1.You should have put the milk in the ice-box; I expect it _____ undrinkable by now.
A. became
B. had become
C. has become
D. becomes
答案: C
详解:答案为C。与by now, so far, tip to now这样的短语连用时,谓语动词用现在完成时。
2.After writing poetry unsuccessfully for several years, he was not certain whether to quit or _____ with his art.
A. if he should continue
B. he should continue
C. to be continued
D. to continue
答案: D
详解:应选D项。to continue与to quit并列。
3.The firm will have to step _____ production if it is to defeat its competitors.
A. off
B. in
C. out
D. up
答案: D
详解:应选D项。step up意为“提高,加快”;step off意为“开步走,步量(距离)”;step in意为“介入,干涉;参加进来(帮忙)”;step out意为“走出去”。
4._____ the financial means to remain independent, Thomas Edison was compelled to seek employment as a night telegraph operator.
A. He was deprived of
B. Deprived of
C. That he was deprived of
D. Although he was deprived of
答案: B
5.The angry teacher gave the order that nobody _____ the classroom before twelve.
A. would leave
B. left
C. had left
D. leave
答案: D