在线测试本批《每日一练》试题,可查看答案及解析,并保留做题记录 >> 在线做题
A.The woman is now working in a kindergarten.
B.The man will soon start a business of his own.
C.The man would like to be a high school teacher.
D.The woman is going to major in child education.
2、Questions are based on the following passage.
Most people would agree that,although our age exceeds all previous ages in knowledge,there has been no corresponding increase in wisdom.But agreement ceases as soon as we attempt to define“wisdom”and consider means of promoting it.
There are several factors that contribute to wisdom.Of these I should put first a sense of proportion:the capacity to take account of all the important factors in a problem and to attach to each its due weight.This has become more difficult than it used to be owing to the extent and complexity of the special knowledge required of various kinds of technicians.Suppose,for example,that you are engaged in research in scientific medicine.The work is difficult and is likely to absorb the whole of your mind.You have no time to consider the effect which your discoveries or inventions may have outside the field of medicine.You succeed(let us say)as modem medicine has succeeded,in enormously lowering the infant death—rate,not only in Europe and America,but also in Asia and Africa.This has the entirely unintended result of making the food supply inadequate and lowering the standard of life in the parts of the world that have the greatest populations.To take an even more dramatic example,which is in everybody’s mind at the present time:you study the makeup of the atom from a disinterested(无利害关系的)desire for knowledge,and by chance place in the hands of a powerful mad man the means of destroying the human race.
Therefore,with every increase of knowledge and skill,wisdom becomes more necessary,for every such increase augments(增强)our capacity for realizing our purposes,and therefore augments our capacity for evil,if our purposes are unwise.
Disagreement arises when people try to decide
A.how much more wisdom we have now than before
B.what wisdom is and how to develop it,
C.if there is a great increase of wisdom in our age
D.whether wisdom can be developed or not
Passage One
Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.
Living in a time when an ever-increasing number of news providers push a constant stream of headlines at us every day, people cannot say they do not feel overwhelmed.
But what of it's the ways we choose to read the news that make us feel overwhelmed? An interesting new study conducted by Avery Holton and Iris Chyi from the University of Texas looks at the factors that contribute to the concept of information overload.
They surveyed more than 750 adults on their digital consumption habits and perceptions of information overload. What the findings suggest, Holton said, is that the news platforms a person is using can play a bigger role in making him feel overwhelmed than the sheer number of news sources being consumed. So even if you read The Huffington Post and The New York Times in a day, you may not feel as drowned with news ff you read on your phone instead of on your desktop. The more contained, or even constrained, aplat form feels, the more it can contribute to people feeling less overwhelmed, Holton said.
That may also explain why people have feelings of being overwhelmed by Facebook, which like reading on the web, can be a bottomless hole of stories, videos, and endless links. But it doesn't explain why people in the survey had different feelings towards Twitter, which can also be a stream of links.
One possible explanation is whether you define yourself" as a news fan. The survey asked people to report. how much they enjoyed keeping up with the new——people who said they did had less of a perception of information overload. If you're the type of person who wants to follow news during the day, it's likely you have an established routine and a set of sites you check regularly. You also may not need as much context around the news. All of that would make Twitter a good source for you.
Conversely, if you're more passive about following the news, you might need to make more , of an effort to find the right sources or find background or contextual information, which could lead to feelings of being overloaded, Holton said. "Knowing what you're looking for can decrease overload or perceptions of overload. So can constant engagement," he said.
The new study conducted by Avery Holton and Iris Chyi
A.examines how news providers take advantage of headlines
B.studies what can lead to the concept of information overload
C.discusses solutions for people who feel overwhelmed
D.reviews different attitudes to the digital consumption
4、Although only in her teens,my sister is looking forward to_________(独自去海外学习).
5、Questions are based onthe following passage.
If it were only necessary to decidewhether to teach elementary science to everyone on a mass basis or to findind thegifted few and take them as far as they can go, our task would be fairlysimple. The public school 36_________ ,however, has no suchchoice, for the job must be 37_________ on at the same time.Because we depend so 38_________ uponscience and technology for our progress,we must produce 39_________ in many fields. Because wc live in ademocraticnation, whose citizens make the policies for the nation, largenumbers of us must be educated to understand, tosupport, and when necessary,to 40_________ the work of experts. The public school musteducate both producars andusers of scientific services.
In education, there should be a goodbalance among the branches of knowledge that contribute to effectivethinkingand wise judgment. Such balance is 41_________ by too much emphasison any one field. This question ofbalance involves not only the relation of thenatural sciences, the social sciences, and the arts but also relative 42_________ "among the natural sciencestbemselves.
Similarly, wc must have a balance betweencurrent and 43_________ knowledge. The attention of the public is 44_________drawn to new possibilities inscientific fields and the discovery of new knowledge; these should not beallowed toturn our attention away from the sound,45_________ materials thatform the basis of courses for beginners.
A. awarded
B . heavily
C. classical
D. display
E. established
F. system
G. involved
J. specially
L. establishment
M. specialists
N. carded
O. judge
6、端午节(the Duanwu Festival),也叫龙舟节(the Dragon Boat Festival),是中国农历(Chineselunar calendar)的五月初五。关于这个节日有很多传说,但是著名是屈原的传说。屈原是战国(the Warring States PerioD.时期楚国的一位大臣。他正直,忠诚,因为提出让国家和平繁荣的建议而为人所尊重。然而,国王的统治让屈原日益心灰意冷,他于农历五月初五自沉汨罗江。
A.The woman is now working in a kindergarten.
B.The man will soon start a business of his own.
C.The man would like to be a high school teacher.
D.The woman is going to major in child education.
2、Questions are based on the following passage.
