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  • 第1页:练习试题
1. 根据以下资料,回答62-1题。

Not long ago, it was believed that women went to college in order to __________
A. A) find a husband
B. B) get smart in the marriage market
C. C) learn to be a good wife
D. D) marry someone with a bachelor's degree
A.Fitness training.
B.The new job offer.
C.Computer programming.
D.Directorship of the club.

3. The film was so boring that____________________ (观众忍不住离开了剧场).

4. 根据以下资料,回答1-12题。

Why does the enthusiasm of the policy-makers to lessen climate change decrease?
A) Economic recession is widely spread.
B)Western lifestyles are destroyed.
C)The cost of a green revolution rises.
D)The environment is improved.
5. Had ____________________(如果你早点告诉我她已经回美国了),1 wouldnot have taken all the trouble paying her a visit.

6. 根据以下资料回答{TSE}题

What is the passage mainly about?
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________.
7. We are going to __________ (建一个拥有现代化设备的工厂).
8. So badly_________(他在车祸中受伤)that he had to stay in the hospital for a whole year.

9. 过去的七年,中国的房地产(real estate)业经历了前所未有的高速增长。对于那些月薪较低却渴望在大城市拥有一套属于自己的体面、舒适的栖身之所的人来说,高昂的房价是他们无法承受的负担。鉴于这一状况,政府近来采取了一系列的措施来防止房价过快增长,包括提高利率及增加房产税等。目前,这些措施在部分城市已经取得了初步的成效。
10.   中国经济的高速发展,带来了消费文化的日益流行,同时也催生了一批具有高学历,充分享受资本主义消费模式的年轻人,他们习惯于当月工资当月花。
  因而被称为“月光族”(the moonlight group)。“月光族”一词出现于20世纪90年代后期,是用来讽刺那些出身富裕、接受高等教育、充分享受快餐文化(fast food culture)的年轻人。

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