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来源:网络 2014年4月22日

  56. I regret _________hard at school, or I would have passed the exam.
  A. not to work
  B. having not worked
  C. to have not worked
  D. not having worked
  57. When the man with glasses came into the hotel, I noticed a _______look come over the manager’s face although he didn’t say anything.
  A. surprised
  B. surprising
  C. surprise
  D. surprisingly
  58. All the people ________at the international meeting agreed to solve the problems peacefully.
  A. present
  B. powerful
  C. absent
  D. brave
  59. ________ get a better score, he has been making great efforts in his lessons.
  A. So as to
  B. In order to
  C. So that
  D. In order that
  60. Mary is my intimate friend. Whatever news she has, she would ________it with me.
  A. tell
  B. share
  C. report
  D. speak
  61. As far as I know, the production of this factory has doubled this year, and the quality of its products has been improved __________.
  A. since then
  B. so far
  C. as well as
  D. as well
  62. Standing at the seat without _________, I decided to rush to the front of the hall.
  A. notice
  B. noticing
  C. to be noticed
  D. being noticed
  63. The manager, _________factory my father used to play an important role, is considering traveling around the world.
  A. in which
  B. in whose
  C. whose
  D. of which
  64. It was not what he said but __________he spoke that made me think he was lying.
  A. the way
  B. in the way
  C. the way which
  D. by the way
  65. Although he knew little about the work done in the field of physics, he succeeded _________other experienced experts failed.
  A. which
  B. that
  C. where
  D. what



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