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Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.
Eating a Mediterranean-style diet--packed with fruits,vegetables,legumes(豆类),nuts,olive oil and fish—is good for your heart. many studies have found. Now scientists are suggesting the diet may be good for your mental health,too.
A study of over 10,000 Spaniards followed for almost four and half years on average found that those who reported eating a healthy Mediterranean diet at the beginning of the study were about half as likely to develop depression than those who said they did not stick to the diet.
All of the participants were free of depression when they were recruited to the study,and each filled out a 136-item food frequency questionnaire when they joined. Based on their self-reported dietary habits,they were assigned a score between 0 and 9,with the highest score reflecting the closest sticking to a Mediterranean diet.
Over time,those who had scored between 5 and 9 on the Mediterranean diet were 42 percent to 51 percent less likely to develop depression,the study found,than those who scored between 0 and 2.
The study does not prove a cause—and-effect relationship between the Mediterranean diet and a lower risk for depression,only an association between the tw0.Still,many scientists are convinced that some damaging processes involved in cardiovascular(心脏血管的)disease may also play a role in mental health.
“Both cardiovascular disease and depression share common mechanisms,”said Dr. Miguel Angel Martinez. Gonzalez,professor of preventive medicine at University of Navarra in Pamplona, Spam,and senior author of the paper,published in the October issue of Archives of General Psychiatry.
The membranes(细胞膜)of our nerve cell are composed of fat,so the quality of fat that you are eating definitely has all influence on the quality of the neuron membranes,and the body’s combination of neurotransmitters is dependent on the vitamins you’re eating.” Dr. Martinez. Gonzalez added. “We think those least sticking to the Mediterranean dietary plan have a deficiency of essential nutrients.’’
The elements of the diet most closely linked to a lower risk of depression were fruits nuts and legumes,the study found.
Scientists have proved that a Mediterranean-style diet _____.
A.helps develop a healthy heart
B.results in a healthy mind
C.is popular among Spaniards
D.contains little fat
A Brief History of Online Shopping
A)When Amazon.com opened for business 15 years ago,it was nothing more than a few people packing and shipping boxes of books from a two-car garage in Bellevue, WaSh. Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder’ and CEO, had left New York City. for the Pacific Northwest,using some of his time on the road to write the company’s business plan. Books were packed on a table made out of an extra door they found lying in the new home a practice the company continues today in spirit by making many of the office’s desks out of doors.
B)Now, on its 15th anniversary, Amazon can raise a toast to being one of the largest online retailers in the world,selling everything from trumpets and golf carts to dishwashers and clothes. Despite the economic recession,online retail:in the U.S. grew 11% last year,according to a report released this March from Forrester Research. More than 150 million people about two-thirds of all Internet users in the U.S. -bought something online last year. It’s a staggering leap for an industry used by 27% of the nation's online population a decade ago.
C)One of the first known Web purchases took place. in 1994. It was an Italian pizza with mushrooms and extra cheese from Pizza Hut,a somewhat appropriate purchase for the early days of the Internet. When Amazon came on the scene not long after, selling books online was a curious idea. After all, why would people buy a textbook online when they could go to a bookstore? But eventually,a revolutionary change in culture and groupthink took place. Buying things online was all about price and selection,says Ellen Davis, a vice president with the National Retail Federation. If you lived in a small town with just one bookstore and they didn’t stock the novel you wanted,the Internet was a solution.
D)The big sellers were “hard goods,” those things you didn’t have to touch,feel or smell in order to buy, such as books, computers and other electronics. Now, nothing is off limits. “As the Internet has evolved,it’s become a channel where you can buy anything,”Davis says. “You can buy fragrances(香水)--something you would have normally thought you would need to go to a store and actually experience before you decided to buy. ”
E)Part of the shift has to do with the normalizing of giving out personal information online. All it takes is one click of the purchase button before consumers start to feel more comfortable using their Credit-card information online,Davis says. Now some consumers have so much trust that they allow retailers to save their credit-card and shipping information,which has given rise to a painless checkout process.
