6.I don't _____ rock 'n' roll. It's much too noisy for my taste.
A. go after
B. go away with
C. go into
D. go in for
𰸡D. go in forϲ;go after;go away with;go into£μӡ
7.He accidentally _____ he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn't been home for a couple of weeks.
A. let out
B. took care
C. made sure
D. made out
𰸡Alet outΪй©˵;take careΪġ;make sureΪȷ;make outΪʶ𣬱𡱡
8._____ as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention.
A. Being published
B. Published
C. Publishing
D. To be published
ע͡asò״Ӿ䳣еװʽ(1.(ݴʡִʻ.+as+ϵ;(2.״(.+as++Ϊ;(3.Ϊ(Ϊ+.+as++ʻ̬ʡpublishĶǴӾùȥִwasɱ̬B.ȷA.Being published.ڷִʵıʽʾöڽлνʾĶͬʱѡA.Ͼ⡣
9.The children will have to _____ their play-time hours when school opens.
A. cut in
B. cut up
C. cut on
D. cut down
𰸣D. 鶯ʶcut down١;cut inϡ;cut up顱
10.______ the fog, we should have reached our destination.
A. Because of
B. In spite of
C. In case of
D. But for
𰸣D. ÷but for+/ʣҪΪʵ෴ļ裬൱һ״Ӿ䣬ھӳĽṹ"we should have reached our destination"ж;þʹѡD.