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How to Reinvent College Rankings:Show the Data Students Need Most
A. All rankings are misleading and biased (有偏见的.. But they're also the only way to pick a school. I've heard those exact words dozens of times and inferred their sentiment hundreds more. They undoubtedly were a major contributing factor in the 250.000 applications to the too colleges this past year. With only 14,000 chances available, there will be a lot of disappointed families when decisions are announced in a few days. For 30 years, I've co-authored bestselling books and provocative articles about how to improve one's chances of being accepted at a "top" college.
B. The first edition of our book Getting In! revealed what went on behind the admission committees' closed doors,and introduced the concepts of packaging and positioning to the college-application vocabulary. The newest edition adapts the same principles to the digital age. But the core messagere mains: good colleges are not looking for the well-rounded kid--they're looking to put together thewell-rounded class.
C. What were revelations in 1983 are common knowledge today--at least among college-bound students, parents, and counselors. They also don't have to be told that the odds of getting into a "highly selective" school are ridiculously low. Brown and Dartmouth will each accept about 9 percent of applicants; Cornell, Northwestern, and Georgetown about 16 percent. And Harvard, Yale, and Stanford? Forget about it: less than 7 percent!
D. Wanting to attend a "name" school isn't illogical. And there is nothing illogical in parents wanting a better return on their investment. A college's brand value--whether that school's name will be recognized and open employers' door.
E. Colleges, counselors, and parents talk a lot about finding the right "fit" between a school and a student. In reality, the process is dominated by reputation. The problem is that college reputation shave been controlled by rankings. Far too many "highly ranked" colleges are gaming the rankings and trying to attract more and more applicants--when the particular college is actually a poor "fit" for many of the kids applying. Colleges want to attract and reject more kids because that "selectivity" improves the institution's ranking. College presidents publicly complain there are too many college rankings. Privately, they admit they have to provide the data that feed that maw (大胃口.. They can't afford to be left off a rankings list. The real losers in this system are students and their parents. A bad fit is costly, not just in dollars, but in time, energy, and psychological well-being.
F. The emphasis should be on finding the right fit. But finding the right fit is not east. Subjective guide books like Edward Fiske's--originally titled the New York Times Selective Guide to Colleges--are very useful and consciously do not include rankings. Ted changed his three-category rating system to make it more difficult to simply add "stars" and rank-list colleges. Even families who can afford to visit lots of colleges and endure the backward-walking tours find that carious personalities soon blur in their memory.
G. Thus it is not surprising that anxious, busy parents turn to rankings for shorthand comfort. Unfortunately, the data that U, S. News and other media companies are collecting are largely irrelevant. As a result, the rankings they generate are not meaningless, just misleading. Some examples: U. S. News places a good deal of emphasis on the percentage of faculty who hold a" terminal degree"--typically a Ph. D. Unfortunately, a terminal degree does not correlate (相关的.in any way with whether that professor is a good teacher. It also doesn't improve that professor's accessibility to students. In fact, there is usually such a correlation: the more senior the professor, the less time they have for undergraduates.
H. U.S. News' second most heavily weighted factor--after a college's six-year graduation rate--is a peer assessment of colleges by college presidents and admissions deans. You read that right: administrators are asked to evaluate colleges that are competitive with their own school. If not an complete conflict of interest, this measure is highly suspect.
I. Even some seemingly reasonable "inputs" are often meaningless. U.S. News heavily weights the number of classes with fewer than 20 students. But small classes are like comfort food., it is what high-school kids are familiar with. They have never sat in a large lecture hall with a very interesting speaker. So it is not something they could look forward or value.
J. While most rankings suffer from major problems in criteria(标准. and inputs, the biggest problem is simpler: all the ranking systems use weightings that reflect the editors' personal biases. Very simply,some editors' priorities are undoubtedly going be different from what is important to me. Assuredly preferences are different from my kids', And both will differ markedly from our neighbors' objectives.
K. Colleges say they truly want to attract kids for whom the school will be a good fit. To make good on that promise, colleges need to provide families with insight, not just information; and they need to focus on outputs, not. just inputs. Collecting and sharing four sets of very different data would be a good start; Better insight into the quality of education a student will get on that campus. Colleges need to share the exam scores for all students applying to medical school, law school, business school, and graduate programs. These tests reflect not just the ability of the kids who've gone to that college, but what they've learned in the three-plus years they've attended. Colleges need to assess a campus "happiness" coefficient (系数.. A happy campus is a more productive learning environment; and one that has a lower incidence of alcohol and drug abuse. The full debt that families incur (招致. ; not just student debt. The salaries of graduates one, five, and 10 years after graduation.
L. A fifth useful metric is what employers--both nationally and regionally--think of graduates from particular colleges. Hiring preferences are a useful proxy (代表.for reputation.
M. The last piece in enabling families to find a better fit will come from entrepreneurs. Some smart "kid" will develop an online tool that will allow students and parents to take this new college-reported data and assign weighting factors to the characteristics that are important to them. The tool would then generate a customized ranking of colleges that reflects the family's priorities--not some editor's.
N. Colleges may complain about the rankings, but they are complicit (串通一气的. in keeping them. It is reminiscent (怀旧的. of the classic Claude Raines line in Casablanca: "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!" ff colleges really want kids for whom their college is a good fit, they will collect and publish the types of honest data that will give families a better basis for smart decisions.
The rankings generated on the basis of data collected by U.S. News and other media companies are misleading.
A. Like many of its Caribbean neighbors, Haiti once drew many tourists. But decades of political instability, repression and poverty, as well as natural disasters, led to the decay of the tourism infrastructure, and almost no visitors come now. Officials would like to change that. The arts town of
Jacmel is one place they think could be a start.
B. A couple of untidy aid workers were sucking down Sunday morning beers at the Hotel Florita here when the minister of tourism rolled up to the roadside, followed by the interior minister with body guards and then the star of the show, New York fashion designer Donna Karan of DKNY. The notables
were in Jacmel, the funky (含有黑人韵味的爵士 ) art and carnival capital of Haiti, to plot the transformation of the earthquake-rattled port from a faded flower of the Caribbean to a resort destination for celebrities.
C. "We're trying to rebrand Haiti, and so we're bringing Donna here to help us with our vision," TourismMinister Stephanie Balrmir Villedrouin said in an interview. "We're trying to raise the bar a little bit,"Said Karma, as she swept through the abandoned Hotel Jacmeliernne--its seaside swimming pool greenwith grass, its overgrown gardens littered with broken glass--" Oh. we can definitely work with this!"