F) And part of it had to do with making the online experience more like an in-store shopping trip. Many sites geared themselves toward consumers who like to try before they buy. While Web shoppers technically have to buy the item first,sites such as Zappos, which specializes in shoes,and Piperlime, which sells clothes and accessories,offer free shipping on returns. If you buy it,try it and don’t like it,having to return the item is less of a concern. Other stores try to make it easier for customers to get the look and feel of a product without actually handling the goods. Sears.com and Gap.com allow customers to zoom(拉近)way in on products to examine their material and color up close. Others such as Bed,Bath&Beyond and Buy. com feature product videos that allow shoppers to see,for example, a grill(烤架)cleaner in action. And then there are sites like Overstock.com that capitalize on the goods physical stores can’t sell. Beyond its discounts, Overstock.com wins customer loyalty by making online deals with fiat-rate shipping of $2.95 on everything from earrings to refrigerators.
G)Even famously resistant designers and luxury retailers are putting goods online. According to Bain&Co.’s luxury-goods study last year, while the luxury-goods industry overall lost 896 worldwide last year, luxury sales online grew 20%. This September MarcJacobs.com will have more than just videos of models walking on the runway on his website. Jacobs will join others such as Jimmy Ch00,Hugo Boss and Donna Karan,all of whom sell,or will soon start selling,products through their websites. The upside? Consumers will soon be able to buy many high-end goods without enduring the bad service of a department store salesclerk.
H)All of this online shopping has given rise to a new version of one of America’s favorite holidays. Cyber Monday was coined in 2005 to represent the boom in online sales that comes the Monday after Black Friday--the day after Thanksgiving and the largest shopping day of the year. Though Cyber Monday has never overshadowed Black Friday’s sales,customers are more comfortable doing shopping online than ever. 83%of consumers say they are more confident in making a purchase when they have conducted research online as opposed to speaking to a salesperson in a store.
I)While retailers were initially terrified of what bad reviews could do to their bottom line,they’ve since witnessed the power of a compliment and embraced the practice. Despite initial fears,says Craig Berman, Amazon’s vice president of global communications, product reviews have only served to increase their customer loyalty. “It helped us build customer trust.” he says. “It put us in a special place with customers in that they could come to the site and get honest and comprehensive--and overtime, very substantial--firsthand knowledge from other customers.” Berman says the company has some reviewers who take online shopping to heart. “There are some customers who are extraordinarily proud of being one of our top reviewers--they take their job really seriously. ’’Some of Amazon’s customers are greedy readers who consider it their duty to review one or two books every single week. While the company may have come a long way from its roots,the company’s original specialty has not been forgotten.
In the early time of online shopping,the goods that you didn’t have to touch,feel or smell in order to buy sold best.
A. See a doctor about her strained shoulder,
B. Use a ladder to help her reach the tea.
C. Replace the cupboard with a new one.
D. Place the tea on lower sheLf next time.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
A.American Indians and com.
B.The planting techniques of corn.
C.The joy of harvest.
D.Various ways to prepare corn.
People's tastes in recreation differ widely. At a recent festival of pop-music in the Isle of Wight, crowds of teenagers flocked to listen to their favorite singers and musicians. They went with single railway tickets and slept in the open, a very risky thing to do in the climate of Britain, even in August. They were packed together like sardines for four days. There were innumerable thieves, a gang of roughs tried several times to break things up, and police were everywhere. At the end of the festival many young fans found themselves broke, with no money left,and they had difficulty in getting back home. Most people would consider these conditions a nightmare of discomfort; the fans appeared to enjoy it all enormously.
Even in the overcrowded United Kingdom there are large tracts of open un-spoilt country, where people with more traditional tastes can go for quiet, and for the sense of freedom they derive from contact with nature. In the national parks especially, modern development of housing and industry is strictly controlled. Visitors may walk for miles through landscape of the greatest beauty and wildness, and often of considerable historic or scientific interest. Along the coasts of some of the maritime counties, public pathways have been created; these paths stretch for many miles along cliffs that look out on the Atlantic Ocean or the English Channel. Another path,lying inland, goes along the range of mountains in the north of England. It is called the Pennine Way. Here, the long-distance waller and the nature-lover can find much to enjoy, without feeling disturbed by large numbers of their fellows.
