导读: 为了帮助大家顺利通过2011年6月的英语四级考试,考试大编辑从5月17日-6月10日为大家提供考前每日一练习题,希望能助大家高分通过考试!
- 第1页:cet4考试练习(6月10日)
- 第2页:cet4考试练习(6月9日)
- 第3页:cet4考试练习(6月8日)
- 第4页:cet4考试练习(6月7日)
- 第5页:cet4考试练习(6月6日)
- 第6页:cet4考试练习(6月5日)
- 第7页:cet4考试练习(6月4日)
- 第8页:cet4考试练习(6月3日)
- 第9页:cet4考试练习(6月2日)
Cloze (15 minutes)
Directions, There are 20 blanks in the following, passage For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

67. A) However
B) Sincewww.233.com考试就上考试大
C) Although
D) Unless
68. A) attempt
B) intend
C) propose
D) expect
69. A) lawful
B) historical
C) natural
D) logical
70. A) attend
B) tend
C) intend
D) pretend
71. A) appealing
B) advertising
C) convincing
D) addressing
72. A) submit
B) omit
C) commit
D) admit
73. A) familiar
B) different
C) accurate
D) identical
74. A) case
B) state
C) condition
D) affair
75. A) simplification
B) classification
C) clarification
D) qualification
76. A) in general
B) in conclusion
C) on the contrary
D) that is to say
77. A) yield
B) prefer
C) adapt
D) refer
78. A) run
B) sort来源:考试大考试大成就你的梦想
C) fill
D) count
79. A) conforms
B) conflicts
C) survives
D) struggles
80. A) yet
B) still
C) again
D) never
81. A) at
B) on
C) by
D) with
82. A) transmit
B) convey
C) negotiate
D) conduct
83. A) role
B) duty
C) part
D) function
84. A) organizations
B) limitations
C) repetitions
D) competitions
85. A) regularly
B) fluently
C) peacefully
D) smoothly
86. A) without
B) except您看到来自www.233.com的新闻
C) despite
D) through
Cloze (15 minutes)
Directions, There are 20 blanks in the following, passage For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

67. A) However
B) Sincewww.233.com考试就上考试大
C) Although
D) Unless
68. A) attempt
B) intend
C) propose
D) expect
69. A) lawful
B) historical
C) natural
D) logical
70. A) attend
B) tend
C) intend
D) pretend
71. A) appealing
B) advertising
C) convincing
D) addressing
72. A) submit
B) omit
C) commit
D) admit
73. A) familiar
B) different
C) accurate
D) identical
74. A) case
B) state
C) condition
D) affair
75. A) simplification
B) classification
C) clarification
D) qualification
76. A) in general
B) in conclusion
C) on the contrary
D) that is to say
77. A) yield
B) prefer
C) adapt
D) refer
78. A) run
B) sort来源:考试大考试大成就你的梦想
C) fill
D) count
79. A) conforms
B) conflicts
C) survives
D) struggles
80. A) yet
B) still
C) again
D) never
81. A) at
B) on
C) by
D) with
82. A) transmit
B) convey
C) negotiate
D) conduct
83. A) role
B) duty
C) part
D) function
84. A) organizations
B) limitations
C) repetitions
D) competitions
85. A) regularly
B) fluently
C) peacefully
D) smoothly
86. A) without
B) except您看到来自www.233.com的新闻
C) despite
D) through