The latest version of the "Love Bug" computer virus failed to cause nearly as much harm as its predecessor because companies remained on alert.
The new virus, dubed "NewLove", slowly spread across the world over the past two days, infecting thousands of computers.
But the damage caused didn‘t approach that caused by the first version, which infected millions of computers around the world two weeks ago and caused more than $10 billion in damages.
Because awareness was heightened by the Love Bug, network administrators responded much more quickly to NewLove and stymied it before it got out of control.
"In this perspective, Love Bug was a very positive wakeup call," said Gene Hodges at security company Network Associates Inc, in Santa Clara, Calif.
"NewLove" is similar in form to the Love Bug, but it‘s much more destructive. The virus appears as an attachment to an e-mail whose subject begins with "FW:" If a user clicks on the attachment's scroll-like icon, every file on their hard drive is destroyed.
"Basically, it‘s going to traxh your machine," said Eric Chien, chief researcher at Symantec's antivirus lab in the Netherlands.
The Love Bug only killed a small set of files, including graphics files. The new virus even wipes out the Windows cooperating system.
31. Which of following is not true in relation to “love B”?
A. It is a computer virus.
B. It kills files in a computer.
C. It appears as an attachment to an e-mail whose subject begins with“FW:”。
D. It was more harmfull to the computer world than “NewLove” virus.
答案: C
32. What does the word “stymie”(in the sentence “network administerators responded%and stymied it before it got out of control”) mean?
A. obstruct. B. get rid of . C. switch D. be frightened.
答案: A
33. What does the “NewLove” bug basically do?
A. It sends some bugs into your computer.
B. It destroys your computer.
C. It shows tenderness to your computer.
D. It saves the files in your computer.
答案: B
34. “NiwLove” ____.
A. was blocked before it went out of control.
B. destroys Windows operating system.
C. kills files in computers.
D. all the above.
答案: D
35. If you are a computer user, you should ____in time of “NewLove”。
A. open your e-mail whose subject begins with whatever letter.
B. keep your computer off all the time.
C. scrutinize e-mail attachments closely.
D. stop surfing the Internet.
答案: C