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来源:233网校 2015年10月28日

Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 % )

Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence, mark your answer on the AN-SWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

36. __________. the places I've been to, I enjoyed the restaurant here the most.

A. From all

B. All of

C. Of all

D. All

37. The quality of this kind of computer is __________to that of imported computers.

A. worse

B. inferior

C. indifferent

D. much better

38. I wish I could speak French __________as John.

A. as good

B. as better

C. as well

D, as best

39. __________speaking, I think writing is rather boring.

A. Honest

B. Honestly

C. Very

D. Really

40. If you don't go, I shall not__________.

A. either

B. too

C. also

D. yet

41. My brother is now working __________he did last year.

A. much harder than

B. more harder than

C. more than

D. much than

42. This book is the English __________translated from Spanish.

A. publication

B. editor

C. printing

D. version

43. My friend is a T. A. in the Department of Foreign Languages. T. A. means teaching __________.

A. assistance

B. assistant

C. associate

D. assists

44. Although we live in a quiet and small street, all the necessary shops are close __________.

A. out of hand

B. on hand

C. at hand

D. in hand

45. They captured the thief and __________to the policemen.

A. gave him away

B. handed him over

C. run him over

D. went over

46. After a year's study, she has learned enough English to __________a conversation.

A. carry on

B. carry out

C. carry in

D. carry off

47. Do remember __________me a call when you arrive in Shanghai.

A. giving

B. having given

C. to give

D. to have given

48. He has two children, __________have become world-famous scientists.

A. none of who

B. all of whom

C. both of whom

D. one of which

49. __________a holiday ,we went to the farm to help the farmers with their harvest.

A. Being

B. It being

C. Having been

D. It was

50. You should keep a copy of the application in case you __________the original one.

A. had lost

B. lost

C. lose

D. will lose

51. I am too busy these days. I would rather I __________time to go to the airport to see you off tomorrow.

A. have

B. had

C. would have

D. have had

52. I've got __________today.

A. the bad toothache

B. a bad toothache

C. bad toothaches

D. the bad toothaches

53.--What's in your hand?

--It is a __________bill.

A. two-thousand dollar

B. two thousand dollars

C. two-thousand-dollar

D. two-thousand-dollars

54. By the time the war __________, most of the people had already left.

A. broke out

B. broke up

C. intervened

D. happen

55. My father was asked to __________the New York office.

A. take part in

B. take place

C. take over

D. take in

56. __________work has been done to improve people's living standard.

A. Many

B. A great many

C. A large number of

D. A great deal of

57. The child was __________to open the refrigerator door.

A. barely tall enough

B. barely enough tall

C. tall barely enough

D. enough barely tall

58. You seem to take a keener interest in the subject __________has ever been shown before.

A. than

B. which

C. that

D. as

59. It's a beautiful watch, but I can't pay __________.

A. that much

B. very much

C. that money

D. those much

60. Living things are __________ceils, and ceils do not grow to more than twice the size they were at first.

A. made from

B. made up of

C. made up from

D. made of

61. I haven't seen her for 30 years, but I recognized her __________.

A. the moment I saw her

B. for the moment I saw her

C. at the moment I saw her

D. the moment when I saw her

62. She looks tired. She __________last night.

A. should have stayed up late

B. must have stayed up late

C. need have stayed up late

D. would have stayed up late

63. People in that area experienced a serious storm. It was so __________that many buildings collapsed.

A. destructive

B. constructive

C. instructive

D. inclusive

64. Linda is a good teacher; she always __________our memory when we can't remember.

A. arouses

B. refreshes

C. wakes

D. stimulates

65. The investigation, __________will soon be published, was made by Professor Smith.

A. at which the results

B. the results on which

C. of whose results

D. whose results

66. The music would stop at the intervals, then __________after a while.

A. restore

B. recover

C. resume

D. reform

67. He had been __________to give up much of his time to housework.

A. ordered

B. persuaded

C. compelled

D. frightened

68. With a school record like yours, __________why you didn't try for a university scholarship.

A. I'm shocked

B. I'm puzzled

C. I'm amazed

D. I feel pity

69. Robert looked as if he were about to __________when his motives were questioned.

A. flare up

B. jump up

C. burst up

D. look up

70. He __________that he could create live fish out of chemicals.

A. demanded

B. asserted

C. argued

D. announced

71. He got up to the roof __________a ladder.

A. by all means

B. by any means

C. by means of

D. by no means

72. Jack was late because his car __________ halfway on the road.

A. broke down

B. broke away

C. broke through

D. broke out

73. __________the window, you can get a beautiful scene of the garden.

A. Looking at

B. Looking after

C. Looking through

D. Looking into

74. Smith is often heard __________the guitar every night in his room.

A. play

B. plays

C. played

D. to play

75. We were really anxious about you. You__________ home without a word.

A. should leave

B. mustn't leave

C. shouldn't leave

D. shouldn't have left




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