D. As hard as it may be for young Haitians to believe, their country was once a tourist destination. Evenduring the bad old days of the Duvaiier dictatorships ( 独裁), the tourists came. Or at least a few: seeGraham Greene's 1966 novel The Comedians, set incidentally at a hotel and based on a real-lifemansion (大厦), the Hotel Oloffson in the capital; the hotel is still in operation but is now run byRichard Morse, front man for the rock band RAM and the new government's special political envoy (大使) to the Americas. Today, nobody visits Haiti for fun, except Haitians returning from the abroad.The arrivals at the Port-au-Prince airport is filled with Baptist missionaries, UN officials and Americannurses--not a real tourist in sight.
Tourism dollars
E. Yet across the Caribbean, revenue from tourism represents about 16 percent of gross domesticproduct, and many island nations, such as the Bahamas, Barbados and Antigua, generate at least athird of their GDP from visitors. For most of the Caribbean, tourists' dollars, euros and pesos (比索)are the No. 1 source of foreign investment.
F. Haiti let its tourism infrastructure degrade over three decades of political instability, hurricanes,earthquakes and deadly disease. But the poorest country in the Western hemisphere has a lot to offerthe adventuresome visitor, according to international planners and Haitian officials. The Creole Frenchcuisine (美食) here is some of the best in the Caribbean; its artisans are of world renown, its blend ofAfrican and Spanish music unique. All this, and rock music, too.
G. The still-evolving plans for Haiti 2. 0 forecast Jacmel as a stand-alone destination, meaning touristswould not land in the disordered, dangerous, poor capital, Port-au-Prince, but arrive directly here viaair or boat.
H.With development aid from banks and donor nations, the government of former carnival singer andcurrent President Michel Martelly is planning to extend the airport runway at Jacmel so it canacconunodate small jets that would shuttle from Miami and Fort Lauderdale, Fla. ; Puerto Rico; and Guadaloupe. The deserted port is also scheduled for restoration to allow big cruise ships to dock.
I. in the late 1800s, Jacmel was an important Caribbean crossroads in Haiti—then called the "Pearl of theAntilles"--and its downtown still harbors the Creole architecture of iron balconies and shuttered ware houses for coffee and orange peel. The town reminds many visitors of the French Quarter in New Orleans, and it hosts one of the best carnivals in the Caribbean, as well as a music festival and a filmfestival, now straggling to gain promotion again after the 2010 earthquake.
Seeing potential in ruin
J.Donna Karan knows Jacmel well; she shot her fall catalog at the Hotel Florita. The New Yorker gamelyjumped into the bed of a small track for a tour of town. It stopped at the Manoir Alexandre, once the most prominent building in the city and now a rain that is slowly being restored by Leon Paul, aHaitian American orthopedic surgeon from New York.
K. "We want to restore the mansion to its former glory, but as you can see, that is a big job," Paul saidas he walked Karan through the property, with its peeling wallpaper, holes in the roof, missing stairsand tilting balcony.
L. He said Jacmel, his home town, will rise from the ruins, and he promised that someday soon, Haitiansand visitors will be sitting in his restored mansion, listening to a band, drinking rum and celebrating.
As Karan crawled through the ruins, she saw not despair, but hope: "Wow. Look at this. These aremy colors. The rust, yellow and blue. Take a picture. This is perfect!"
In the Caribbean, Jacmel is well-known for its music festival, film festival and carnivals.
3、 根据以下内容,回答题。
What You Really Need to Know
A. A paradox (悖论.of American higher education is this: The expectations of leading universities do much to define what secondary schools teach, and much to establish a sample for what it means to be an educated man or woman. College campuses are seen as the source for the newest thinking and for the generation of new ideas, as society's cutting edge.
B. And the world is changing very rapidly. Think social networking or stem cells. Most companies look nothing like they did 50 years ago. Think General Motors, AT&T or Goldman Sachs.
C. Yet undergraduate education changes remarkably little over time. My predecessor as Harvard President, Derek Bok, famously compared the difficulty of reforming a curriculum with the difficulty of moving a cemetery (公墓). With few exceptions, just as in the middle of the 20th century, students take four courses a term, each meeting for about three hours a week, usually with a teacher standing in front of the room. Students are evaluated on the basis of examination essays handwritten in blue books and relatively short research papers. Instructors are organized into departments, most of whichbear the same names they did when the grandparents of today's students were undergraduates. A vastmajority of students still major in one or two disciplines centered on a particular department.
D. It may be that inertia (惯性.is appropriate. Part of universities' function is to keep alive man'sgreatest creations, passing them from generation to generation. Certainly anyone urging reform doeswell to remember that in higher education the United States remains an example to the world, and thatAmerican universities compete for foreign students more successfully than almost any other Americanindustry competes for foreign customers.
E.Nonetheless, it is interesting to speculate: Suppose the educational system is drastically altered torefleot the structure of society and what we now understand about how people learn. How will whatuniversities teach be different? Here are some guesses and hopes.
F.1. Education will be more about how to process and use information and less about instructing it. Thisis a consequence of both the explosion of knowledge--and how much of it any student can truly absorb--and changes in technology. Before the printing press, scholars might have had to memorize The Canterbury Tales to have continuing access to them. This seems a bit ridiculous to us today. Bu tin a world where the entire Library of Congress will soon be accessible on a mobile device with search procedures that are vastly better than any card catalog, factual mastery will become less and less important.
G.2. An inevitable consequence of the knowledge explosion is that tasks will be carried out with far more collaboration. As just one example, the fraction of economics papers that are co-authored has more than doubled in the 30 years that I have been an economist. More significant, collaboration is a much greater par,. of what workers do, what businesses do and what governments do. Yet the great superiority of work a student does is done alone at every level in the educational system. Indeed, excessive collaboration with others goes by the name of cheating.
H.For most people, school is the last time they will be evaluated on indivividual effort. One leading investment bank has a hiring process in which a candidate must interview with upward of 60 senior members of the firm before receiving an offer. What is the most important specialty they're looking for? Not GMAT scores or college transcripts ( 成绩单), but the ability to work with others. As greater value is placed on collaboration, surely it should be practiced more in our nation's classrooms.
I.3. New technologies will profoundly alter the way knowledge is conveyed. Electronic readers allow textbooks to be constantly revised, and to mix audio and visual effects. Think of a music text in which you can hear pieces of music as you read, or a history text in which you can see film clips about what you are reading. But there are more profound changes set in train. There was a time when professors had to prepare materials for their students. Then it became clear that it would be a better system if textbooks were written by just a few of the most able: faculty members would be freed up and materials would be improved, as competition drove up textbook quality.
