61.What is the reaction of other competitors to the appearance ofAirbnb?其他竞争者对于Airbnb的出现有什么样的反应?
A.They highlight the threat it poses to theft industries.他们放大了其对自己产业的威胁。
B.They never pay attention to this unworthy competitor.他们对于这样的无名小卒不屑一顾。
C.They did not obviously worry about the appearance ofAirbnb.他们对于其出现没有表现出过分的担心。
D.They are optimistic about their close cooperation in future.他们对于彼此未来的合作持乐观态度。
62.What does the Texas study show about the future ofAirbnb in Para.47第四段中德克萨斯的研究表明什么?
A.Airbnb will never swA.low the whole of hotel industry’s lunch.Airbnb将永远不会吞噬所有旅馆产业的全部。
B.Airbnb may threaten the status of luxury and business hotels.它也许会威胁到豪华旅馆和商务旅馆的地位。
C.Airbnb had cut a great deal ofthe revenues ofbudget hotels.它已经蚕食了快捷酒店的大量收入。
D.Airbnb probably has a bright future among its competitors.也许,它在其众多竞争者中会有一个美好的未来。
63.What can we infer from the statements ofPara.57我们可以从第五段的论述中推断出什么?
A.Airbnb will become a powerful competitor in the future market.Airbnb将会在未来的市场中成为一个强劲的对手。
B.Airbnb should be responsible for the woe ofsmaller hotels.Airbnb应该为小旅馆的灾难负责。
C.Airbnb’s going up correlates with others’going down.Airbnb收入的增加与其他企业收入的缩减有关系。
D.Aftbnb would capture 10%takings ofbudget hotels by 2016.预计到2016年,Airbnb将会获取快捷酒店的10%的收入。
64.What can Airbnb do to be a surprisingly unignorable competitor?Airbnb怎样可以成为一个势不可挡的竞争者?
A.Willingly collaborating with the four largest globA. hotel groups.与四大国际酒店管理集团密切合作。
B.Cooperating with online travel agencies and increasing the share of its hosts.与网上旅行社合作,并提高其主机的预订确认程度。
C.Beating against all the potential rivals to gain its market shares.为夺取市场份额不惜与所有潜在对手为敌。
D.Expanding its online bookings by the help ofonline travel agencies.通过网上旅行社的帮助扩展其网上预订业务量。
65.What’s the meaning of“Room for all,for now.”?“人人有房,就是现在”是什么意思?
A.Everyone will have a private room as soon as possible.每个人都会尽快拥有一套自己的房子。
B.The online travel agencies will offer us a room quickly.网上旅行社会很快为每人提供一个房间。
C.It is quite convenient for people to book rooms on sharing site.在住房分享网站预订房间方便快捷。
D.The information on sharing site is useful for us to book rooms.住房分享网站上的信息对于我们的预订很有帮助。
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