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Part I Reading Comprehension (30%)
How can we get rid of garbage? Do we have enough energy sources to meet our future energy needs?
These are two important questions that many people are asking today. Some people think that man might be able to solve both problems at the same time. They suggest using garbage as an ener-gy source, and at the same time it can save the land to hold garbage.
For a long time, people buried garbage or dumped (倾倒) it on empty land. Now, empty land is scarce. But more and more garbage is produced each year. However, garbage can be a good fu-el to use. The things in garbage do not look like coal, petroleum, or natural gas; but they are chemically similar to these fossil(化石) fuels. As we use up our fossil fuel supplies, we might be able to use garbage as an energy source.
Burning garbage is not a new idea. Some cities in Europe and the United States have been burning garbage for years. (78) The heat that is produced by burning garbage is used to boil wa-ter. The steam that is produced is used to make electricity or to heat nearby buildings. In Paris,France, some power plants bum almost 2 million metric tons of the cities garbage each year. The amount of energy produced is about the same as would be produced by burning almost a half mil-lion barrels of oil.
Our fossil fuel supplies are limited. (79) Burning garbage might be one kind of energy source that we can use to help meet our energy needs. This method could also reduce the amount of gar-bage piling up on the earth.
What two problems can man solve by burning garbage?
A.The shortage of energy and air pollution.
B.The shortage of energy and the land to hold garbage.
C.Air pollution and the shortage of fossil fuel.
D.Air pollution and the shortage of land to hold garbage.
17、 Which of the following is not the result of burning garbage?
A.The garbage burned is turned into fossil fuels.
B.The heat produced is used to boil water.
C.The steam produced is used to make electricity.
D.The steam produced is used to heat buildings.
18、 According to the passage which of the following is NOT true?
A.About 2 million metric tons of garbage is burned in some power plants in Pads, France each year.
B.In a modem society, more and more garbage is produced each year.
C.Using garbage is a good way to solve the problem of energy shortage.
D.It will be too expensive to use garbage as an energy source.
19、 What is the author' s attitude?
20、 The best title for the passage may be__________.
A.Garbage and the Earth
B.Fossil Fuel and Garbage
C.Land and Garbage
D.Garbage--Energy Source
(77) What do we mean by a satisfactory standard of living? Obviously, it must include the basic necessities of life such as food, clothing and shelter. To get these necessities on regular basis,a person must have a reliable income. But we have other needs which would probably also be in-cluded as basic, such as health and education facilities.
We may think of all of these as our needs. Yet most of us would be far from satisfied if we had nothing more than these which are supplied for us. (78) We all enjoy extra income to spend on things like books, sports or hobbies. Sometimes we save some of this extra income to pay for future expense of this type on holidays. So we must add our wants to our basic needs. Our standard of liv-ing is the degree, to which these needs and wants are satisfied.
But as time goes on, what we think of as our basic needs changes. Twenty years ago a televi-sion would have been a luxury, and still is in many countries now. Even now we cannot say it is a need in the same sense as food, clothing and shelter. Yet if most of the people of a country have one, it comes to be accepted as a need. It is possible therefore to have food, clothing and shelter and still be poor by the standards of our own society.
What we need in life is divided into__________ according to this article.
A.the basic necessities and luxury
B.many kinds of need such as food, clothing and houses
C.four groups the basic necessities, luxury, reliable income and future expense
D.the basic necessities and reliable income
22、 A person who gets the basic necessities must __________according to the writer.
A.have a reliable income
B.learn how to please his manager
C.finish his work ahead the time
D.get a good education
23、 We all enjoy__________.
A.having only reliable income
B.having reliable income and extra income
C.having nothing more than food and clothing
D.having nothing more than reliable income
24、 With time going on,__________.
A.a luxury may change into a need which most people want to get
B.the basic needs are getting smaller and smaller
C.a luxury and the basic needs can be exchanged
D.the basic needs can be changed into a luxury
25、 If most of the people of a country have a television, we__________.