J.Similarly, it makes sense for students to watch video of the clearest math teacher or the most distinct analyst of the Revolutionary War rather than having thousands of separate efforts. Professors will have more time for direct discussion with students--not to mention the cost savings--and material will be better presented. In a 2008 survey of first-and second-year medical students at Harvard, those who used accelerated video lectures reported being more focused and learning more material faster than when they attended lectures in person.
K.4. As articulated ted (明确有力地表达.by the Nobel Prize-winner Daniel Kahneman in "Thinking, Fast and Slow," we understand the processes of humaa thought much better than we once did. We are not rational calculating machines but collections of modules, each programmed to be skillful at a particular set of tasks. Not everyone learns most effectively in the same way. And yet in the face of all evidence, we rely almost entirely on passive learning. Students listen to lectures or they read and then are evaluated on the basis of their ability to demonstrate content mastery. They aren't asked to actively use the knowledge they are acquiring.
L."Active learning classrooms"—which gather students at tables, with furniture that can be rearranged and integrated technology—help professors interact with their students through the use of media and collaborative experiences. Still, with the capacity of modern information technology, there is much more that can be done to promote dynamic learning.
M.5. The world is much more open, and events abroad affect the lives of Americans more than ever before. This makes it essential that the educational experience breed cosmopolitanism ( 国际化)—that students have international experiences, and classes in the social sciences draw on examples from around the world. It seems logical, too, that more in the way of language study be expected of students. I am not so sure.
There is no fixed way of effective learning because, people are collections of modules rather than rational calculating machines.
A.A paradox (悖论) of American higher education is this: The expectations of leading universities do much to define what secondary schools teach, and much to establish a sample for what it means to be an educated man or woman. College campuses are seen as the source for the newest thinking and for the generation of new ideas, as society's cutting edge.
B. B. And the world is changing very rapidly. Think social networking or stem cells. Most companies look nothing like they did 50 years ago. Think General Motors, AT&T or Goldman Sachs.
C. C. Yet undergraduate education changes remarkably little over time. My predecessor as Harvard President, Derek Bok, famously compared the difficulty of reforming a curriculum with the difficulty of moving a cemetery (公墓). With few exceptions, just as in the middle of the 20th century, students take four courses a term, each meeting for about three hours a week, usually with a teacher standing in front of the room. Students are evaluated on the basis of examination essays handwritten in blue books and relatively short research papers. Instructors are organized into departments, most of whichbear the same names they did when the grandparents of today's students were undergraduates. A vastmajority of students still major in one or two disciplines centered on a particular department.
D. D. It may be that inertia (惯性) is appropriate. Part of universities' function is to keep alive man'sgreatest creations, passing them from generation to generation. Certainly anyone urging reform doeswell to remember that in higher education the United States remains an example to the world, and thatAmerican universities compete for foreign students more successfully than almost any other Americanindustry competes for foreign customers.
E. E. Nonetheless, it is interesting to speculate: Suppose the educational system is drastically altered torefleot the structure of society and what we now understand about how people learn. How will whatuniversities teach be different? Here are some guesses and hopes.
F. F.1. Education will be more about how to process and use information and less about instructing it. Thisis a consequence of both the explosion of knowledge--and how much of it any student can truly absorb--and changes in technology. Before the printing press, scholars might have had to memorize The Canterbury Tales to have continuing access to them. This seems a bit ridiculous to us today. Bu tin a world where the entire Library of Congress will soon be accessible on a mobile device with search procedures that are vastly better than any card catalog, factual mastery will become less and less important.
G. G.2. An inevitable consequence of the knowledge explosion is that tasks will be carried out with far more collaboration. As just one example, the fraction of economics papers that are co-authored has more than doubled in the 30 years that I have been an economist. More significant, collaboration is a much greater par,. of what workers do, what businesses do and what governments do. Yet the great superiority of work a student does is done alone at every level in the educational system. Indeed, excessive collaboration with others goes by the name of cheating.
H. H. For most people, school is the last time they will be evaluated on indivividual effort. One leading investment bank has a hiring process in which a candidate must interview with upward of 60 senior members of the firm before receiving an offer. What is the most important specialty they're looking for? Not GMAT scores or college transcripts ( 成绩单), but the ability to work with others. As greater value is placed on collaboration, surely it should be practiced more in our nation's classrooms.
I. I.3. New technologies will profoundly alter the way knowledge is conveyed. Electronic readers allow textbooks to be constantly revised, and to mix audio and visual effects. Think of a music text in which you can hear pieces of music as you read, or a history text in which you can see film clips about what you are reading. But there are more profound changes set in train. There was a time when professors had to prepare materials for their students. Then it became clear that it would be a better system if textbooks were written by just a few of the most able: faculty members would be freed up and materials would be improved, as competition drove up textbook quality.
J. J. Similarly, it makes sense for students to watch video of the clearest math teacher or the most distinct analyst of the Revolutionary War rather than having thousands of separate efforts. Professors will have more time for direct discussion with students--not to mention the cost savings--and material will be better presented. In a 2008 survey of first-and second-year medical students at Harvard, those who used accelerated video lectures reported being more focused and learning more material faster than when they attended lectures in person.
K. K
M.4. As articulated ted (明确有力地表达) by the Nobel Prize-winner Daniel Kahneman in "Thinking, Fast and Slow," we understand the processes of humaa thought much better than we once did. We are not rational calculating machines but collections of modules, each programmed to be skillful at a particular set of tasks. Not everyone learns most effectively in the same way. And yet in the face of all evidence, we rely almost entirely on passive learning. Students listen to lectures or they read and then are evaluated on the basis of their ability to demonstrate content mastery. They aren't asked to actively use the knowledge they are acquiring.
N. L. "Active learning classrooms"—which gather students at tables, with furniture that can be rearranged and integrated technology—help professors interact with their students through the use of media and collaborative experiences. Still, with the capacity of modern information technology, there is much more that can be done to promote dynamic learning.
O. M. 5. The world is much more open, and events abroad affect the lives of Americans more than ever before. This makes it essential that the educational experience breed cosmopolitanism ( 国际化)—that students have international experiences, and classes in the social sciences draw on examples from around the world. It seems logical, too, that more in the way of language study be expected of students. I am not so sure.
4、Questions are based on the following passage.
A newstudy shows a large gender gap on economic policy among the nation's professional economists,a divide similar to the gender divide found in the general public.