Yet few people make full use of the national parks established for everyone's benefit. The commonest thing nowadays is for family groups to motor out to a beautiful spot and park their cars in a lay-by ( 英国的路旁停车带 ). A picnic basket is produced, along with a folding table and chairs, a kettle and a portable stove. They then settle down to a picnic in the lay-by beside the car. Apparently their idea of enjoyment is to get into the fresh air and amongst the country sights and sounds without having to wall a yard. They seem almost to like to hear and to smell the traffic.
In Britain it is very risky to __________.
A.go with a single railway ticket
B.listen to pop-music at the festival
C.sleep in the open
D.pack together in crowds
Learning to play a musical instrument can change your brain, with a US review finding music training can lead to improved speech and foreign language skills.
Although it has been suggested in the past that listening to Mozart or other(26)_____ music could make you smarter,there has been little evidence to show that music(27)_____ brain power.
But a data-driven review by Northwestern University has pulled together research that links musical training to learning that(28)_____ into skills including language,speech,memory,attention and even vocal emotion.
Researcher Nina Kraus said the data(29)_____ suggested that the neural connections made during musical training also primed the brain for other aspects of human communication.
“The effect of music training suggests that,similar to physical exercise and its(30)_____ on body fitness,music is a resource that tones the brain for auditory fitness and thus requires society to re-examine the role of music in shaping(31)_____ development, ”the researchers said in their study.
Kraus said learning musical sounds could(32)_____ the brain’s ability to adapt and change and also enable the nervous system to provide supporting(33)_____ that are important to learnin9.
The study,published in Nature Reviews Neuroscience,looked at the explosion of research in recent years(34)_____ the effects of music training on the nervous system which could have strong implications for education.
The study found that playing an instrument prepares the brain to choose what is relevant in a complex process that may involve reading or remembering a score,timing issues and(35)_____ other musicians.
"Dear Andy How are you? Your mother and I are fine. We both miss you andhope you are doing well. We look forward to seeing you again the next time yourcomputer crashes and you come downstairs for something to eat. Love, Morn andDad "
9、You shouM write a short essay entitled How To Improve Student k Mental Health.
10、You should start your essay with a briefdescription of the picture and then express your views on the problem oftrust crisis.

Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.
Eating a Mediterranean-style diet--packed with fruits,vegetables,legumes(豆类),nuts,olive oil and fish—is good for your heart. many studies have found. Now scientists are suggesting the diet may be good for your mental health,too.
A study of over 10,000 Spaniards followed for almost four and half years on average found that those who reported eating a healthy Mediterranean diet at the beginning of the study were about half as likely to develop depression than those who said they did not stick to the diet.
All of the participants were free of depression when they were recruited to the study,and each filled out a 136-item food frequency questionnaire when they joined. Based on their self-reported dietary habits,they were assigned a score between 0 and 9,with the highest score reflecting the closest sticking to a Mediterranean diet.
Over time,those who had scored between 5 and 9 on the Mediterranean diet were 42 percent to 51 percent less likely to develop depression,the study found,than those who scored between 0 and 2.
The study does not prove a cause—and-effect relationship between the Mediterranean diet and a lower risk for depression,only an association between the tw0.Still,many scientists are convinced that some damaging processes involved in cardiovascular(心脏血管的)disease may also play a role in mental health.
“Both cardiovascular disease and depression share common mechanisms,”said Dr. Miguel Angel Martinez. Gonzalez,professor of preventive medicine at University of Navarra in Pamplona, Spam,and senior author of the paper,published in the October issue of Archives of General Psychiatry.
The membranes(细胞膜)of our nerve cell are composed of fat,so the quality of fat that you are eating definitely has all influence on the quality of the neuron membranes,and the body’s combination of neurotransmitters is dependent on the vitamins you’re eating.” Dr. Martinez. Gonzalez added. “We think those least sticking to the Mediterranean dietary plan have a deficiency of essential nutrients.’’
The elements of the diet most closely linked to a lower risk of depression were fruits nuts and legumes,the study found.
Scientists have proved that a Mediterranean-style diet _____.
