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Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.
Poor people have I.Q.’s significantly lower than those of rich people,and the awkward conventional wisdom has been that this is in large part a (36) of genetics. After all,a series of studies seemed to indicate that I.Q. is largely inherited. Identical twins raised apart, for example, have I.Q.’s that are remarkably (37).
If intelligence were deeply connected with our genes,that would lead to the depressing conclusion on that neither schooling nor antipoverty programs can (38)much. Yet while this view of I.Q. has been widely held, new evidence shows that it is(39)wrong. Richard Nisbett, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan,has just proved it completely wrong in a new book,Intelligence and How to Get It.
Professor Nisbett strongly advocates intensive early childhood education because of its proven ability to(40)I.Q. The Milwaukee Project,for example,took African-American children considered at risk for mental retardation(迟钝)and assigned them (41)either to a control group that received no help or to a group that enjoyed intensive day care and education from 6 months of age until first grade:By age 5,the children in the program(42)an I. Q. of 110,compared with 83 for children in the control group. Another proven (43)is to tell junior-high-school students that l. Q. is expandable,and that their intelligence is something they can help shape. Students exposed to that idea work(44)and get better grades.
The implication of this new research on intelligence is that if we were to(45)early childhood4
education and support schooling,we might be able to raise America’s collective I.Q. significantly.
A. previously
B. intervention
C. harder
D. similar
E. raise
F. factor
G. averaged
H. interfere
I. randomly
J. profoundly
K. push
L. analyzed
M. function
N. diligent
O. accomplish
Rising college selectivity doesn’t mean that students are smarter and more serious than in the past. It’s a function of excess demand for higher education,occurring at a time of increased financial privatization of the industry.
The recession has only increased demand. The vast majority of students aren't going to college because of a thirst for knowledge. They’re there because they need a job,and they need to get the credentials(证书)-and,one hopes,the knowledge and skills behind the credentials--that will get them into the labor market.
As higher education has become a seller’s market,the institutions in a position to do so are doing what comes naturally:raising their tuitions,and their admissions requirements,but at the expense of contributing to the national goal to increase college attainment. The result is that the United States is losing ground in the international race for educational talent.
The increasing stratification(阶层化)of higher education is happening on the spending side,as well. As the selective institutions have become more expensive and less attainable,the rest have had to struggle with the responsibility to enroll more students without being paid to do s0. Gaps between rich and poor have grown even more dramatically than gaps in entering test scores. While spending is a poor measure of educational quality,we can’t seriously expect to increase educational attainment if we're not prepared to do something to address these growing inequities in funding.
That said,the educational policy problem in our country is not that the elite institutions are becoming more selective. The problem is on the public pokey side. The president and many governors have set a goal to return America to a position of international leadership in educational attainment.
It’s the right goal,we just need a financing strategy to get there. That doesn’t mean just more money,although some more money will be needed. It also means better attention to effectiveness and to efficiency,and to making sure that spending goes to the places that will make a difference in educational attainment. We know how to do it,if we want to. ·
The demand for higher education has increased because __________.
A.the number of students keeps growing
B.there is a boost in the labor market
C.of the rising college selectivity
D.of the economic depression
A.Arranging the woman's appointment with Mr.Romero.
B.Fixing the time for the designer's latest fashion show.
C.Talking about an important gathering on Tuesday.
D.Preparing for the filming on Monday morning.
A. She is both a popular and a highly respected author.
B. She is the most loved Afcan novelist of all times
C. She is the most influential author Since the 1930's.
D. She is the first writer to focus on 'the fate of slaves.
A.For farmers to exchange their daily necessities.
B.For people to share ideas and show farm “products.
C.For officials to educate the farming community.
D.For farmers to celebrate their harvests.
6、Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
A.Your heart rate is lowered.
B.It becomes harder for you to relax.
C.You become too tired to sleep.
D.Your sleeping rhythms are disrupted.
7、 __________
"Don't take many English courses; they won't help you get a decent job." "Sign up for management
classes, so you'll be ready to join the family business when you graduate."
Sound (26)__________? Many of us have heard suggestions like these(27) __________by parents or others close to us. Such comments often seem quite reasonable.
Why, then, should suggestions like these be taken with (28) __________? The reason isthey relate to decisions you should make. You are the one who must (29)__________their consequences.
One of the worst reasons to follow a particular path in life is that other people want you to.
Decisions that affect your life should be your decisions--decisions you make after you've considered various (30)__________ and chosen the path that suits you best.
Making your own decisions does not mean that you should (31) __________ the suggestions of others. For instance, your parents do have their own unique experiences that may make their advice helpful, and having (32)__________in a great deal of your personal history, they may have a clear view of your strengths and weaknesses. Still, their views are not necessarily accurate.
They may still see you as a child, (33) __________care and protection. Or they may see only your strengths. Or, in some unfortunate cases, they may (34)__________ your flaws and shortcomings.
People will always be giving you advice.Ultimately, though, you have to make your own(35)__________
9、Directions.. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a shortessay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brieJaccount of the phenomenon that people don't help the old falling down onthe street and then make comments on it. You should write at least 120words but no more than 180 words.

10、舞狮子(Lion dance),是我国的民间艺术。每逢元宵佳节或集会庆典,民间都以狮舞前来助兴。这一习俗起源于三国时期,南北朝时开始流行,至今已有一千多年的历史。狮子为百兽之尊,形象雄伟俊武,给人以威严、勇猛之感。古人将它当作勇敢和力量的象征。认为它能驱邪镇妖、保佑人畜平安。所以人们逐渐形成了在元宵节时及其他重大活动里舞狮子的习俗,以祈望生活吉祥如意,事事平安。
Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.