"Asa group, we are pro-market," says Ann Marl May, co-author of the study anda University of Nebraska economist. "But women are more likely to acceptgovernment regulation and involvement in economic activity than our malecolleagues. "
"It'svery puzzling," says free market economist Veronique de Rugy of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. "Not a .day goes by that Idon't ask myself why there are so few women economists on the free market side."
A nativeof France, de Rugy supported government intervention (干预) early in her life butchanged her mind after studying economics. "We want many of the samethings as liberals--less poverty, more health care--but have radicallydifferent ideas on how to achieve it. "
IAberaleconomist Dean Baker, co-founder of the Center for Economic Policy andResearch, says male economists have been on the inside of the profession,confirming each other's antiregulation views. Women, as outsiders, "aremore likely to think independently or at least see people outside of theeconomics profession as forming their peer group," he says.
Thegender balance in economics is changing. One-third of economics doctorates (博士学位) now go to women."More diversity is needed at the table when pubflc policy isdiscussed," May says.
Economistsdo agree on some things. Female economists agree with men that Europe has toomuch regulation and that Wal-mart is good for society. Male economists agreewith their, female colleagues that military spending is too high.
Thegenders are most divorced from each other on the question of equality forwomen. Male economists overwhelmingly think the wage gap between men and womenis largely the result of indi~fluals' skills, experience and voluntary choices.Female economists overwhelmingly disagree by a margin of 4-to-1.
Thebiggest disagreement: 76% of women say faculty opportunities in economics favormen. Male economists point the opposite way: 80% say women are favored or theprocess is neutral.
What is the finding of the new study?
A.The gender divide is a big concern of the general public.
B.Men and women understand economics quite differently.
C.The gap between male and female economists needs to be closed.
D.Male and female economists disagree widely on economic policy,
5、Questions are based on the following passage.
Becker had one occasional anxiety:the suspicion that he owned more than would fit comfortably into the case.The feeling,when it came,was the signal for him to throw something away or just leave it lying about.This was the automatic fate of his worn—out clothes for example.Having no use for choice or variety,he kept just a raincoat,a suit,a pair of shoes and a few shirts,socks and so on,no more in the clothing line.He bought and read many books,and left them wherever he happened to be sitting when he finished them.They quickly found new owners.
Becker was a professional traveler,interested and interestin9.He was not one t0 “do” a country in a week or a city in three days.He liked to get the feel of a place by living in it,reading its newspapers,watching its TV and discussing its affairs.He always tried to make a few friends,if necessary even by stopping a suitable—looking person in the street and talking to him.It worked well in about one case inten.Though Becker’s health gave him no cause for alarm,he made.a point of seeing a doctor as soon as he arrived anywhere.“A doctor knows a place and its people better than anyone,”he used to say.
He never went to see a doctor,he always sent for one,that,he found,was the quickest way to gain confidences,which came out freely as soon as he mentioned that he was a writer.
Becker was an artist as well.He painted pictures of his places and,when he had gathered enough information,he wrote about them.He sold his work,through an agent,to newspapers and magazines.It was an agreeable sort of life for a good social mixer,lived nearly always in fine weather,and as Becker never stayed anywhere for long,he enjoyed the satisfying advantage of paying very little in tax.
According to the passage,the anxiety of Becker was__________.
A.the doubt that he owned too much clothes
B.the thought of having too much baggage
C.the miserable fate of his worn out clothes
D.the decline in his memory
6、Questions are based on the following passage.
The typical pre—industrial family not only had a good many children,but numerous other dependents as well—grandparents,uncles,aunts and cousins.Such“extended”families were suited for survival in slow paced ___36___societies.But such families are hard to___37___.They are immobile.
Industrialism demanded masses of workers ready and able to move off the land in pursuit of jobs,and to move again whenever necessary.Thus the extended family38 shed its excess weight and the so called“nuclear”family emerged—a stripped—down,portable family unit___39___0nly of parents and a small set of children.
This new style of family,far more___40___than the traditional extended family,became the standard model in all the industrial countries.Super-industrialism,however,the next stage of ec0—technological development,___41___ even higher mobility.Thus we may expect many among the people of the future to carry the streamlining process,a step further by remaining children,cutting the family down to its more___42___components,a man and a woman.Two people,perhaps with matched careers,will prove more efficient at navigating through education and social status,through job changes and geographic relocations,than the ordinarily child—cluttered family.A___43___maybe the postponement of children,rather than childlessness.Men and women today are often torn in___44___between a commitment to career and a commitment to children.In the future,many___45___will side aside this problem by deferring the entire task of raising children until after retirement.
7、Section C
Directions: in this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.
Underground tickets are available at all underground situations. Ticket prices for the underground 26 according to the distance you travel. The network is 27 five zones, a central zone and four outer zones. Generally, your 28 will increase, the more zones you travel through. You must buy your ticket before you start your journey, from a ticket office or machine. Keep your ticket for 29 and collection at your destination.
The easiest and most 30 way to travel around London is with a travel-card. This gives you the freedom of London’s trains, tubes and buses in whichever zones you choose. It’s 31 for the visitor because one ticket 32 travel on the trains of Network Southeast, with the underground, DockLand Light Railway and most of London buses. It’s more convenient than buying 33 tickets for each journey. Travel-cards are available from any train or tube station.
A one-day travel-card is ideal for a day’s shopping, 34 and all touring trips in London. You can travel anywhere you like within the vast 650-square-mile travel-card areas. No need to keep queuing for tickets or carry a pocketful of change for ticket machines. Just use whatever form of transport suits you best for any combination of trips.
Travel-card season tickets include 7-day, monthly and annual tickets. This is the modern, convenient and 35 for our daily journey to work. For travel-card season tickets, please bring a passport-size photograph with you.
8、白色污染指的是塑料污染(plastic pollution)。不可回收的(unrecyclable)塑料午餐盒沿途到处都是。塑料购物袋在空中飞扬。如果我们继续使用这些会发生什么呢?有一天,它们会将我们埋葬在白色垃圾堆中。那时的地球—我们共同的家园将成为一个垃圾桶(dustbin)。为防止这个噩梦成为现实,政府间应该互相紧密合作并将口头承诺付诸实际行动。同时,我们应当从自身做起,为绿色环保出一份力。
1.白色污染指的是塑料污染(plastic pollution)。
9、Honesty Should Be Treasured

10、 Should Retirement Age Be Postponed?
