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Divorce lawyers: Pet custody cases increasing
  LOS ANGELES——They still fight like cats and dogs in divorce court. But more and more they are fighting about cats and dogs.
Custody(监护权)cases involving pets are on the rise across the United States of America. In a 2006 survey by the 1,600-member American Academy of Matrimonial(婚姻的)Lawyers (AAML), a quarter of respondents said pet custody cases had increased noticeably since 2001. The academy is due for another survey, but there is no doubt such cases have grown steadily since then, said Ken Altshuler of Portland, Maine, a divorce attorney and AAML president.
  If there is a child involved in a divorce, many judges will keep the pet with the child, attorneys said.
  "But what do you do when the pet is the child? "Altshuler asked.
  Breakups in same-sex marriages, civil unions and domestic partnerships are among masons pet custody fights are become more common, attorneys said.
  Pet custody cases have grown as much as 15 percent in his office over the last five years, said attorney David isarra of Santa Monica.
  He is his own best example. He shares custody of 8-year-old Dudley, a longhaired standard black-and-tan achshund, with his ex, who took Dudley away when got remarried.
  Pet consultant Steven May hired Pisarra six years ago to handle his divorce. Besides a daughter, May and his ex worked out custody of three dogs, two cats and Tequila the parrot.
  Pisarra and May became good friends and often take their dogs for walks in Santa Monica. They also teamed up last year to write a book about co-parenting a pet with an ex tiffed What About Wally?
  Pets are considered property in every state in the country. For years, they have been divvied up like furniture during divorce proceedings. But times are changing.
  "Judges are viewing them more akin to (近似)children than dining room sets. They are recognizing that people have an emotional attachment to their animals," Altshuler said.
"There is a shifting consciousness," Pisarra said. "Pets are being given greater consideration under the law. "
  More people have pets than ever before and they consider them part of the family rather than possessions, said Silvana Raso, a family law attorney with the Englewood Cliffs, N.J., law firm of   Schepisi & McLaughlin.
  "People are not embarrassed to fight for custody of a pet today. In the past they might have shied away from it because society didn't really accept a pet as anything other than an accessory to your life," she said.
  When Pisarra and his ex wife split up, they agreed to share Dudley. His wife even wrote an introduction in Pisarra's book.
  "There is no law that recognizes visitation with an animal," Raso said, so couples have to work it out ,themselves.
  Reaching a pet custody agreement without a lot of help from attorneys and judges will save money, Raso said.
  Divorces can cost $1,000 and be resolved quickly or cost millions and take years.
  Pet decisions are often more agonizing to make than those about mortgages, credit card debt or student loans,Raso said. But if they can be resolved, the rest usually goes smoother.
  After their 2006 breakup, Pisarra and his wife worked out shared custody, long-distance visitation and a new family (including a beagle.in Dudley's life, Pisarra said. Today, they live in the same city, so visitation no longer includes flight time.
  The two have a plan for everyday, vacation and holiday schedules, travel arrangements, doggie daycare,boarding, food, treats, grooming, vet care, moving and end-of-life decisions. They split costs and sometimes, with things like toys, leashes(皮绳)and dog bowls, they buy two of each so Dudley has one at each home.
May and his wife Nina (who also wrote an introduction for the book.separated six years ago after 16 years of marriage. "Everything was fresh and raw. It was not easy. "
It's taken time, but he and his ex live about two miles apart in West Los Angeles now and sharing custody of their daughter and pets is easy, he said. To make it work, "you learn the true meaning of concession," May said.
  Most of the time, custody battles grow out of love. But there are cases rooted in spite(恶意)or retaliation(报复).Pisarra represented a man whose estranged wife had the family's two German shepherds euthanized(使安乐死)."It was really cruel and he had no recourse," he said.In years past, pets could not be protected in domestic violence restraining orders in any state. But because abusers can use pets to threaten victims, maybe even kill the animals, the laws have changed in states like Maine,New York, California and Illinois. Other states are looking into changes. And there will be changes in other laws too, Altshuler predicted.
  He believes there will one day be statutes(法规)for pets, much like there are for children, giving judges guidelines to rule by.
In a 2006 survey by AAML, approximately how many respondents said pet custody cases had increased noticeably over the past five years?
A.One fourth of the respondents.
B.Nearly all respondents.

