On Dieting
More and more people, especially females, are beginning to go on diet. Some people are concerned with their health, they begin to go on diet in order to lose unwanted weight. But some others, especially the young women, are paying too much attention to their outward appearance, they become the leading members who go on diet.
Dieting is of great benefit to the over-weighted people. First, being overweight is bad for one’s health because it leads to heart disease, high blood pressure, etc. Second, being overweight brings about much inconvenience to the life of the over-weighted people and dieting enables them to enjoy life more.
Dieting also has some disadvantages. For one thing, many people diet not because they really want to live a healthy life, but because they are vain. In this way, they will suffer from malnutrition. For another, Dieters lead a miserable life because they are forever hungry and , at the same time, they have to go through the misery of watching others enjoy their three meals a day.
学位英语:2014年学位英语考试报名考试大纲 冲刺必备试题