1. 近年来,推迟退休年龄引发人们热议
2. 推迟退休年龄有利也有弊
3. 我的看法
How to Reinvent College Rankings:Show the Data Students Need Most
A. All rankings are misleading and biased (有偏见的.. But they're also the only way to pick a school. I've heard those exact words dozens of times and inferred their sentiment hundreds more. They undoubtedly were a major contributing factor in the 250.000 applications to the too colleges this past year. With only 14,000 chances available, there will be a lot of disappointed families when decisions are announced in a few days. For 30 years, I've co-authored bestselling books and provocative articles about how to improve one's chances of being accepted at a "top" college.
B. The first edition of our book Getting In! revealed what went on behind the admission committees' closed doors,and introduced the concepts of packaging and positioning to the college-application vocabulary. The newest edition adapts the same principles to the digital age. But the core messagere mains: good colleges are not looking for the well-rounded kid--they're looking to put together thewell-rounded class.
C. What were revelations in 1983 are common knowledge today--at least among college-bound students, parents, and counselors. They also don't have to be told that the odds of getting into a "highly selective" school are ridiculously low. Brown and Dartmouth will each accept about 9 percent of applicants; Cornell, Northwestern, and Georgetown about 16 percent. And Harvard, Yale, and Stanford? Forget about it: less than 7 percent!
D. Wanting to attend a "name" school isn't illogical. And there is nothing illogical in parents wanting a better return on their investment. A college's brand value--whether that school's name will be recognized and open employers' door.
E. Colleges, counselors, and parents talk a lot about finding the right "fit" between a school and a student. In reality, the process is dominated by reputation. The problem is that college reputation shave been controlled by rankings. Far too many "highly ranked" colleges are gaming the rankings and trying to attract more and more applicants--when the particular college is actually a poor "fit" for many of the kids applying. Colleges want to attract and reject more kids because that "selectivity" improves the institution's ranking. College presidents publicly complain there are too many college rankings. Privately, they admit they have to provide the data that feed that maw (大胃口.. They can't afford to be left off a rankings list. The real losers in this system are students and their parents. A bad fit is costly, not just in dollars, but in time, energy, and psychological well-being.
F. The emphasis should be on finding the right fit. But finding the right fit is not east. Subjective guide books like Edward Fiske's--originally titled the New York Times Selective Guide to Colleges--are very useful and consciously do not include rankings. Ted changed his three-category rating system to make it more difficult to simply add "stars" and rank-list colleges. Even families who can afford to visit lots of colleges and endure the backward-walking tours find that carious personalities soon blur in their memory.
G. Thus it is not surprising that anxious, busy parents turn to rankings for shorthand comfort. Unfortunately, the data that U, S. News and other media companies are collecting are largely irrelevant. As a result, the rankings they generate are not meaningless, just misleading. Some examples: U. S. News places a good deal of emphasis on the percentage of faculty who hold a" terminal degree"--typically a Ph. D. Unfortunately, a terminal degree does not correlate (相关的.in any way with whether that professor is a good teacher. It also doesn't improve that professor's accessibility to students. In fact, there is usually such a correlation: the more senior the professor, the less time they have for undergraduates.
H. U.S. News' second most heavily weighted factor--after a college's six-year graduation rate--is a peer assessment of colleges by college presidents and admissions deans. You read that right: administrators are asked to evaluate colleges that are competitive with their own school. If not an complete conflict of interest, this measure is highly suspect.
I. Even some seemingly reasonable "inputs" are often meaningless. U.S. News heavily weights the number of classes with fewer than 20 students. But small classes are like comfort food., it is what high-school kids are familiar with. They have never sat in a large lecture hall with a very interesting speaker. So it is not something they could look forward or value.
J. While most rankings suffer from major problems in criteria(标准. and inputs, the biggest problem is simpler: all the ranking systems use weightings that reflect the editors' personal biases. Very simply,some editors' priorities are undoubtedly going be different from what is important to me. Assuredly preferences are different from my kids', And both will differ markedly from our neighbors' objectives.
K. Colleges say they truly want to attract kids for whom the school will be a good fit. To make good on that promise, colleges need to provide families with insight, not just information; and they need to focus on outputs, not. just inputs. Collecting and sharing four sets of very different data would be a good start; Better insight into the quality of education a student will get on that campus. Colleges need to share the exam scores for all students applying to medical school, law school, business school, and graduate programs. These tests reflect not just the ability of the kids who've gone to that college, but what they've learned in the three-plus years they've attended. Colleges need to assess a campus "happiness" coefficient (系数.. A happy campus is a more productive learning environment; and one that has a lower incidence of alcohol and drug abuse. The full debt that families incur (招致. ; not just student debt. The salaries of graduates one, five, and 10 years after graduation.
L. A fifth useful metric is what employers--both nationally and regionally--think of graduates from particular colleges. Hiring preferences are a useful proxy (代表.for reputation.
M. The last piece in enabling families to find a better fit will come from entrepreneurs. Some smart "kid" will develop an online tool that will allow students and parents to take this new college-reported data and assign weighting factors to the characteristics that are important to them. The tool would then generate a customized ranking of colleges that reflects the family's priorities--not some editor's.
N. Colleges may complain about the rankings, but they are complicit (串通一气的. in keeping them. It is reminiscent (怀旧的. of the classic Claude Raines line in Casablanca: "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!" ff colleges really want kids for whom their college is a good fit, they will collect and publish the types of honest data that will give families a better basis for smart decisions.
The rankings generated on the basis of data collected by U.S. News and other media companies are misleading.
A. Like many of its Caribbean neighbors, Haiti once drew many tourists. But decades of political instability, repression and poverty, as well as natural disasters, led to the decay of the tourism infrastructure, and almost no visitors come now. Officials would like to change that. The arts town of
Jacmel is one place they think could be a start.
B. A couple of untidy aid workers were sucking down Sunday morning beers at the Hotel Florita here when the minister of tourism rolled up to the roadside, followed by the interior minister with body guards and then the star of the show, New York fashion designer Donna Karan of DKNY. The notables
were in Jacmel, the funky (含有黑人韵味的爵士 ) art and carnival capital of Haiti, to plot the transformation of the earthquake-rattled port from a faded flower of the Caribbean to a resort destination for celebrities.
C. "We're trying to rebrand Haiti, and so we're bringing Donna here to help us with our vision," TourismMinister Stephanie Balrmir Villedrouin said in an interview. "We're trying to raise the bar a little bit,"Said Karma, as she swept through the abandoned Hotel Jacmeliernne--its seaside swimming pool greenwith grass, its overgrown gardens littered with broken glass--" Oh. we can definitely work with this!"