2、Questions are based on the following passage.  Media mogul (显要人物 ) Ted Turner yesterday sold more than half of his AOL Time Warner Inc. holdings for about $780 million, a move that reflects his efforts to slash his financial stake in the media giant.
  After the close of regular trading yesterday, Turner sold a block of 60 million shares to Goldman Sachs & Co. for $13.07 per share, or 31 cents below the stock's closing price yesterday. Goldman was said by Wall Street sources to be offering the
stock to major investors for $13.15.
  An outspoken critic of the corporation, Turner remains AOL Time Warner's largest individual shareholder, with 45 million shares, and a member of its board of directors. A spokeswoman for Turner referred questions to AOL Time Warner.
  At his peak Turner owned about 130 million shares, but he lost billions of dollars in wealth and grew bitter after the stock plunged following the merger of America Online and Time Warner in January 2001.
  Turner, who initially supported the merger, later expressed outrage over revelations that America Online had manipulated its financial results. The Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating AOL, and the corporation has acknowledged discovering tens of millions of dollars of overstated revenue.
  Turner resigned as vice chairman earlier this year and has been spending less of his time on AOL Time Warner matters.
  He stepped down after achieving his goal of pressuring the founder of America Online---Steve Case---to resign as the corporation's chairman. Case said he was giving up the post to avoid a bruising public battle for reelection at next week's annual meeting.
  In the effort to oust Case, Turner teamed up with Gordon Crawford, the senior media portfolio manager at Capital Research & Management, the largest institutional shareholder in AOL Time Warner. Capital Research has indicated it will vote against Case's election to remain on the board of directors next week--a position that analysts said should not affect the outcome. Turner, meanwhile, has said he will support the management slate (候选人) that includes Case and will make Richard D. Parsons the company's chairman and chief executive.
  Turner, a visionary who started Cable News Network, is in the midst of rolling out a new chain of restaurants, Ted's Montana Grill, featuring bison burgers. He recently moved his residence from Georgia to Florida for estate-planning purposes and is spending time and money on his independent film company, which lost millions of dollars on a lengthy movie about the Civil War.
注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。From the first three paragraphs, we learn that __
A. Goldman has made a profit from this transaction of shares with Turner
B. Turner always expresses his dissatisfaction with the corporation openly
C. Goldman bought the block of shares in order to become a member of the board
D. Turner sold a large portion of his shares to retreat from the media business


The main topic of the passage is __________


The special education mentioned in the text is mainly concerned with ____________.

5、Questions are based onthe following passage.
  Is it possible to persuade mankind to livewithout war? War is an ancient institution which has existed for atleast sixthousand years. It was always bad and usually foolish, but in the past thehuman race managed to live withit. Modern ingenuity (创造力. has changed this. Either Man will abolishwar, or war will abolish Man. For thepresent, it is nuclear weapons that causethe most serious danger, but bacteriological or chemical weapons, maybeforelong, offer an even greater threat. If we succeed in abolishing nuclearweapons, our work will not be done. Itwill never be done until we havesucceeded in abolishing war. To do this, we need to persuade mankind tolookupon international questions in a new way, not as contests of forec, inwhich the victory goes to the side which ismost skillful in killing people, butby arbitration (调解. in accordance with agreedprinciples of law. It is not easyto change very old mental habits, but this iswhat must be attempted.
  There are those who say that the adoptionoft_his or that ideology would prevent war. I believe this to be a bigerror.All ideologies are based on dogmatic ( 教条式的. statements which are, at best, doubtful, and at worst,totallyfalse. Their adherents believe in them fanatically (狂热地. that they are willing to go to war in support ofthem.
  Themovement of world opinion during the past few years has been very largely suchas we can welcome. Ithas become a commonplace ( 老生长谈. that nuclear war must be avoided. Of course very difficultproblemsremain in the world, but the spirit in which they are being approachedis a better one than it was some years ago. Ithas begun to be thought, even bythe powerful men who decide whether we shall live or die, that negotiations  should reach agreements even if both sides donot find these agreements wholly satisfactory. It has begun to beunderstoodthat the important conflict nowadays is not between different countries, butbetween Man and the atombomb.
This passage implies thatwar now is _________
A.worse than in the past
B.as badas in the past
C.not so dangerous as in the past
D.as necessary as in the past

6、Only then________ (莫妮卡才意识到她有多爱她的丈夫).

7、A laminar flow is formed when a fish swims .
A.slowly through the water
B.rapidly through the water
C.against the current
D.at the fastest speed in water

8、What does the author think of green fashion?
A.Green products will soon go mainstream.
B.It has a very promising future.
C.Consumers have the final say.
D.It will appeal more to young people.

9、(很多人没有意识到的)________________ is that Simon is a lover of sports, and football in particular.

10、For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should Smoking Be Banned in Public Places You should write at least l20 words following the outline given below.
Should Smoking Be Banned in Public Places?

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