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How to Reinvent College Rankings:Show the Data Students Need Most
A. All rankings are misleading and biased (有偏见的.. But they're also the only way to pick a school. I've heard those exact words dozens of times and inferred their sentiment hundreds more. They undoubtedly were a major contributing factor in the 250.000 applications to the too colleges this past year. With only 14,000 chances available, there will be a lot of disappointed families when decisions are announced in a few days. For 30 years, I've co-authored bestselling books and provocative articles about how to improve one's chances of being accepted at a "top" college.
B. The first edition of our book Getting In! revealed what went on behind the admission committees' closed doors,and introduced the concepts of packaging and positioning to the college-application vocabulary. The newest edition adapts the same principles to the digital age. But the core messagere mains: good colleges are not looking for the well-rounded kid--they're looking to put together thewell-rounded class.
C. What were revelations in 1983 are common knowledge today--at least among college-bound students, parents, and counselors. They also don't have to be told that the odds of getting into a "highly selective" school are ridiculously low. Brown and Dartmouth will each accept about 9 percent of applicants; Cornell, Northwestern, and Georgetown about 16 percent. And Harvard, Yale, and Stanford? Forget about it: less than 7 percent!
D. Wanting to attend a "name" school isn't illogical. And there is nothing illogical in parents wanting a better return on their investment. A college's brand value--whether that school's name will be recognized and open employers' door.
E. Colleges, counselors, and parents talk a lot about finding the right "fit" between a school and a student. In reality, the process is dominated by reputation. The problem is that college reputation shave been controlled by rankings. Far too many "highly ranked" colleges are gaming the rankings and trying to attract more and more applicants--when the particular college is actually a poor "fit" for many of the kids applying. Colleges want to attract and reject more kids because that "selectivity" improves the institution's ranking. College presidents publicly complain there are too many college rankings. Privately, they admit they have to provide the data that feed that maw (大胃口.. They can't afford to be left off a rankings list. The real losers in this system are students and their parents. A bad fit is costly, not just in dollars, but in time, energy, and psychological well-being.
F. The emphasis should be on finding the right fit. But finding the right fit is not east. Subjective guide books like Edward Fiske's--originally titled the New York Times Selective Guide to Colleges--are very useful and consciously do not include rankings. Ted changed his three-category rating system to make it more difficult to simply add "stars" and rank-list colleges. Even families who can afford to visit lots of colleges and endure the backward-walking tours find that carious personalities soon blur in their memory.
G. Thus it is not surprising that anxious, busy parents turn to rankings for shorthand comfort. Unfortunately, the data that U, S. News and other media companies are collecting are largely irrelevant. As a result, the rankings they generate are not meaningless, just misleading. Some examples: U. S. News places a good deal of emphasis on the percentage of faculty who hold a" terminal degree"--typically a Ph. D. Unfortunately, a terminal degree does not correlate (相关的.in any way with whether that professor is a good teacher. It also doesn't improve that professor's accessibility to students. In fact, there is usually such a correlation: the more senior the professor, the less time they have for undergraduates.
H. U.S. News' second most heavily weighted factor--after a college's six-year graduation rate--is a peer assessment of colleges by college presidents and admissions deans. You read that right: administrators are asked to evaluate colleges that are competitive with their own school. If not an complete conflict of interest, this measure is highly suspect.
I. Even some seemingly reasonable "inputs" are often meaningless. U.S. News heavily weights the number of classes with fewer than 20 students. But small classes are like comfort food., it is what high-school kids are familiar with. They have never sat in a large lecture hall with a very interesting speaker. So it is not something they could look forward or value.
J. While most rankings suffer from major problems in criteria(标准. and inputs, the biggest problem is simpler: all the ranking systems use weightings that reflect the editors' personal biases. Very simply,some editors' priorities are undoubtedly going be different from what is important to me. Assuredly preferences are different from my kids', And both will differ markedly from our neighbors' objectives.
K. Colleges say they truly want to attract kids for whom the school will be a good fit. To make good on that promise, colleges need to provide families with insight, not just information; and they need to focus on outputs, not. just inputs. Collecting and sharing four sets of very different data would be a good start; Better insight into the quality of education a student will get on that campus. Colleges need to share the exam scores for all students applying to medical school, law school, business school, and graduate programs. These tests reflect not just the ability of the kids who've gone to that college, but what they've learned in the three-plus years they've attended. Colleges need to assess a campus "happiness" coefficient (系数.. A happy campus is a more productive learning environment; and one that has a lower incidence of alcohol and drug abuse. The full debt that families incur (招致. ; not just student debt. The salaries of graduates one, five, and 10 years after graduation.
