- 第3页:答案解析篇
- 第4页:答案解析第二篇
56.Why is the great export ofpalm oil both a blessing and a curse?为什么说棕榈油的出口既是福音又是诅咒?
A.Because every coin has two sides,without the exception ofexport ofpalm oil.因为事物都具有两面性,棕榈油也不例外。
B. Because it is both a stimulation ofeconomy increase and climate warming.因为它同时刺激了经济增长和气候变暖。
C.Because it both makes contribution to climate improvement and economy decline.因为它为同时为气候改善和经济下滑做出贡献。
D.Because it is both the driver oflarge income and huge destruction offorests.因为它同时是高额收入和森林破坏的动力来源。
57.Which one is not included in the negative consequences of rain forests destruction?森林遭到破坏带来的负面结果不包括哪一项?
A.The dramatic decrease ofbiological diversity in rain forests.雨林中生物多样性锐减。
B.Huge profits benefit from the great exportation ofpalm oil.棕榈油的出口所带来的巨额利益。
C. Frequent clashes with people who live on those rain forests.与靠森林生存的人们冲突不断。
D.Increasing release ofa great deal ofgreenhouse gases.大量温室气体持续排放。
58.What is responsible for the desuuction ofSumatran tiger habitat?谁应该为苏门答腊虎栖息地的破坏负责?
A.People who killed or maimed those scared animals.那些杀害或使它们致残的人们。
B.People who cut down the rain forests in abundance.那些大量砍伐雨林的人们。
C.The extension ofoil palm and pulpwood cultivation.油棕榈和木质纸浆种植范围的扩展。
D.The loss ofrain forests owing to palm plantations.油棕榈种植导致的雨林破坏。
59.What advice does the author give to the productive process of global brands?作者给国际知名品牌的生产过程提出了什么样的建议?
A.Global brands should not be at cost of forest destruction.国际品牌不应该以森林破坏为代价而进行生产。
B.They should guarantee the protection ofrain forests.他们应该确保在生产过程中保护森林。
C.They should pay attention to raw materials ofproducts.他们应该重视产品的原材料。
D.They should not demand anything from rain forests.他们不应该再向森林索求任何东西。
60.What is the attitude of author to plentiful palm oil production?作者对大量生产棕榈油持何种态度?
考后首发:2014年12月英语四级真题及答案 关注微信对答案
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