71、A good friend is one who will ___ you when you are in trouble.
A) stand for
B) stand by
C) stand up to
D) stand up with
72、The speaker ___ his notes before the lecture.
A) ran down
B) ran into
C) ran out
D) ran over
73、I find this treatment very ___ to my health .
A) advisable
B) invaluable
C) beneficial
D) worthy
74、As a defense against air-pollution damage , many plants and animals ___ a substance to absorb harmful chemicals.
A) relieve
B) release
C) dismiss
D) discard
75、Don’t have him for a friend . He’s ___ a criminal .
A) anything but
B) but for
C)rather than
D) nothing but
76、As your instructor advised , you ought to spend your time on something ___ researching.
A) worthwhile
B) worth
C) worthy
D) requesting
77、As a ___ president , his views are treated with respect when he is interviewed .
A) prior
B) previous
78、The supply of electric power to Madrid and neighboring districts has had to be ___.
A) weakened
B) omitted
C) restricted
D) lowered
79、Care should be taken to decrease the length of time that one is ___ loud continuous noise .
A) subjected to
B) filled with
C) associated with
D)attached to
80、Is it advisable to ___ our body to the sunlight .
A) reveal
B) display
C) expose
D) show