L. A fifth useful metric is what employers--both nationally and regionally--think of graduates from particular colleges. Hiring preferences are a useful proxy (代表.for reputation.
M. The last piece in enabling families to find a better fit will come from entrepreneurs. Some smart "kid" will develop an online tool that will allow students and parents to take this new college-reported data and assign weighting factors to the characteristics that are important to them. The tool would then generate a customized ranking of colleges that reflects the family's priorities--not some editor's.
N. Colleges may complain about the rankings, but they are complicit (串通一气的. in keeping them. It is reminiscent (怀旧的. of the classic Claude Raines line in Casablanca: "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!" ff colleges really want kids for whom their college is a good fit, they will collect and publish the types of honest data that will give families a better basis for smart decisions.
The rankings generated on the basis of data collected by U.S. News and other media companies are misleading.
2、 回答题:
Marriage emerged as the most popular institution throughout history primarily because it was an effective arrangement to improve the care and upbringing of children. Marriage is not necessary to have children, but it has been of enormous importance in the rearing of children.
With the sharp declines in birth rates since 1970 in Western and other rich countries, including much larger fractions of adults who do not have any children, both men and women have significantly increased their ages marriage, and sharply raised their tendencies to divorce. In 1950, a typical woman and man married at ages 20.3 and 22.8 respectively, whereas now the typical marital ages are 26.0 and 27.7. These changes in age at mariage are related to reduced demand for many children, increased college education of both men and women but especially of women, much greater labor force participation of married and divorced women, and the narrowing of the gender gap in earnings.
The most important economic and social concerns due to low marriage rates are the effects on roaring of children. These effects are not due to lower marriage rates alone, but rather to the close connection between these low rates and high divorce rates, and to the greater tendency of women to have children without being married, or without living with the fathers of their children.
Although many single mothers do an absolutely wonderful job in raising their children, common sense and most academic findings suggest that having a father present during the raising of children generally has a positive effect on the development of non-cognitive ( 非认知性) traits of children, These include a general respect for authority and reduced rebelliousness in school, and the avoidance of gangs and other criminal activities. It also appears that the absence of fathers has a greater effect, on the non-cognitive traits of sons than daughters, although that is a less well-established finding.
I am not claiming that children are worst oft" when their parents divorce if their parents were fighting a lot, or ff they bad abusive (粗暴的) fathers. Rather, it, appears that up to a significant point, children are, better off in intact families even when their families are not ideal.
What do we learn from the first paragraph about marriage?
A.It is primarily a necessary step to have children.
B.It meets resistance in Western and other rich countries.
C.It has a tremendous impact on the rearing of children.
D.It is the most important institution throughout history.
The rise of the sharing economy
A) Last night 40,000 people rented accommodation from a service that offers 250,000 rooms in 30,000 cities in 192 countries. They chose their rooms and paid for everything online. But their beds were provided by private individuals, rather than a hotel chain. Hosts and guests were matched up by Airbnb, a firm based in San Francisco. Since its launch in 2008 more than 4 million people have used it—2.5 million of them in 2012 alone. It is the most prominent example of a huge new "sharing economy", in which people rent beds, cars, boats and other assets directly from each other, co-ordinated via the internet.
B) You might think this is no different from running a bed-and-breakfast (家庭旅店). owning a timeshare (分时度假房) or participating in a car pool. But technology has reduced transaction costs, making sharing assets cheaper and easier than ever—and therefore possible on a much larger scale. The big change is the availability of more data about people and things, which allows physical assets to be divided and consumed as services. Before the internet, renting a surfboard, a power tool or a parking space from someone else was feasible, but was usually more trouble than it was worth. Now websites such as Airbnb. RelayRides and SnapGoods match up owners and renters; smartphones with GPS let people see where the nearest rentable car is parked; social networks provide a way to check up on people and build trust; and online payment systems handle the billing.
What's mine is yours, for a fee
C) Just as peer-to-peer businesses like eBay allow anyone to become a retailer, sharing sites let individuals act as an ad hoc ( 临时的) taxi service, car-hire firm or boutique hotel (精品酒店) as and when it suits them. Just go online or download an app. The model works for items that are expensive to buy and are widely owned by people who do not make full use of them. Bedrooms and cars are the most obvious examples, but you can also rent camping spaces in Sweden, fields in Australia and washing machines in France. As advocates of the sharing economy like to put it, access trumps ( 胜过) ownership.
