Unit 11
5.Since he often travels on business, he can himself to sleeping in any place he can find.
A)make B)accustom 习惯 C)force D)let
答案:B 由于他经常出差,所以他习惯于在任何地方都能找到睡觉的地儿。
8.If you want to see the chairman of the department,you’d better make an with his secretary first.
A)admission B)agreement C)appointment约会约定 D)alphabet
答案:C 如果你想去看系主任,你首先跟他的秘书预约一下。
17.Batteries should be kept in dry places electricity should leak away.
A)for the reason B)for fear that以免 C)because of D)since
答案:B 电池应放在干燥的地方,以免漏电。
Unit 12
1. This university has_____ a great deal since our last visit.
A) appeared 出现 B) altered 改变 C) approached靠近 D) admired 钦佩
答案:B 这所大学自我们上次访问后,有了很大的改变。
10. The _____ production of engines in our factory has doubled this year.
A) manual手工的,体力的 B) annual每年的,年度的 C) amount数(量);总额 D) alike同样的,相像的
答案:B 我们工厂今年发动机的年产量翻了一番。
13. The nurse treated the patient _____ he were her own brother.
A) like B) as C) even if D) as if
答案:D 护士对待病人,就像是她的亲兄弟一样。
Unit 13
1.The Foreign Minister made an excellent ___on the current international situation.
A) committee B) command C) comment D) commission
答案 C 外交部长对当前的国际形势做出了一个很好的评论
6. Our teacher was ___ by the funny story.
A) naked B) yielded C) amused D) expanded
答案 C 我们的老师被幽默的故事逗乐
19. Under no circumstances ___leave the house.
A) is he allowed to B) he is allowed to C) will allow him to D) he will be allowed to
答案 A 在任何情况下,他可以离开这所房子
Unit 14
3. There are two governments in this country.But neither of them is regarded as the___one by the other.
A)panel 仪表板,面板 B)legal 合法的 C)purple 紫色的 D)republic 共和的
答案:B 这个国家有两个政府,可是没有哪个政府认为对方是合法的。
5. The ___between the two playing periods of a football game is only a few minutes.
A)internal 中间 B)reserve 保留,后备 C)interval 间隙,空隙 D)radium 镭
答案:C 足球比赛的中场休息间隙只有短短几分钟。
20. He is the only one of the students who ___ a winner of scholarship for three years.
A)is B)are C)have been D)has been
答案:D 他是一一个三年里都拿奖学金的学生。(表示一时,系动词要用单数,同时for three years,说明前面应该用完成时态)
Unit 15
4 The rebuilding plan was_____to the committee.
A) taped带子 B)admitted 承认 C)desired 渴望 D)submitted听从
7 Jack is____of stealing the books from the library.
A)accused控告 b)witnessed见证 C)strained紧张 D)found发现
答案:A 捷克被控告从图书馆偷书。
12.They believe their duty to look after the morals of those who live in poverty.
A)that B) this C)it D)what
答案 C 他们认为自己有责任照顾那些生活在贫困以下的人们。
Unit 16
5. Several loudspeakers are from the ceiling and we can hear the speaker very clearly.
A)connected B)sustained C)associated D)suspended
答案 D 几个扬声器挂在天花板上,这样我们就能很清楚的听到演讲者的声音
7. It is not--- for me to return all the books to be the library now because I still need some of them for my research.
A)continuous B)difficult C)convenient D)sufficient
答案 C 对于我来说,现在把所有的书还回图书馆是不方便的,因为为了我的研究我仍然需要他们中的一些。
这题不肯定13.No one should enter the spot without the of the police.
A)permit B)permission C)permitting D)permittence
答案 B 没有警察的允许没有一个人能进入这个地方。
18.The necklace that she lost is very expensive. It’s of great .
A)valuable B)value C)valueless D)invaluable
答案 B 他丢掉的项链是非常昂贵的。它是很有价值的。
39.The old man came upstairs with great strength, his right __a stick for support.
选择:B 现在分词短语作伴随状语。holding
41. The book is not here in it place. It seems to___.
选择:C 像现在完成时态的被动语态 have been stolen