21. 这里的气候与昆明的气候一样好。 (as… as)
22. 她再也不像过去那样讲和笑。(no longer)
23. 我们对世界了解得越多,我们将取得更大的成功。(the more… the more)
24. 只要我们不失去信心,我们会找到办法克服困难的方法。(As long as
25. 无论谁做这事都没有什么区别。(whoever)
26. 一旦她开始跳舞,她就忘记了时间。(Once)
27. 这座山是那么高以至于我不能爬到山顶上。(… so… that)
28. 只要你一直练习说英语,不多久你肯定会掌握它。(On condition that)
29. 长江是中国长的河流,去年夏天我们去参观过。(visit)
30. 你见到过写昨天我们讨论过的那篇作文的女孩吗?(whose)
21. The climate here is as good as that of Kunming.
22. She no longer talks and laughs as she used to.
23. The more we know the world, the more successful we will be.
24. As long as we don’t lose heart, we’ll find a way to overcome the difficulty.
25. Whoever does it makes no difference.
26. Once she started to dance, she forgot about the time.
27. The mountain is so high that I can not climb up to its top.
28. On condition that you practise speaking English all the time, you’ll certainly master it very soon.
29. The Yangtse River, which we visited last summer, is the longest river in China.
30. Have you seen the girl whose composition we discussed yesterday?