A.helps develop a healthy heart
B.results in a healthy mind
C.is popular among Spaniards
D.contains little fat
A Brief History of Online Shopping
A)When Amazon.com opened for business 15 years ago,it was nothing more than a few people packing and shipping boxes of books from a two-car garage in Bellevue, WaSh. Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder’ and CEO, had left New York City. for the Pacific Northwest,using some of his time on the road to write the company’s business plan. Books were packed on a table made out of an extra door they found lying in the new home a practice the company continues today in spirit by making many of the office’s desks out of doors.
B)Now, on its 15th anniversary, Amazon can raise a toast to being one of the largest online retailers in the world,selling everything from trumpets and golf carts to dishwashers and clothes. Despite the economic recession,online retail:in the U.S. grew 11% last year,according to a report released this March from Forrester Research. More than 150 million people about two-thirds of all Internet users in the U.S. -bought something online last year. It’s a staggering leap for an industry used by 27% of the nation's online population a decade ago.
C)One of the first known Web purchases took place. in 1994. It was an Italian pizza with mushrooms and extra cheese from Pizza Hut,a somewhat appropriate purchase for the early days of the Internet. When Amazon came on the scene not long after, selling books online was a curious idea. After all, why would people buy a textbook online when they could go to a bookstore? But eventually,a revolutionary change in culture and groupthink took place. Buying things online was all about price and selection,says Ellen Davis, a vice president with the National Retail Federation. If you lived in a small town with just one bookstore and they didn’t stock the novel you wanted,the Internet was a solution.
D)The big sellers were “hard goods,” those things you didn’t have to touch,feel or smell in order to buy, such as books, computers and other electronics. Now, nothing is off limits. “As the Internet has evolved,it’s become a channel where you can buy anything,”Davis says. “You can buy fragrances(香水)--something you would have normally thought you would need to go to a store and actually experience before you decided to buy. ”
E)Part of the shift has to do with the normalizing of giving out personal information online. All it takes is one click of the purchase button before consumers start to feel more comfortable using their Credit-card information online,Davis says. Now some consumers have so much trust that they allow retailers to save their credit-card and shipping information,which has given rise to a painless checkout process.
F) And part of it had to do with making the online experience more like an in-store shopping trip. Many sites geared themselves toward consumers who like to try before they buy. While Web shoppers technically have to buy the item first,sites such as Zappos, which specializes in shoes,and Piperlime, which sells clothes and accessories,offer free shipping on returns. If you buy it,try it and don’t like it,having to return the item is less of a concern. Other stores try to make it easier for customers to get the look and feel of a product without actually handling the goods. Sears.com and Gap.com allow customers to zoom(拉近)way in on products to examine their material and color up close. Others such as Bed,Bath&Beyond and Buy. com feature product videos that allow shoppers to see,for example, a grill(烤架)cleaner in action. And then there are sites like Overstock.com that capitalize on the goods physical stores can’t sell. Beyond its discounts, Overstock.com wins customer loyalty by making online deals with fiat-rate shipping of $2.95 on everything from earrings to refrigerators.
G)Even famously resistant designers and luxury retailers are putting goods online. According to Bain&Co.’s luxury-goods study last year, while the luxury-goods industry overall lost 896 worldwide last year, luxury sales online grew 20%. This September MarcJacobs.com will have more than just videos of models walking on the runway on his website. Jacobs will join others such as Jimmy Ch00,Hugo Boss and Donna Karan,all of whom sell,or will soon start selling,products through their websites. The upside? Consumers will soon be able to buy many high-end goods without enduring the bad service of a department store salesclerk.
H)All of this online shopping has given rise to a new version of one of America’s favorite holidays. Cyber Monday was coined in 2005 to represent the boom in online sales that comes the Monday after Black Friday--the day after Thanksgiving and the largest shopping day of the year. Though Cyber Monday has never overshadowed Black Friday’s sales,customers are more comfortable doing shopping online than ever. 83%of consumers say they are more confident in making a purchase when they have conducted research online as opposed to speaking to a salesperson in a store.
I)While retailers were initially terrified of what bad reviews could do to their bottom line,they’ve since witnessed the power of a compliment and embraced the practice. Despite initial fears,says Craig Berman, Amazon’s vice president of global communications, product reviews have only served to increase their customer loyalty. “It helped us build customer trust.” he says. “It put us in a special place with customers in that they could come to the site and get honest and comprehensive--and overtime, very substantial--firsthand knowledge from other customers.” Berman says the company has some reviewers who take online shopping to heart. “There are some customers who are extraordinarily proud of being one of our top reviewers--they take their job really seriously. ’’Some of Amazon’s customers are greedy readers who consider it their duty to review one or two books every single week. While the company may have come a long way from its roots,the company’s original specialty has not been forgotten.