D. As hard as it may be for young Haitians to believe, their country was once a tourist destination. Evenduring the bad old days of the Duvaiier dictatorships ( 独裁), the tourists came. Or at least a few: seeGraham Greene's 1966 novel The Comedians, set incidentally at a hotel and based on a real-lifemansion (大厦), the Hotel Oloffson in the capital; the hotel is still in operation but is now run byRichard Morse, front man for the rock band RAM and the new government's special political envoy (大使) to the Americas. Today, nobody visits Haiti for fun, except Haitians returning from the abroad.The arrivals at the Port-au-Prince airport is filled with Baptist missionaries, UN officials and Americannurses--not a real tourist in sight.
Tourism dollars
E. Yet across the Caribbean, revenue from tourism represents about 16 percent of gross domesticproduct, and many island nations, such as the Bahamas, Barbados and Antigua, generate at least athird of their GDP from visitors. For most of the Caribbean, tourists' dollars, euros and pesos (比索)are the No. 1 source of foreign investment.
F. Haiti let its tourism infrastructure degrade over three decades of political instability, hurricanes,earthquakes and deadly disease. But the poorest country in the Western hemisphere has a lot to offerthe adventuresome visitor, according to international planners and Haitian officials. The Creole Frenchcuisine (美食) here is some of the best in the Caribbean; its artisans are of world renown, its blend ofAfrican and Spanish music unique. All this, and rock music, too.
G. The still-evolving plans for Haiti 2. 0 forecast Jacmel as a stand-alone destination, meaning touristswould not land in the disordered, dangerous, poor capital, Port-au-Prince, but arrive directly here viaair or boat.
H.With development aid from banks and donor nations, the government of former carnival singer andcurrent President Michel Martelly is planning to extend the airport runway at Jacmel so it canacconunodate small jets that would shuttle from Miami and Fort Lauderdale, Fla. ; Puerto Rico; and Guadaloupe. The deserted port is also scheduled for restoration to allow big cruise ships to dock.
I. in the late 1800s, Jacmel was an important Caribbean crossroads in Haiti—then called the "Pearl of theAntilles"--and its downtown still harbors the Creole architecture of iron balconies and shuttered ware houses for coffee and orange peel. The town reminds many visitors of the French Quarter in New Orleans, and it hosts one of the best carnivals in the Caribbean, as well as a music festival and a filmfestival, now straggling to gain promotion again after the 2010 earthquake.
Seeing potential in ruin
J.Donna Karan knows Jacmel well; she shot her fall catalog at the Hotel Florita. The New Yorker gamelyjumped into the bed of a small track for a tour of town. It stopped at the Manoir Alexandre, once the most prominent building in the city and now a rain that is slowly being restored by Leon Paul, aHaitian American orthopedic surgeon from New York.
K. "We want to restore the mansion to its former glory, but as you can see, that is a big job," Paul saidas he walked Karan through the property, with its peeling wallpaper, holes in the roof, missing stairsand tilting balcony.
L. He said Jacmel, his home town, will rise from the ruins, and he promised that someday soon, Haitiansand visitors will be sitting in his restored mansion, listening to a band, drinking rum and celebrating.
As Karan crawled through the ruins, she saw not despair, but hope: "Wow. Look at this. These aremy colors. The rust, yellow and blue. Take a picture. This is perfect!"
In the Caribbean, Jacmel is well-known for its music festival, film festival and carnivals.
3、 根据以下内容,回答题。
What You Really Need to Know
A. A paradox (悖论.of American higher education is this: The expectations of leading universities do much to define what secondary schools teach, and much to establish a sample for what it means to be an educated man or woman. College campuses are seen as the source for the newest thinking and for the generation of new ideas, as society's cutting edge.
B. And the world is changing very rapidly. Think social networking or stem cells. Most companies look nothing like they did 50 years ago. Think General Motors, AT&T or Goldman Sachs.
C. Yet undergraduate education changes remarkably little over time. My predecessor as Harvard President, Derek Bok, famously compared the difficulty of reforming a curriculum with the difficulty of moving a cemetery (公墓). With few exceptions, just as in the middle of the 20th century, students take four courses a term, each meeting for about three hours a week, usually with a teacher standing in front of the room. Students are evaluated on the basis of examination essays handwritten in blue books and relatively short research papers. Instructors are organized into departments, most of whichbear the same names they did when the grandparents of today's students were undergraduates. A vastmajority of students still major in one or two disciplines centered on a particular department.
D. It may be that inertia (惯性.is appropriate. Part of universities' function is to keep alive man'sgreatest creations, passing them from generation to generation. Certainly anyone urging reform doeswell to remember that in higher education the United States remains an example to the world, and thatAmerican universities compete for foreign students more successfully than almost any other Americanindustry competes for foreign customers.
E.Nonetheless, it is interesting to speculate: Suppose the educational system is drastically altered torefleot the structure of society and what we now understand about how people learn. How will whatuniversities teach be different? Here are some guesses and hopes.
F.1. Education will be more about how to process and use information and less about instructing it. Thisis a consequence of both the explosion of knowledge--and how much of it any student can truly absorb--and changes in technology. Before the printing press, scholars might have had to memorize The Canterbury Tales to have continuing access to them. This seems a bit ridiculous to us today. Bu tin a world where the entire Library of Congress will soon be accessible on a mobile device with search procedures that are vastly better than any card catalog, factual mastery will become less and less important.
G.2. An inevitable consequence of the knowledge explosion is that tasks will be carried out with far more collaboration. As just one example, the fraction of economics papers that are co-authored has more than doubled in the 30 years that I have been an economist. More significant, collaboration is a much greater par,. of what workers do, what businesses do and what governments do. Yet the great superiority of work a student does is done alone at every level in the educational system. Indeed, excessive collaboration with others goes by the name of cheating.
H.For most people, school is the last time they will be evaluated on indivividual effort. One leading investment bank has a hiring process in which a candidate must interview with upward of 60 senior members of the firm before receiving an offer. What is the most important specialty they're looking for? Not GMAT scores or college transcripts ( 成绩单), but the ability to work with others. As greater value is placed on collaboration, surely it should be practiced more in our nation's classrooms.
I.3. New technologies will profoundly alter the way knowledge is conveyed. Electronic readers allow textbooks to be constantly revised, and to mix audio and visual effects. Think of a music text in which you can hear pieces of music as you read, or a history text in which you can see film clips about what you are reading. But there are more profound changes set in train. There was a time when professors had to prepare materials for their students. Then it became clear that it would be a better system if textbooks were written by just a few of the most able: faculty members would be freed up and materials would be improved, as competition drove up textbook quality.
