Expectations for personal relationships differ greatly across cultures.It is important to know that most AmericanS value close friendships,they also value privacy and independence.From an American perspective,to have privacy or to give someone privacy is considered posi-tive.Yet。when the word“privacy”is translated into other languages(e.g.Russian,Arabic,and Japanese).it has more of a negative meaning.(In these languages“privacy”means aloneness or loneliness.)Therefore,the American’s need for privacy is sometimes judged negatively by those who have not been raised with the value of individualism.some Americans are isolated from others because they have taken their independence and privacy to an extreme.Others simply like spending time alone or at least having the freedom to avoid socializing if they choose.
In any true friendship,whatever the culture may be, a person is expected to show interest and concen in a friend’S serious problems.But how does one show this across cuhures?It is not possible to generalize about Americans because there are SO manv varieties of Americans.but it is possible to say that many foreigners or newcomers from different cultures have felt disappointed by Americans.A common occurrence is when an American does not Dhone or visit as much.as the foreigner expects.If someone from another culture is having a serious problem,Americans may say,“Let me know if there’s anything l.can do to help.”If the Americans do not receive.a specific request,they may feel that there’s nothing they can do.In this case.They may call every now and then to stay in touch.The friend from a different culture,on the other hand,may be expecting“sympathy calls or frequent visits,and may not hesitate to demon.strate a dependence on a friend.Many Americans arc uncomfortable whrn people become too dependent.
第26题 What do Americans lay emphasis on concerning expectations for personal relationships?
A.Close friendships. B.Privacy.
C.Valuable culture. D.Both A and B.
第27题 If an American stays alone at weekend,most probably__________ .
A.he is considered to be too individualistic
B.he enjoys the freedom to avoid socializing
C.he cannot get along with people from other cultures
D.his or her vi.ews conflict with those of others who speak different languages
第28题 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the second paragraph?
A.Nomatter what the culture may be,a person should show interest and concem in a friend’S serious problems.
B.It’s hard to form a general opinion about Americans because there are too manv varieties of them.
C.Many foreigners or newcomers from different cultures aye disappointed bv Amedcans.
D.Americans are always ready to offer help to foreigners even if they don’t receive a specific request.
第29题 According to the passage,someone who telephones to give you a“sympathy call” wants to__________ .
A.apologize for something he or she has done
B.say that you are nice.
C.show his or her concern for you
D.show he or she does not hesitate to visit
第30题 The author’purpose in writing this passage is to__________ .
A.argue for the interdependence between Americans and foreigners
B.give Americans independence
C.offer advice on the communication across cuItures
D.emphasize differences in the cross-cultural expectations for friendship