11. 尽量用英语表达自己,别害怕犯错误。(afraid)
12. 到去年底,中国的人口是多少?(population)
13. 从广州到纽约的路是多么长啊!(it)
14. 当我一到达机场时,飞机就起飞了。(Hardly)
15. 这男孩洗完了脸,似乎才几秒钟。(seem)
16. 如果你不努力学习,你不会取得成功。(unless)
17. 无论你做什么,应尽努力。(Whatever)
18. 不管这项任务多么困难,我们要尽的努力准时完成。(However)
19. 虽然他是孩子,他知道怎样生活和学习。(as)
20. 既然天好,我把所有的窗都打开了。(Now that)
11. Try to express yourself in English. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.
12. What was the population in China by the end of last year?
13. What a long way it is from Guangzhou to New York!
14. Hardly had I reached the airport when the plane took off.
15. It seemed only seconds before the boy finished washing his face.
16. You will not succeed unless you work hard.
17. Whatever you do, try your best.
18. However difficult the task may be, we will try/do our best to complete in time.
19. Child as he is, he knows how to live and study.
20. Now that the weather is fine, I opened all the windows.