J.Similarly, it makes sense for students to watch video of the clearest math teacher or the most distinct analyst of the Revolutionary War rather than having thousands of separate efforts. Professors will have more time for direct discussion with students--not to mention the cost savings--and material will be better presented. In a 2008 survey of first-and second-year medical students at Harvard, those who used accelerated video lectures reported being more focused and learning more material faster than when they attended lectures in person.
K.4. As articulated ted (明确有力地表达.by the Nobel Prize-winner Daniel Kahneman in "Thinking, Fast and Slow," we understand the processes of humaa thought much better than we once did. We are not rational calculating machines but collections of modules, each programmed to be skillful at a particular set of tasks. Not everyone learns most effectively in the same way. And yet in the face of all evidence, we rely almost entirely on passive learning. Students listen to lectures or they read and then are evaluated on the basis of their ability to demonstrate content mastery. They aren't asked to actively use the knowledge they are acquiring.
L."Active learning classrooms"—which gather students at tables, with furniture that can be rearranged and integrated technology—help professors interact with their students through the use of media and collaborative experiences. Still, with the capacity of modern information technology, there is much more that can be done to promote dynamic learning.
M.5. The world is much more open, and events abroad affect the lives of Americans more than ever before. This makes it essential that the educational experience breed cosmopolitanism ( 国际化)—that students have international experiences, and classes in the social sciences draw on examples from around the world. It seems logical, too, that more in the way of language study be expected of students. I am not so sure.
There is no fixed way of effective learning because, people are collections of modules rather than rational calculating machines.
A.A paradox (悖论) of American higher education is this: The expectations of leading universities do much to define what secondary schools teach, and much to establish a sample for what it means to be an educated man or woman. College campuses are seen as the source for the newest thinking and for the generation of new ideas, as society's cutting edge.
B. B. And the world is changing very rapidly. Think social networking or stem cells. Most companies look nothing like they did 50 years ago. Think General Motors, AT&T or Goldman Sachs.
C. C. Yet undergraduate education changes remarkably little over time. My predecessor as Harvard President, Derek Bok, famously compared the difficulty of reforming a curriculum with the difficulty of moving a cemetery (公墓). With few exceptions, just as in the middle of the 20th century, students take four courses a term, each meeting for about three hours a week, usually with a teacher standing in front of the room. Students are evaluated on the basis of examination essays handwritten in blue books and relatively short research papers. Instructors are organized into departments, most of whichbear the same names they did when the grandparents of today's students were undergraduates. A vastmajority of students still major in one or two disciplines centered on a particular department.
D. D. It may be that inertia (惯性) is appropriate. Part of universities' function is to keep alive man'sgreatest creations, passing them from generation to generation. Certainly anyone urging reform doeswell to remember that in higher education the United States remains an example to the world, and thatAmerican universities compete for foreign students more successfully than almost any other Americanindustry competes for foreign customers.
E. E. Nonetheless, it is interesting to speculate: Suppose the educational system is drastically altered torefleot the structure of society and what we now understand about how people learn. How will whatuniversities teach be different? Here are some guesses and hopes.
F. F.1. Education will be more about how to process and use information and less about instructing it. Thisis a consequence of both the explosion of knowledge--and how much of it any student can truly absorb--and changes in technology. Before the printing press, scholars might have had to memorize The Canterbury Tales to have continuing access to them. This seems a bit ridiculous to us today. Bu tin a world where the entire Library of Congress will soon be accessible on a mobile device with search procedures that are vastly better than any card catalog, factual mastery will become less and less important.
G. G.2. An inevitable consequence of the knowledge explosion is that tasks will be carried out with far more collaboration. As just one example, the fraction of economics papers that are co-authored has more than doubled in the 30 years that I have been an economist. More significant, collaboration is a much greater par,. of what workers do, what businesses do and what governments do. Yet the great superiority of work a student does is done alone at every level in the educational system. Indeed, excessive collaboration with others goes by the name of cheating.
H. H. For most people, school is the last time they will be evaluated on indivividual effort. One leading investment bank has a hiring process in which a candidate must interview with upward of 60 senior members of the firm before receiving an offer. What is the most important specialty they're looking for? Not GMAT scores or college transcripts ( 成绩单), but the ability to work with others. As greater value is placed on collaboration, surely it should be practiced more in our nation's classrooms.
I. I.3. New technologies will profoundly alter the way knowledge is conveyed. Electronic readers allow textbooks to be constantly revised, and to mix audio and visual effects. Think of a music text in which you can hear pieces of music as you read, or a history text in which you can see film clips about what you are reading. But there are more profound changes set in train. There was a time when professors had to prepare materials for their students. Then it became clear that it would be a better system if textbooks were written by just a few of the most able: faculty members would be freed up and materials would be improved, as competition drove up textbook quality.
J. J. Similarly, it makes sense for students to watch video of the clearest math teacher or the most distinct analyst of the Revolutionary War rather than having thousands of separate efforts. Professors will have more time for direct discussion with students--not to mention the cost savings--and material will be better presented. In a 2008 survey of first-and second-year medical students at Harvard, those who used accelerated video lectures reported being more focused and learning more material faster than when they attended lectures in person.
K. K
M.4. As articulated ted (明确有力地表达) by the Nobel Prize-winner Daniel Kahneman in "Thinking, Fast and Slow," we understand the processes of humaa thought much better than we once did. We are not rational calculating machines but collections of modules, each programmed to be skillful at a particular set of tasks. Not everyone learns most effectively in the same way. And yet in the face of all evidence, we rely almost entirely on passive learning. Students listen to lectures or they read and then are evaluated on the basis of their ability to demonstrate content mastery. They aren't asked to actively use the knowledge they are acquiring.
N. L. "Active learning classrooms"—which gather students at tables, with furniture that can be rearranged and integrated technology—help professors interact with their students through the use of media and collaborative experiences. Still, with the capacity of modern information technology, there is much more that can be done to promote dynamic learning.
O. M. 5. The world is much more open, and events abroad affect the lives of Americans more than ever before. This makes it essential that the educational experience breed cosmopolitanism ( 国际化)—that students have international experiences, and classes in the social sciences draw on examples from around the world. It seems logical, too, that more in the way of language study be expected of students. I am not so sure.
4、Questions are based on the following passage.
A newstudy shows a large gender gap on economic policy among the nation's professional economists,a divide similar to the gender divide found in the general public.