Most people would agree that,although our age exceeds all previous ages in knowledge,there has been no corresponding increase in wisdom.But agreement ceases as soon as we attempt to define“wisdom”and consider means of promoting it.
There are several factors that contribute to wisdom.Of these I should put first a sense of proportion:the capacity to take account of all the important factors in a problem and to attach to each its due weight.This has become more difficult than it used to be owing to the extent and complexity of the special knowledge required of various kinds of technicians.Suppose,for example,that you are engaged in research in scientific medicine.The work is difficult and is likely to absorb the whole of your mind.You have no time to consider the effect which your discoveries or inventions may have outside the field of medicine.You succeed(let us say)as modem medicine has succeeded,in enormously lowering the infant death—rate,not only in Europe and America,but also in Asia and Africa.This has the entirely unintended result of making the food supply inadequate and lowering the standard of life in the parts of the world that have the greatest populations.To take an even more dramatic example,which is in everybody’s mind at the present time:you study the makeup of the atom from a disinterested(无利害关系的)desire for knowledge,and by chance place in the hands of a powerful mad man the means of destroying the human race.
Therefore,with every increase of knowledge and skill,wisdom becomes more necessary,for every such increase augments(增强)our capacity for realizing our purposes,and therefore augments our capacity for evil,if our purposes are unwise.
Disagreement arises when people try to decide
A.how much more wisdom we have now than before
B.what wisdom is and how to develop it,
C.if there is a great increase of wisdom in our age
D.whether wisdom can be developed or not
Passage One
Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.
Living in a time when an ever-increasing number of news providers push a constant stream of headlines at us every day, people cannot say they do not feel overwhelmed.
But what of it's the ways we choose to read the news that make us feel overwhelmed? An interesting new study conducted by Avery Holton and Iris Chyi from the University of Texas looks at the factors that contribute to the concept of information overload.
They surveyed more than 750 adults on their digital consumption habits and perceptions of information overload. What the findings suggest, Holton said, is that the news platforms a person is using can play a bigger role in making him feel overwhelmed than the sheer number of news sources being consumed. So even if you read The Huffington Post and The New York Times in a day, you may not feel as drowned with news ff you read on your phone instead of on your desktop. The more contained, or even constrained, aplat form feels, the more it can contribute to people feeling less overwhelmed, Holton said.
That may also explain why people have feelings of being overwhelmed by Facebook, which like reading on the web, can be a bottomless hole of stories, videos, and endless links. But it doesn't explain why people in the survey had different feelings towards Twitter, which can also be a stream of links.
One possible explanation is whether you define yourself" as a news fan. The survey asked people to report. how much they enjoyed keeping up with the new——people who said they did had less of a perception of information overload. If you're the type of person who wants to follow news during the day, it's likely you have an established routine and a set of sites you check regularly. You also may not need as much context around the news. All of that would make Twitter a good source for you.
Conversely, if you're more passive about following the news, you might need to make more , of an effort to find the right sources or find background or contextual information, which could lead to feelings of being overloaded, Holton said. "Knowing what you're looking for can decrease overload or perceptions of overload. So can constant engagement," he said.
The new study conducted by Avery Holton and Iris Chyi
A.examines how news providers take advantage of headlines
B.studies what can lead to the concept of information overload
C.discusses solutions for people who feel overwhelmed
D.reviews different attitudes to the digital consumption
4、Although only in her teens,my sister is looking forward to_________(独自去海外学习).
5、Questions are based onthe following passage.
If it were only necessary to decidewhether to teach elementary science to everyone on a mass basis or to findind thegifted few and take them as far as they can go, our task would be fairlysimple. The public school 36_________ ,however, has no suchchoice, for the job must be 37_________ on at the same time.Because we depend so 38_________ uponscience and technology for our progress,we must produce 39_________ in many fields. Because wc live in ademocraticnation, whose citizens make the policies for the nation, largenumbers of us must be educated to understand, tosupport, and when necessary,to 40_________ the work of experts. The public school musteducate both producars andusers of scientific services.
In education, there should be a goodbalance among the branches of knowledge that contribute to effectivethinkingand wise judgment. Such balance is 41_________ by too much emphasison any one field. This question ofbalance involves not only the relation of thenatural sciences, the social sciences, and the arts but also relative 42_________ "among the natural sciencestbemselves.
Similarly, wc must have a balance betweencurrent and 43_________ knowledge. The attention of the public is 44_________drawn to new possibilities inscientific fields and the discovery of new knowledge; these should not beallowed toturn our attention away from the sound,45_________ materials thatform the basis of courses for beginners.
A. awarded
B . heavily
C. classical
D. display
E. established
F. system
G. involved
J. specially
L. establishment
M. specialists
N. carded
O. judge
6、端午节(the Duanwu Festival),也叫龙舟节(the Dragon Boat Festival),是中国农历(Chineselunar calendar)的五月初五。关于这个节日有很多传说,但是著名是屈原的传说。屈原是战国(the Warring States PerioD.时期楚国的一位大臣。他正直,忠诚,因为提出让国家和平繁荣的建议而为人所尊重。然而,国王的统治让屈原日益心灰意冷,他于农历五月初五自沉汨罗江。
武术在我国源远流长,是中华民族传统文化的瑰宝(gem)。我们知道,一个民族的文化遗产,不仅仅属于一个民族,它会逐渐传播到世界的其他地方而成为人类的共同财富。为了更好地推广武术运动,使其与奥运项目接轨,中国武协和国际武联(the Chinese Wushu Association and International Wushu Federation)做了大量的艰苦卓绝的工作。现在武术运动已被列为一种具有与保龄球(bowling)运动和国际标准舞(international standard dance)同等地位的奥运表演项目。