Robin Hood is a familiar figure to most of US.The outlaw who robbed the rich to give to the poor and dwelt with his band of merry followers in Sherwood Forest has long been celebrated in both prose and poetry.On stage and screen,he has fascinated countless generations.Yet behind that popular character lurks a mystery:Wh0,exactly,was Robin Hood?Did he exist at all?
The evidence for a real,livin9,breathing Robin Hood is rather weak.Records show that in thirteenth.century,England there were a number of people who answered to his name or to something close to it.Yorkshire birth records note the arrival of a Robin Hood who apparently died in infancy.Also,of Yorkshire was Robyn Hode,a servant to King Edward Ⅱ.The man known as Robert Hude is remembered only through a now almost illegible name on a grave stone.In Sussex,there was also Gilbert Robynhod,a man whose name appears often in the local sheriffs records for nonpayment of debts.
Despite careful searches of local records by historians,there is little connecting any of these men to the legendary Robin Hood.Still,there just may be a grain of truth in the legend of Robin and his merry band.
In the thirteenth century,England certainly had its share of outlaws.Perhaps the most famous was Hereward the Wake,the last Angl0—Saxon chief to resist the Norman Conquest of 1066.HereWard and countless others rebelled against Norman rule and fled into the thick forests that carpeted the English countryside.
Not surprisingly,their adventures formed the basis of numerous stories and songs in which the figure of Robin Hood consistently played a key role.Robin is presence in so many different songs and stories has led to the belief that he probably did exist,although perhaps not in,such heroic form.
第16题 It was discovered in Yorkshire birth records that.
A.Robin Hood was once a servant to King Edward II
B.there was a Robin Hood who died when he was a small babv
C.Robin Hood was a name commonly used in thirteenth—century England
D.the name of Robin Hood appeared often in the local sheriffs records
第17题 An outlaw iS a person.
A.who robs the rich to give to the poor
B.who has broken the laws and fled
C.who rebels against the government
D.who iS a hero who sacrificed for his COUntnr
第18题 The historians searched the local record in an attempt t0.
A.prove the truthfulness of Robin Hood story
B.look for the birth place of Robin Hood
C.establish connection between Robin Hood and Hereward the Wake
D.disclose the person who created the legendary Robin Hood
第19题 According to the passage,the legend of Robin Hood probably originated __________.
A.during the Anglo-Saxon period B.under the rule of King Edward Ⅱ
C.during the Norman Conquest of 1066 D.in the thirteenth century
第20题 Which of the following can NOT be inferred from the passage?
A.Robin Hood is a fascinating figure in British history.
B.The popularity of Robin Hood has not died down.
C.The legend of Robin Hood is a totally made.up one.
D.People prefer to believe that Robin Hood did exist.