"Asa group, we are pro-market," says Ann Marl May, co-author of the study anda University of Nebraska economist. "But women are more likely to acceptgovernment regulation and involvement in economic activity than our malecolleagues. "
"It'svery puzzling," says free market economist Veronique de Rugy of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. "Not a .day goes by that Idon't ask myself why there are so few women economists on the free market side."
A nativeof France, de Rugy supported government intervention (干预) early in her life butchanged her mind after studying economics. "We want many of the samethings as liberals--less poverty, more health care--but have radicallydifferent ideas on how to achieve it. "
IAberaleconomist Dean Baker, co-founder of the Center for Economic Policy andResearch, says male economists have been on the inside of the profession,confirming each other's antiregulation views. Women, as outsiders, "aremore likely to think independently or at least see people outside of theeconomics profession as forming their peer group," he says.
Thegender balance in economics is changing. One-third of economics doctorates (博士学位) now go to women."More diversity is needed at the table when pubflc policy isdiscussed," May says.
Economistsdo agree on some things. Female economists agree with men that Europe has toomuch regulation and that Wal-mart is good for society. Male economists agreewith their, female colleagues that military spending is too high.
Thegenders are most divorced from each other on the question of equality forwomen. Male economists overwhelmingly think the wage gap between men and womenis largely the result of indi~fluals' skills, experience and voluntary choices.Female economists overwhelmingly disagree by a margin of 4-to-1.
Thebiggest disagreement: 76% of women say faculty opportunities in economics favormen. Male economists point the opposite way: 80% say women are favored or theprocess is neutral.
What is the finding of the new study?
A.The gender divide is a big concern of the general public.
B.Men and women understand economics quite differently.
C.The gap between male and female economists needs to be closed.
D.Male and female economists disagree widely on economic policy,
5、Questions are based on the following passage.
Becker had one occasional anxiety:the suspicion that he owned more than would fit comfortably into the case.The feeling,when it came,was the signal for him to throw something away or just leave it lying about.This was the automatic fate of his worn—out clothes for example.Having no use for choice or variety,he kept just a raincoat,a suit,a pair of shoes and a few shirts,socks and so on,no more in the clothing line.He bought and read many books,and left them wherever he happened to be sitting when he finished them.They quickly found new owners.
Becker was a professional traveler,interested and interestin9.He was not one t0 “do” a country in a week or a city in three days.He liked to get the feel of a place by living in it,reading its newspapers,watching its TV and discussing its affairs.He always tried to make a few friends,if necessary even by stopping a suitable—looking person in the street and talking to him.It worked well in about one case inten.Though Becker’s health gave him no cause for alarm,he made.a point of seeing a doctor as soon as he arrived anywhere.“A doctor knows a place and its people better than anyone,”he used to say.
He never went to see a doctor,he always sent for one,that,he found,was the quickest way to gain confidences,which came out freely as soon as he mentioned that he was a writer.
Becker was an artist as well.He painted pictures of his places and,when he had gathered enough information,he wrote about them.He sold his work,through an agent,to newspapers and magazines.It was an agreeable sort of life for a good social mixer,lived nearly always in fine weather,and as Becker never stayed anywhere for long,he enjoyed the satisfying advantage of paying very little in tax.
According to the passage,the anxiety of Becker was__________.
A.the doubt that he owned too much clothes
B.the thought of having too much baggage
C.the miserable fate of his worn out clothes
D.the decline in his memory
6、Questions are based on the following passage.
The typical pre—industrial family not only had a good many children,but numerous other dependents as well—grandparents,uncles,aunts and cousins.Such“extended”families were suited for survival in slow paced ___36___societies.But such families are hard to___37___.They are immobile.
Industrialism demanded masses of workers ready and able to move off the land in pursuit of jobs,and to move again whenever necessary.Thus the extended family38 shed its excess weight and the so called“nuclear”family emerged—a stripped—down,portable family unit___39___0nly of parents and a small set of children.
This new style of family,far more___40___than the traditional extended family,became the standard model in all the industrial countries.Super-industrialism,however,the next stage of ec0—technological development,___41___ even higher mobility.Thus we may expect many among the people of the future to carry the streamlining process,a step further by remaining children,cutting the family down to its more___42___components,a man and a woman.Two people,perhaps with matched careers,will prove more efficient at navigating through education and social status,through job changes and geographic relocations,than the ordinarily child—cluttered family.A___43___maybe the postponement of children,rather than childlessness.Men and women today are often torn in___44___between a commitment to career and a commitment to children.In the future,many___45___will side aside this problem by deferring the entire task of raising children until after retirement.

7、Section C
Directions: in this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.
Underground tickets are available at all underground situations. Ticket prices for the underground 26 according to the distance you travel. The network is 27 five zones, a central zone and four outer zones. Generally, your 28 will increase, the more zones you travel through. You must buy your ticket before you start your journey, from a ticket office or machine. Keep your ticket for 29 and collection at your destination.
The easiest and most 30 way to travel around London is with a travel-card. This gives you the freedom of London’s trains, tubes and buses in whichever zones you choose. It’s 31 for the visitor because one ticket 32 travel on the trains of Network Southeast, with the underground, DockLand Light Railway and most of London buses. It’s more convenient than buying 33 tickets for each journey. Travel-cards are available from any train or tube station.
A one-day travel-card is ideal for a day’s shopping, 34 and all touring trips in London. You can travel anywhere you like within the vast 650-square-mile travel-card areas. No need to keep queuing for tickets or carry a pocketful of change for ticket machines. Just use whatever form of transport suits you best for any combination of trips.
Travel-card season tickets include 7-day, monthly and annual tickets. This is the modern, convenient and 35 for our daily journey to work. For travel-card season tickets, please bring a passport-size photograph with you.
8、白色污染指的是塑料污染(plastic pollution)。不可回收的(unrecyclable)塑料午餐盒沿途到处都是。塑料购物袋在空中飞扬。如果我们继续使用这些会发生什么呢?有一天,它们会将我们埋葬在白色垃圾堆中。那时的地球—我们共同的家园将成为一个垃圾桶(dustbin)。为防止这个噩梦成为现实,政府间应该互相紧密合作并将口头承诺付诸实际行动。同时,我们应当从自身做起,为绿色环保出一份力。
1.白色污染指的是塑料污染(plastic pollution)。
9、Honesty Should Be Treasured

10、 Should Retirement Age Be Postponed?
1. 近年来,推迟退休年龄引发人们热议
2. 推迟退休年龄有利也有弊
3. 我的看法