Poor people have I.Q.’s significantly lower than those of rich people,and the awkward conventional wisdom has been that this is in large part a (36) of genetics. After all,a series of studies seemed to indicate that I.Q. is largely inherited. Identical twins raised apart, for example, have I.Q.’s that are remarkably (37).
If intelligence were deeply connected with our genes,that would lead to the depressing conclusion on that neither schooling nor antipoverty programs can (38)much. Yet while this view of I.Q. has been widely held, new evidence shows that it is(39)wrong. Richard Nisbett, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan,has just proved it completely wrong in a new book,Intelligence and How to Get It.
Professor Nisbett strongly advocates intensive early childhood education because of its proven ability to(40)I.Q. The Milwaukee Project,for example,took African-American children considered at risk for mental retardation(迟钝)and assigned them (41)either to a control group that received no help or to a group that enjoyed intensive day care and education from 6 months of age until first grade:By age 5,the children in the program(42)an I. Q. of 110,compared with 83 for children in the control group. Another proven (43)is to tell junior-high-school students that l. Q. is expandable,and that their intelligence is something they can help shape. Students exposed to that idea work(44)and get better grades.
The implication of this new research on intelligence is that if we were to(45)early childhood4
education and support schooling,we might be able to raise America’s collective I.Q. significantly.
A. previously
B. intervention
C. harder
D. similar
E. raise
F. factor
G. averaged
H. interfere
I. randomly
J. profoundly
K. push
L. analyzed
M. function
N. diligent
O. accomplish
Rising college selectivity doesn’t mean that students are smarter and more serious than in the past. It’s a function of excess demand for higher education,occurring at a time of increased financial privatization of the industry.
The recession has only increased demand. The vast majority of students aren't going to college because of a thirst for knowledge. They’re there because they need a job,and they need to get the credentials(证书)-and,one hopes,the knowledge and skills behind the credentials--that will get them into the labor market.
As higher education has become a seller’s market,the institutions in a position to do so are doing what comes naturally:raising their tuitions,and their admissions requirements,but at the expense of contributing to the national goal to increase college attainment. The result is that the United States is losing ground in the international race for educational talent.
The increasing stratification(阶层化)of higher education is happening on the spending side,as well. As the selective institutions have become more expensive and less attainable,the rest have had to struggle with the responsibility to enroll more students without being paid to do s0. Gaps between rich and poor have grown even more dramatically than gaps in entering test scores. While spending is a poor measure of educational quality,we can’t seriously expect to increase educational attainment if we're not prepared to do something to address these growing inequities in funding.
That said,the educational policy problem in our country is not that the elite institutions are becoming more selective. The problem is on the public pokey side. The president and many governors have set a goal to return America to a position of international leadership in educational attainment.
It’s the right goal,we just need a financing strategy to get there. That doesn’t mean just more money,although some more money will be needed. It also means better attention to effectiveness and to efficiency,and to making sure that spending goes to the places that will make a difference in educational attainment. We know how to do it,if we want to. ·
The demand for higher education has increased because __________.
A.the number of students keeps growing
B.there is a boost in the labor market
C.of the rising college selectivity
D.of the economic depression
A.Arranging the woman's appointment with Mr.Romero.
B.Fixing the time for the designer's latest fashion show.
C.Talking about an important gathering on Tuesday.
D.Preparing for the filming on Monday morning.
A. She is both a popular and a highly respected author.
B. She is the most loved Afcan novelist of all times
C. She is the most influential author Since the 1930's.
D. She is the first writer to focus on 'the fate of slaves.
A.For farmers to exchange their daily necessities.
B.For people to share ideas and show farm “products.
C.For officials to educate the farming community.
D.For farmers to celebrate their harvests.
6、Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
A.Your heart rate is lowered.
B.It becomes harder for you to relax.
C.You become too tired to sleep.
D.Your sleeping rhythms are disrupted.
7、 __________
"Don't take many English courses; they won't help you get a decent job." "Sign up for management
classes, so you'll be ready to join the family business when you graduate."
Sound (26)__________? Many of us have heard suggestions like these(27) __________by parents or others close to us. Such comments often seem quite reasonable.
Why, then, should suggestions like these be taken with (28) __________? The reason isthey relate to decisions you should make. You are the one who must (29)__________their consequences.
One of the worst reasons to follow a particular path in life is that other people want you to.
Decisions that affect your life should be your decisions--decisions you make after you've considered various (30)__________ and chosen the path that suits you best.
Making your own decisions does not mean that you should (31) __________ the suggestions of others. For instance, your parents do have their own unique experiences that may make their advice helpful, and having (32)__________in a great deal of your personal history, they may have a clear view of your strengths and weaknesses. Still, their views are not necessarily accurate.
They may still see you as a child, (33) __________care and protection. Or they may see only your strengths. Or, in some unfortunate cases, they may (34)__________ your flaws and shortcomings.
People will always be giving you advice.Ultimately, though, you have to make your own(35)__________
9、Directions.. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a shortessay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brieJaccount of the phenomenon that people don't help the old falling down onthe street and then make comments on it. You should write at least 120words but no more than 180 words.

10、舞狮子(Lion dance),是我国的民间艺术。每逢元宵佳节或集会庆典,民间都以狮舞前来助兴。这一习俗起源于三国时期,南北朝时开始流行,至今已有一千多年的历史。狮子为百兽之尊,形象雄伟俊武,给人以威严、勇猛之感。古人将它当作勇敢和力量的象征。认为它能驱邪镇妖、保佑人畜平安。所以人们逐渐形成了在元宵节时及其他重大活动里舞狮子的习俗,以祈望生活吉祥如意,事事平安。