1.They see you as something of a worrier, _____problems which dont exist and crossing bridges long before you come to them.
A. settling
B. discovering
C. seeing
D. designing
𰸡C. see(=to form a picture of sb. or sth. in the mind)ʾԤ;seeing problemsھa worrierʾԤѣѵ֮ǰҵ·ˡ
2.We have to _____ the wheat as soon as possible because a storm is on the way.
A. get away
B. get across
C. get through
D. get in
𰸡D. ⣺Ҫˣǵþذget away뿪;ȥȼ;get across (to sb.)ʹ(ij.Ϊ;get through;ij(ͨ绰.ϵ;get through (to sth.)һα;get through (to sb.)˹ͨ;get (sth..inռ/ջij;跨/˵ij¡
3.John was late for the business meeting because his flight had been _____ by a heavy storm.
A. kept
B. stopped
C. slowed
D. delayed
𰸡D. 鶯delay÷be late forΪٵ˸ݾ⣬Ӧܵ飬ѡD
4.It's ten years since the scientist _____ on his life's work of discovering the valuable chemical.
A. made for
B. set out
C. took off
D. turned up
𰸡B. ⣺Դλѧҿʼ·мֵĻѧƷĹѾʮˡmake forǰ;take off;;Ҵ뿪;turn up;(ֵ.;(.
5.Hospital staff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20-hour operation to have _____ one-year-old twins at the head.
A. isolated
B. separated
C. divided
D. removed
𰸡B. isolateʹ;separateѡֿ(ԭ.;divideֳɲ;removeѡƿ