In the early time of online shopping,the goods that you didn’t have to touch,feel or smell in order to buy sold best.
A. See a doctor about her strained shoulder,
B. Use a ladder to help her reach the tea.
C. Replace the cupboard with a new one.
D. Place the tea on lower sheLf next time.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
A.American Indians and com.
B.The planting techniques of corn.
C.The joy of harvest.
D.Various ways to prepare corn.
People's tastes in recreation differ widely. At a recent festival of pop-music in the Isle of Wight, crowds of teenagers flocked to listen to their favorite singers and musicians. They went with single railway tickets and slept in the open, a very risky thing to do in the climate of Britain, even in August. They were packed together like sardines for four days. There were innumerable thieves, a gang of roughs tried several times to break things up, and police were everywhere. At the end of the festival many young fans found themselves broke, with no money left,and they had difficulty in getting back home. Most people would consider these conditions a nightmare of discomfort; the fans appeared to enjoy it all enormously.
Even in the overcrowded United Kingdom there are large tracts of open un-spoilt country, where people with more traditional tastes can go for quiet, and for the sense of freedom they derive from contact with nature. In the national parks especially, modern development of housing and industry is strictly controlled. Visitors may walk for miles through landscape of the greatest beauty and wildness, and often of considerable historic or scientific interest. Along the coasts of some of the maritime counties, public pathways have been created; these paths stretch for many miles along cliffs that look out on the Atlantic Ocean or the English Channel. Another path,lying inland, goes along the range of mountains in the north of England. It is called the Pennine Way. Here, the long-distance waller and the nature-lover can find much to enjoy, without feeling disturbed by large numbers of their fellows.
Yet few people make full use of the national parks established for everyone's benefit. The commonest thing nowadays is for family groups to motor out to a beautiful spot and park their cars in a lay-by ( 英国的路旁停车带 ). A picnic basket is produced, along with a folding table and chairs, a kettle and a portable stove. They then settle down to a picnic in the lay-by beside the car. Apparently their idea of enjoyment is to get into the fresh air and amongst the country sights and sounds without having to wall a yard. They seem almost to like to hear and to smell the traffic.
In Britain it is very risky to __________.
A.go with a single railway ticket
B.listen to pop-music at the festival
C.sleep in the open
D.pack together in crowds
Learning to play a musical instrument can change your brain, with a US review finding music training can lead to improved speech and foreign language skills.
Although it has been suggested in the past that listening to Mozart or other(26)_____ music could make you smarter,there has been little evidence to show that music(27)_____ brain power.
But a data-driven review by Northwestern University has pulled together research that links musical training to learning that(28)_____ into skills including language,speech,memory,attention and even vocal emotion.
Researcher Nina Kraus said the data(29)_____ suggested that the neural connections made during musical training also primed the brain for other aspects of human communication.
“The effect of music training suggests that,similar to physical exercise and its(30)_____ on body fitness,music is a resource that tones the brain for auditory fitness and thus requires society to re-examine the role of music in shaping(31)_____ development, ”the researchers said in their study.
Kraus said learning musical sounds could(32)_____ the brain’s ability to adapt and change and also enable the nervous system to provide supporting(33)_____ that are important to learnin9.
The study,published in Nature Reviews Neuroscience,looked at the explosion of research in recent years(34)_____ the effects of music training on the nervous system which could have strong implications for education.
The study found that playing an instrument prepares the brain to choose what is relevant in a complex process that may involve reading or remembering a score,timing issues and(35)_____ other musicians.

"Dear Andy How are you? Your mother and I are fine. We both miss you andhope you are doing well. We look forward to seeing you again the next time yourcomputer crashes and you come downstairs for something to eat. Love, Morn andDad "
9、You shouM write a short essay entitled How To Improve Student k Mental Health.
10、You should start your essay with a briefdescription of the picture and then express your views on the problem oftrust crisis.
