. Those delays have helped push the cost for building the station from $125 million in 2006 to about $ 226 million now.
An earlier trash station at that site, which was closed in 1999, was badly designed so that trucks idled along York Avenue. The new facility, Mr. Holloway said, has been designed to reduce the congestion problem with longer ramps (匝道) leading to the facility, which sits on the eastern side of Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive. The plans also call for higher noise-blocking walls along the ramps.
This terminal is an essential part of the city's 20-year waste management plan. John Doherty, the sanitation (环境卫生) commissioner, told critics at a hearing last week, "We will not entertain any changes to what is a fair and thoughtful, district-based approach that was founded on the principles of environmental equity for all New Yorkers."
Environmental equity, in this case, means that the Upper East Side of Manhattan has to do its part.
The plan worked out by Mayor Michael Bloomberg will______.
A.make garbage trucks no longer necessary
B.need more out-of-state trash facilities
C.reduce the amount of trash in the city
D.make each district deal with its own trash
8、Directions:For this part,you are A.lowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below.
You should start your essay with a brief account of college students offering aid Education and then illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon.You should write at least 120 words and no more than 180 words.

9、西安碑林博物馆创建于1087年,是一座艺术宝库(treasury of art),其中收藏有早的古代石碑。从数量上,这座博物馆也是居我国同类博物馆之,保存有从汉代到清代地各代石碑共3000多块。这里碑石如林,所以叫碑林。这里的石碑记录了我国文化发展的部分文化成就,反映了中外文化交流的历史,因而驰名中外。来西安旅游,如不参观碑林,将会遗憾终生。
1、 请回答第43题_________
A.The weather forecast.
B.The cancellation of playing tennis.
C.The hot weather.
D.The tennis being played.
Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.
Recently the Barbican museum in London held an exhibition called the Rain Room. During the time this exhibition was open, my Twitter stream was filled with photos of people standing in the Rain Room, accompanied by the caption(标题) “Rain Room @ The Barbican!” and a location attachment to prove that they were indeed in the Rain Room.
This got me thinking. What were people actually saying by Tweeting about their visit? I think all they were doing was meeting the obligation that we have to share. Not sharing in the sense of treasuring a moment with people close to us, but sharing in the sense of "notify the world that I am doing a thing". It's not sharing; it's showing off. When we log in to Facebook or Twitter we see an infinitely updating tream of people enjoying themselves. It's not real life, because people only post about the good things whereas all the dull or deep stuff doesn't get mentioned. But despite this obvious fact, it subconsciously makes us feel like everyone is having a better time than us.
This is the curse of our age. We walk around with the tools to capture extensive data about our surroundings and transmit them in real-time to every acquaintance we've made. We end "up with adimin is hed perception of reality because we're more concerned about choosing a good Instagram filter for our meal than how it tastes.
I don't that that it's inherently wrong to want to keep the world updated about what you're doing. But when you go through life robotically posting about everything you do, you're not a human being. You're just a prism(棱镜) that takes bits of light and sound and channels them into the Cloud.
The key thing to remember is that you are not enriching your experiences by sharing them online; you're detracting (转移) from them because all your efforts are focused on making them look attractive too they people. Once you stop seeing things through the eyes of the people following you on Twitter or Facebook or instagram, you can make your experiences significant, because you were there and you saw the sights and smelled the smells and heard the sounds, not because, you snapped a photo of it through a half-inch camera lens.
What do we learn from the first two paragraphs?
A.Rain Room exhibition received a large audience in London.
B.Most of people feel obligated to share their experience with Mends.
C.Many people want to notify others of their experience by Tweeting.
D.All people having gone to the Rain Room took pictures.
A.Give his ankle a good rest.
B.Treat his injury immediately.
C.Continue his regular activities.
D.Be careful when climbing steps.
5、Questions are based on the following passage.
Most people would agree that,although our age exceeds all previous ages in knowledge,there has been no corresponding increase in wisdom.But agreement ceases as soon as we attempt to define“wisdom”and consider means of promoting it.
