51. 我不能让你整天上上下下地跑着。(have sb doing)
52. 噪音那么多,以至于演讲者无法使自己被听众听清楚。(so… that)
53. 作为奥林匹克运动会的主办国是不容易的。(easy
54. 成年人有时太忙,不能玩耍。(too… to)
55. 老师们认为英语语法不难学。(think)
56. 他给了我很大的帮助,真是不胜感激。(It’s …of sb)
57. 不懂装懂的人总有一天会受到惩罚。(pretend)
58. 说实话,直到昨天我才知道他们去上海了。(not… until)
59. 只有通过实践,才能提高你的口语水平。(only)
60. 再也没有比看到学生的进步更使老师们高兴的了。(nothing… than)
51. I can’t have you running up and down all day long.
52. There was so much noise that the speaker couldn’t make himself heard.
53. It is not easy to be a host nation for the Olympics.
54. Adults are sometimes too busy to play.
55. The teachers don’t think it is difficult to learn English grammar.
56. It is very kind of him to give me so much help.
57. Those who pretend to know what they do not know will be punished one day.
58. To tell the truth, I didn’t know that they had already gone to Shanghai until yesterday.
59. Only by practice will you be able to improve your spoken English.
60. Nothing can give teachers more pleasure than to see the students’ progress.