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来源:233网校 2017年4月9日

(78)Would you risk your life for a country that considered you a second class citizen?Would you join a military that asked you to risk sacrificing your life but separated you from other soldiers because of the color of your skin?That is precisely what the Tuskegee Airmen did.They were brave,intelligent,African American men and women who fought for the United States in World Warll.

In l940,President Franklin Dclano Roosevelt agreed to allow African Americans to nv airplanes in the military.Before that,African Americans could only serve in the Armed Forces as part of me ground troops.The first African American airnlen reported for duty in l941.They began their training outside of Tnskegee,Alabama.(79)The soldiers were completely separated by race and the two races could not communicate. About 450 African American pilots finished the training. These men werg the original Tuskegee AirHlen.

The Tuskegee Airmen had an amazing record.They did not lose any of the bombers thev were escorting(护航).When the War was over in l945,the Tuskegee Airmen were heroes.But when they returned to America,they were appalled to fmd out that they were still treated like second class citizens.They faced the sallle segregation(种族隔离)and discrimination(歧视)as they had before they began their trainin9.

Frederick Henry,one of the original Tuskegee Airmen,lives in Detroit,Michigan. Because he was from the North,he would often forget the segregation rules of the South.Once,Henry was on a bus alone with a white bus driver.Soon,after the two had talked for a while.a wave of othepaSsengefS came on the bus·A problem arose when some white passengers were still staIldin9.which was agamst the rules·Henry was put off the bus,even though he was the first perSon“board the bus and had paid his fare.

One thing did change,however.In l948,President Harry S.Truman signed an executive order prohibiting segregation in the military.Eventually,the Tuskegee Airmen were officially thanked for their amazing efforts in the war.

第6题 Which of the following is the best title for the passage7

A.American Soldiers in World War ll B.American Civil Rights MOVement

C.The Tuskegee milTllell D.Racial Discrimination in the U.S.


第7题 What does the word“appalled”in the third paragraph probably meall?

A.Reluctant B.Pleased. C.Shocked. D.Relieved.


第8题 It can be inferred from the passage that Henry__________.

A.refused to give up his seat to a white passenger B.refused to pay his bus fare

C.had a fight with the bus driver D.was the last person to board the bus


第9题 In_______,President Harry Truman ordered to end military segregation.

A.1940 B.1941 C.1945 D.1948


第10题 According to be the passage,which of the following statements about the Tuskegee Airmen isTRUE?

A.In World War ll,they never lost a bomber to enemy fire.

B.They were the first group of black soldiers ever trained by the ground troops.

C.They were not subjected to racial discrimination in the army.

D.my were already soldiers in the ground troops before their waining at Tuskegee begall.




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