Passage Three
Five years ago.David Smith wore an expensive suit to work every day.“l was a clothes addict(迷),”he jokes.“I used to carry a fresh suit to work with me so I could change if my clothes got wrinkled(皱的).”Today David wears casual clothes—khaki pants and a sports shirt—to the office.He hardly ever wears a necktie.“l’m working harder than ever,”David says,“and I need to feel Comfortable.”
More and more companies are allowing their office workers to wear casual clothes to work.In the United States,the changes from formal to casual office wear have been slow.In the early l990s,many companies allowed their workers to wear casual clothes on Friday(but only on Friday).This became known as“dress—down Friday’’0r“casual Friday”.“What started out as an extra one.day.a—week benefit for workers has really become an everyday thin9,”said business adviser Maisly Jones.
Why have SO many companies started allowing their workers to wear casual clothes?One reason is that it’s easier for a company to attract new workers if it has a casual dress code.“A lot of young people don’t want t0’dress up for work,”says the owner of a software company.“SO it’S hard to hire people if you have a conservative dress code.’’Another reason is that people seem happier and more productive when they are wearing comfortable clothes.In a study made by Levi Strauss and Company,85 percent of employers said that casual dress improves employee morale.Only 4 percent of employers said that casual dress has a side effect on work.Supporters of casual office wear also say that a casual dress code helps them save money.“Suits are expensive,if you have to wear one every day,”0ne person said.“For the same amount of money,you can buy a lot more casual clothes.’’
21.David Smith refers to himself as having been“a clothes addict”because __________ .
A.he often wore khaki pants and a sports shirt
B.he couldn’t stand a clean appearance
C.he wanted his clothes to look tidy and clean all the time
D.he didn’t want to spend much money on clothes
22.David Smith wears casual clothes now,because __________ .
A.they make him feel at ease when working
B.he cannot afford to buy expensive clothes
C.he looks handsome in casual clothes
D.he no longer works for any company
23.According to this passage,which of the following is FALSE?
A.Many workers don’t like a conservative dress code.
B.Comfortable clothes make workers more productive.
C.A casual clothes code is welcomed by young workers.
D.All the employers in the U.S.are for casual office wear.
24.According to this passage,which of the following is TRUE?
A.Company workers started to dress down about twenty years ago.
B.Dress—down has become an everyday phenomenon since the early l990s.
C."Dress-down Friday”was first given as a favor from employers.
D.Many workers want to wear casual clothes to impress people.
25.In this passage.the following advantages of casual office wear are mentioned EXCEPT __________ .
A.saving worker’S money B.making workers more attractive
C.improving worker’S feeling D.making workers happier
Passage Four
Many things about language are a mystery,and many will always remain S0.But some things we do know.
First,we know that all men in the world have a language of some sort.There is no race of men anvwhere on earth so backward that it has no language.And, in historical times,there has never been a race of men without a language.
Second.there is no such thing as a primitive language.There are many peoples whose cultures are undeveloped。who are, as we say, uncivilized, but the languages they speak are not pnmltlVe In all known languages we can see complexities that must have been tens of thousands of years in developin9.This has not always been well understood;indeed,the direct contrary has often been stated.Popular ideas of the language of the American Indians will illustrate. Many people have supposed that the Indians communicated in a very primitive way. Study has proved this to be nonsense. There are,or were,hundreds of American Indian languages,and all of them turn out to be very complicated and very old.They are certainly different from the languages that most of us are familiar with.but they are no more primitive than English and Greek.
A third thing we know about language is that all languages are perfectly adequate.That is,each one is a perfect means of expressing the culture of the people who speak the language.
Finallv,we know that language changes. It is natural and normal for language to change;the only languages which do not change are the dead ones.This is easy t0understand if we look backward in time.Change goes on in all aspects of language.Grammatical features change as do speech sounds,and changes in vocabulary are sometimes very extensive and may occur very rapidly. Vocabulary is the least stable part of any language.
26. What can be inferred from the second paragraph?
A.Some backward race of men doesn’t have a language of their own.
B. Some race of men in history didn’t possess a language of their own.
C.Any human race,whether backward or not,has a language.
D. Some race of men on earth can communicate without language.
27.What kind of language can peoples of undeveloped cultures have?
A.Complicated. B.Uncivilized. C.Primitive.D.Well-known
28.People used to think Indians communicated __________
A.with complicated language B.in a primitive way
C.with hand gestures D.through body movements
29.What does the word“adequate”(Line l,Para.4)most probably mean?
A.Primitive. B.Unique. C.Sufficient.D.Proper.
30. According to the author,language changes are most likely to occur in __________ ·
A.grammar B.pronunciation C.vocabulary D.intonation
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