There are several factors that contribute to wisdom.Of these I should put first a sense of proportion:the capacity to take account of all the important factors in a problem and to attach to each its due weight.This has become more difficult than it used to be owing to the extent and complexity of the special knowledge required of various kinds of technicians.Suppose,for example,that you are engaged in research in scientific medicine.The work is difficult and is likely to absorb the whole of your mind.You have no time to consider the effect which your discoveries or inventions may have outside the field of medicine.You succeed(let us say)as modem medicine has succeeded,in enormously lowering the infant death—rate,not only in Europe and America,but also in Asia and Africa.This has the entirely unintended result of making the food supply inadequate and lowering the standard of life in the parts of the world that have the greatest populations.To take an even more dramatic example,which is in everybody’s mind at the present time:you study the makeup of the atom from a disinterested(无利害关系的)desire for knowledge,and by chance place in the hands of a powerful mad man the means of destroying the human race.
Therefore,with every increase of knowledge and skill,wisdom becomes more necessary,for every such increase augments(增强)our capacity for realizing our purposes,and therefore augments our capacity for evil,if our purposes are unwise.
Disagreement arises when people try to decide
A.how much more wisdom we have now than before
B.what wisdom is and how to develop it,
C.if there is a great increase of wisdom in our age
D.whether wisdom can be developed or not
6、 One of the lessons both IPCC and history has taught us is that future never appears as you expect it to be.
7、 Questions are based on the following passage.
In his first term. Mayor Michael Bloomberg mapped out a fair plan to get rid of 11,000 tons of New York City garbage every day. The complex proposal was designed to make each district take care of its own trash. It was also supposed to help limit noisy garbage trucks going long distances through, the city to reach marine barges (驳船), railways or out-of-state trash facilities.
Nobody wanted these new garbage transfer stations in their neighborhood, even with promises of new high-tech, low-smell facilities. There are already stations in Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island, most of them in lower-income commtmities. Only one area of the city--the Upper East Side of
Manhattan--has refused to accept a trash facility. The city should not give in to local resistance.
It is time for residents in that neighborhood to accept a share of the city's garbage problem. The city should build a modern, environmentally sound facility at 91st Street to transfer trash from Manhattan to barges on the East River. That trash, estimated at up to 1,800 tons a day, would then go by barge to other states.
Deputy Mayor Cas Hoiloway said last week that the city has had to fight off "lawsuit after lawsuit" with "every useless argument under the sun" from those opposing the 91st Street facility. Those delays have helped push the cost for building the station from $125 million in 2006 to about $ 226 million now.
An earlier trash station at that site, which was closed in 1999, was badly designed so that trucks idled along York Avenue. The new facility, Mr. Holloway said, has been designed to reduce the congestion problem with longer ramps (匝道) leading to the facility, which sits on the eastern side of Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive. The plans also call for higher noise-blocking walls along the ramps.
This terminal is an essential part of the city's 20-year waste management plan. John Doherty, the sanitation (环境卫生) commissioner, told critics at a hearing last week, "We will not entertain any changes to what is a fair and thoughtful, district-based approach that was founded on the principles of environmental equity for all New Yorkers."
Environmental equity, in this case, means that the Upper East Side of Manhattan has to do its part.
The plan worked out by Mayor Michael Bloomberg will______.
A.make garbage trucks no longer necessary
B.need more out-of-state trash facilities
C.reduce the amount of trash in the city
D.make each district deal with its own trash
8、Directions:For this part,you are A.lowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below.
You should start your essay with a brief account of college students offering aid Education and then illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon.You should write at least 120 words and no more than 180 words.

9、西安碑林博物馆创建于1087年,是一座艺术宝库(treasury of art),其中收藏有早的古代石碑。从数量上,这座博物馆也是居我国同类博物馆之,保存有从汉代到清代地各代石碑共3000多块。这里碑石如林,所以叫碑林。这里的石碑记录了我国文化发展的部分文化成就,反映了中外文化交流的历史,因而驰名中外。来西安旅游,如不参观碑林,将会遗憾终生。