A.can say the television is a need in the same sense as food and clothing and shelter
B.can say the television must be in the basic necessities
C.cannot say the television is in the basic necessities
D.can say every family must have one
We all know that it is possible for ordinary people to make their homes on the equator (赤道), although often they may feel uncomfortably hot there. Millions do it. But as for the North Pole (北极)—— we know that it is not only a dangerously cold place, but that people like you and I would find it quite impossible to live there. At the present time only the scientists and explorers can do so, and they use special equipment. (76) Men have been travelling across and around the e-quator on wheels, on their feet or in ships for thousands of years; but only a few men, with great difficulty and in very recent time, have ever crossed the ice to the North Pole. So it may surprise you to learn that, when traveling by air, it is really safer to fly over the North Pole than over the e-quator. Of course, it is not true about landings in the polar region, but the weather, if we are fly-ing at a height of 5,000 meters above the Pole is a delight. At 4,000 meters and move above the earth you can always be sure that you will not see a cloud in the sky as far as your eyes can reach.
In the tropics ( 热带), on the other hand, you are not certain to keep clear of bad weather even at such heights as 18,000 or 20,000 meters.
Aeroplanes can' t climb as high or as quickly in cold air as in warm. Nor can clouds. (77)In practice, this is an advantage to the aeroplane, which is already at a good height when it reaches the polar region and so does not to climb, while at the same time cold air keeps the clouds down low.
" Millions do it ." in this sentence "do it" refers to__________.
A.feeling uncomfortably hot on the equator
B.flying over the North Pole
C.flying over the equator
D.making homes on the equator__________.
27、 The polar region is
A.a good place to land at by aeroplane
B.a good place to fly over
C.a good place to fly past
D.a good place to live in
28、 It is a delight to fly at the Pole because there__________.
A.planes fly higher than at the equator
B.the eyes can reach about 4,000 meters
C.planes are clear of bad weather
D.planes fly more quickly than at the equator
29、 Aeroplanes can climb quickly__________.
A.in warm air
B.in cold air
C.when it reaches the polar region
D.only when the clouds are down low
Aeroplanes usually do not need to climb quickly or fly high in the polar region because__________.
A.they do not land there
B.there are no clouds at all
C.they can cross the ice with special equipment
D.it is very cold
How can we get rid of garbage? Do we have enough energy sources to meet our future energy needs?
These are two important questions that many people are asking today. Some people think that man might be able to solve both problems at the same time. They suggest using garbage as an ener-gy source, and at the same time it can save the land to hold garbage.
For a long time, people buried garbage or dumped (倾倒) it on empty land. Now, empty land is scarce. But more and more garbage is produced each year. However, garbage can be a good fu-el to use. The things in garbage do not look like coal, petroleum, or natural gas; but they are chemically similar to these fossil(化石) fuels. As we use up our fossil fuel supplies, we might be able to use garbage as an energy source.
Burning garbage is not a new idea. Some cities in Europe and the United States have been burning garbage for years. (78) The heat that is produced by burning garbage is used to boil wa-ter. The steam that is produced is used to make electricity or to heat nearby buildings. In Paris,France, some power plants bum almost 2 million metric tons of the cities garbage each year. The amount of energy produced is about the same as would be produced by burning almost a half mil-lion barrels of oil.
Our fossil fuel supplies are limited. (79) Burning garbage might be one kind of energy source that we can use to help meet our energy needs. This method could also reduce the amount of gar-bage piling up on the earth.
What two problems can man solve by burning garbage?
A.The shortage of energy and air pollution.
B.The shortage of energy and the land to hold garbage.
C.Air pollution and the shortage of fossil fuel.
D.Air pollution and the shortage of land to hold garbage.
17、 Which of the following is not the result of burning garbage?
A.The garbage burned is turned into fossil fuels.
B.The heat produced is used to boil water.
C.The steam produced is used to make electricity.
D.The steam produced is used to heat buildings.
18、 According to the passage which of the following is NOT true?
A.About 2 million metric tons of garbage is burned in some power plants in Pads, France each year.
B.In a modem society, more and more garbage is produced each year.
C.Using garbage is a good way to solve the problem of energy shortage.
D.It will be too expensive to use garbage as an energy source.
19、 What is the author' s attitude?
20、 The best title for the passage may be__________.
