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  87. had followed my instructions.

  88. gave up the pursuit of knowledge

  89. before we find the cure for cancer

  90. keep pace with the consumers’ growing demands.

  91. the less likely you catch a cold.



  87. You would not have failed if you ______________(按照我的指令去做).

  解析:这道翻译题与2006年12月六级的翻译题相似度达到98%。当时的那道题是: If you had _____________________________________________________________ (听从了我的忠告,你就不会陷入麻烦).

  这道题考察学生的if引导的虚拟语气的考察。根据昂立给四级学生的口诀,主句用would have done,从句应该是had done。

  参考答案:had followed my instructions

  88. Despite the hardship he encountered, Mark never ___________________________________________________________ (放弃对知识的追求)..

  解析:考点有两个,“放弃”和“追求”。“放弃做某事”这个结构是give up doing或quit doing;“追求”既可以写成动词pursue,也可以写成名词pursuit.

  参考答案:gave up the pursuit of knowledge

  89. Scientists agree that it will be a long time_______________(我们找到治疗癌症的方法).

  解析:本题考察也是虚拟语气,即it is (high) time that sb (should) do sth。这种情况我们在啊昂立的课堂上专门列为“虚拟语气之北斗七星”为大家分析过。只要考生把语法先判断正确,在翻译出“治疗”treatment或cure,“癌症”cancer即可。

  参考答案:before we find the cure for cancer

  90. Production has to be increased considerably to___________________(与消费者不断增长的需求保持同步).

  解析:本题考察“与……保持同步”,四级高频词组,可以表达为,keep pace with。另外考生应该分析出整个句子中文部分的核心词是“需求”。

  参考答案:keep pace with the consumers’ growing demands.

  91. The more exercise you take, ___________________(你越不大可能得感冒).

  解析:本题又是一道真题复现的例子,其中我们见到了两道真题的影子,分别是:2006年6月的The more you explain, _____________________________________________ (我愈糊涂)。和2009年6月的It is said that those who are stressed or working overtime are ____________________ (更有可能增加体重)。

  另外,本题考查“的感冒”catch a cold

  参考答案:the less likely you catch a cold.

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