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1. A) work out
B) stand out
C) show up
D) show off
2. A) at
B) in
C) for
D) over
3. A)distinguish
4. 79.
5. 回答48-67题
Women with low literacy suffer disproportionately more than men,encountering more 47 in finding awell-paying job and being twice as likely to end up in the group of lowest wageearners, a study released on Wednesday said.
Analysis by the Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR) foundwomen at all levels of 48 tend toearn less than men, but it's at the lowest literacy levels that the wage gapbetween genders is most striking.
Women with low literacy are twice as 49 as men at the same skill level to be amongthe lowest earners,bringing in $300 a week or less, the report said.
"Because women start off so low in terms of wages, havinghigher literacy and more skills really 50 a big difference," said Kevin Miller,a 51research associate at IWPR and co-author of the study.
Women need to go 52 in their training and education level to earnthe same as men, Miller said.
The 53 was based on 2009 National Assessment ofAdult Literacy surveys, the most recent data 54 ,and focused on reading skills, not writingand numeric literacy. That data was 55 from a nationally representative sample of19,714 people aged 16 and older, living in households or prisons.
Data showed about one-third of American adults have low literacylevels, and more than 36 percent of men and 33 percent of women fall into that 56 , the institute said.
A.pattern I.conducted
B.senior J.independent
C.longer K.literacy
D.difficulties L.analysis
E.category M.likely
F.collected N.further
G.positions O.makes
6. 根据以下资料回答67-1题:


7. He hurried to the airport,__________ (结果却发现飞机已经起飞了).
8. I believe in the theory that__________ (高等动物是由低等动物发展而来的).
9. Had ____________________(如果你早点告诉我她已经回美国了),1 wouldnot have taken all the trouble paying her a visit.
10. 根据以下材料回答{TSE}题:

Your muscles are working to move a weight when you are

1. A) work out
B) stand out
C) show up
D) show off
2. A) at
B) in
C) for
D) over
3. A)distinguish
4. 79.
5. 回答48-67题
Women with low literacy suffer disproportionately more than men,encountering more 47 in finding awell-paying job and being twice as likely to end up in the group of lowest wageearners, a study released on Wednesday said.
Analysis by the Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR) foundwomen at all levels of 48 tend toearn less than men, but it's at the lowest literacy levels that the wage gapbetween genders is most striking.
Women with low literacy are twice as 49 as men at the same skill level to be amongthe lowest earners,bringing in $300 a week or less, the report said.
"Because women start off so low in terms of wages, havinghigher literacy and more skills really 50 a big difference," said Kevin Miller,a 51research associate at IWPR and co-author of the study.
Women need to go 52 in their training and education level to earnthe same as men, Miller said.
The 53 was based on 2009 National Assessment ofAdult Literacy surveys, the most recent data 54 ,and focused on reading skills, not writingand numeric literacy. That data was 55 from a nationally representative sample of19,714 people aged 16 and older, living in households or prisons.
Data showed about one-third of American adults have low literacylevels, and more than 36 percent of men and 33 percent of women fall into that 56 , the institute said.
A.pattern I.conducted
B.senior J.independent
C.longer K.literacy
D.difficulties L.analysis
E.category M.likely
F.collected N.further
G.positions O.makes
6. 根据以下资料回答67-1题:


7. He hurried to the airport,__________ (结果却发现飞机已经起飞了).
8. I believe in the theory that__________ (高等动物是由低等动物发展而来的).
9. Had ____________________(如果你早点告诉我她已经回美国了),1 wouldnot have taken all the trouble paying her a visit.
10. 根据以下材料回答{TSE}题:

Your muscles are working to move a weight when you are
