101、Even though he has lived in China for many years, Mark still can not ___ himself to the Chinese customs .
A) adopt
B) use
C) adapt
D) accept
102、Language can be defined as a tool by which human beings ___ with one another.
A) associate
B) connect
C) communicate
D) correspond
103、To some ___ , Marry still does not understand this unit ,.But she herself does not believe so .
A) extend
B) with
C) extent
D) about
104、As a small boy , he was slow ___ learning to read and write .
A) on
B) with
C) in
D) about
105、Tony was ___ a mile of the hotel when he ran out of petrol .
A) within
B) inside
C) about
106、He has ___ much time and energy for his invention.
A) contained
B) proceeded
C) consumed
D) paid
107、A good teacher always tries to ___ students to ask questions .
A) encourage
B) obey
C) recall
108、It has been rather costly to install the machinery , but it will prove to be worth the money ___ .
A)in the long run
B) in conclusion
C) at long last
D) at the end
109、I don’t know why he ___ in the middle of a sentence .
A) broke off
B) broke out
C) broke through
D) broke away
110、The judge ___ the murderer to twenty years in prison .
B) ordered
C) indicated
D) sentenced