A.Garbage and the Earth
B.Fossil Fuel and Garbage
C.Land and Garbage
D.Garbage--Energy Source
(77) What do we mean by a satisfactory standard of living? Obviously, it must include the basic necessities of life such as food, clothing and shelter. To get these necessities on regular basis,a person must have a reliable income. But we have other needs which would probably also be in-cluded as basic, such as health and education facilities.
We may think of all of these as our needs. Yet most of us would be far from satisfied if we had nothing more than these which are supplied for us. (78) We all enjoy extra income to spend on things like books, sports or hobbies. Sometimes we save some of this extra income to pay for future expense of this type on holidays. So we must add our wants to our basic needs. Our standard of liv-ing is the degree, to which these needs and wants are satisfied.
But as time goes on, what we think of as our basic needs changes. Twenty years ago a televi-sion would have been a luxury, and still is in many countries now. Even now we cannot say it is a need in the same sense as food, clothing and shelter. Yet if most of the people of a country have one, it comes to be accepted as a need. It is possible therefore to have food, clothing and shelter and still be poor by the standards of our own society.
What we need in life is divided into__________ according to this article.
A.the basic necessities and luxury
B.many kinds of need such as food, clothing and houses
C.four groups the basic necessities, luxury, reliable income and future expense
D.the basic necessities and reliable income
22、 A person who gets the basic necessities must __________according to the writer.
A.have a reliable income
B.learn how to please his manager
C.finish his work ahead the time
D.get a good education
23、 We all enjoy__________.
A.having only reliable income
B.having reliable income and extra income
C.having nothing more than food and clothing
D.having nothing more than reliable income
24、 With time going on,__________.
A.a luxury may change into a need which most people want to get
B.the basic needs are getting smaller and smaller
C.a luxury and the basic needs can be exchanged
D.the basic needs can be changed into a luxury
25、 If most of the people of a country have a television, we__________.
A.can say the television is a need in the same sense as food and clothing and shelter
B.can say the television must be in the basic necessities
C.cannot say the television is in the basic necessities
D.can say every family must have one
We all know that it is possible for ordinary people to make their homes on the equator (赤道), although often they may feel uncomfortably hot there. Millions do it. But as for the North Pole (北极)—— we know that it is not only a dangerously cold place, but that people like you and I would find it quite impossible to live there. At the present time only the scientists and explorers can do so, and they use special equipment. (76) Men have been travelling across and around the e-quator on wheels, on their feet or in ships for thousands of years; but only a few men, with great difficulty and in very recent time, have ever crossed the ice to the North Pole. So it may surprise you to learn that, when traveling by air, it is really safer to fly over the North Pole than over the e-quator. Of course, it is not true about landings in the polar region, but the weather, if we are fly-ing at a height of 5,000 meters above the Pole is a delight. At 4,000 meters and move above the earth you can always be sure that you will not see a cloud in the sky as far as your eyes can reach.
In the tropics ( 热带), on the other hand, you are not certain to keep clear of bad weather even at such heights as 18,000 or 20,000 meters.
Aeroplanes can' t climb as high or as quickly in cold air as in warm. Nor can clouds. (77)In practice, this is an advantage to the aeroplane, which is already at a good height when it reaches the polar region and so does not to climb, while at the same time cold air keeps the clouds down low.
" Millions do it ." in this sentence "do it" refers to__________.
A.feeling uncomfortably hot on the equator
B.flying over the North Pole
C.flying over the equator
D.making homes on the equator__________.
27、 The polar region is
A.a good place to land at by aeroplane
B.a good place to fly over
C.a good place to fly past
D.a good place to live in
28、 It is a delight to fly at the Pole because there__________.
A.planes fly higher than at the equator
B.the eyes can reach about 4,000 meters
C.planes are clear of bad weather
D.planes fly more quickly than at the equator
29、 Aeroplanes can climb quickly__________.
A.in warm air
B.in cold air
C.when it reaches the polar region
D.only when the clouds are down low
Aeroplanes usually do not need to climb quickly or fly high in the polar region because__________.
A.they do not land there
B.there are no clouds at all
C.they can cross the ice with special equipment
D.it is very cold