D) Rachel Botsman, the author of a book on the subject, says the consumer peer-to-peer rental market alone is worth $ 26 billion. Broader definitions of the sharing economy include peer-to-peer lending or putting a solar panel on your roof and selling power back to the gr/d ( 电网). And it is not just individuals: the web makes it easier for companies to rent out spare offices and idle machines, too. But the core of the sharing economy is people renting things from each other.
E) Such "collaborative (合作的) consumption" is a good thing for several reasons. Owners make money from underused assets. Airbnb says hosts in San Francisco who rent out their homes do so for an average of 58 nights a year, making $ 9,300. Car owners who rent their vehicles to others using RelayRides make an average of $250 a month; some make more than $1,000. Renters, meanwhile, pay less than they would if they bought the item themselves, or turned to a traditional provider such as a hotel or car-hire firm. And there are environmental benefits, too: renting a car when you need it, rather than owning one, means fewer cars are required and fewer resources must be devoted to making them.
F) For sociable souls, meeting new people by staying in their homes is part of the charm. Curmudgeons (倔脾气的人) who imagine that every renter is a murderer can still stay at conventional hotels. For others, the web fosters trust. As well as the background checks carried out by platform owners, online reviews and ratings are usually posted by both parties to each transaction, which makes it easy to spot bad drivers, bathrobe-thieves and surfboard-wreckers. By using Facebook and other social networks, participants can check each other out and identify friends ( or friends of friends) in common. An Airbnb user had her apartment trashed in 2011. But the remarkable thing is how well the system usually works.
Peering into the future
G) The sharing economy is a little like online shopping, which started in America 15 years ago. At first, people were worried about security. But having made a successfal purchase from, say, Amazon, they felt safe buying elsewhere. Similarly, using Airbnb or a car-hire service for the first time encourages people to try other offerings. Next, consider eBay, Having started out as a peer-to-peer marketplace, it is now dominated by professional "power sellers" ( many of whom started out as ordinary eBay users). The same may happen with the sharing economy, which also provides new opportunities for enterprise, Some people have bought cars solely to rent them out, for example.
H) Existing rental businesses are getting involved too. Avis, a car-hire fn'm, has a share in a sharing rival. So do GM and Dalmler, two carmakers. In future, companies may develop hybrid (混合的) models, listing excess capacity (whether vehicles, equipment or office.space) on peer-to-peer rental sites. In the past, new ways of doing things online have not displaced the old ways entirely. But they have often changed them. Just as internet shopping forced Wal-mart and Tesco to adapt, so online sharing will shake up transport, tourism, equipment-hire and more.
i) The main worry is regulatory uncertainty. Will room-renters be subject to hotel taxes, for example? In Amsterdam officials are using Airbnb listings to track down unlicensed hotels. In some American cities, peer-to-peer taxi services have been banned after lobbying by traditional taxi firms. The danger is that although some rules need to be updated to protect consumers from harm, existing rental businesses will try to destroy competition. People who rent out rooms should pay tax, of course, but they should not be regulated like a Ritz-Carlton hotel. The lighter rules that typically govern bed-and-breakfasts are more than adequate.
J) The sharing economy is the latest example of the internet's value to consumers. This emerging model is now big and disruptive (颠覆性的) enough for regulators and companies to have woken up to it. That is a sign of its immense potential. It is time to start caring about sharing.
Sharing items such as cars does good to the environment.
5、 第29题为( )
6、 __________
7、黄河是我国第二长河,世界第五长河,源于青海巴颜喀拉山,干流贯穿九个省区。早在80万年前的旧石器时代,中华民族的祖先就在黄河流域过着狩猎、采集的生活。在中国历史上,黄河及沿岸流域给人类文明带来了巨大的影响,是中华民族主要的发源地之一。人们常说黄河是中华民族的摇篮,称之为“母亲河”。而如今黄河污染形势十分严峻,保护黄河是每个人不可推卸的责任(i ncumbent ob I i gat;oll)。
8、故宫(Forb i dden o i ty)是世界上规模、保存完整的帝王宫殿建筑群。它位于北京的中心,是明清两朝的皇宫。明朝的十四个皇帝和清朝的十个皇帝曾在这里居住,他们统治中国的时间长达491年。故宫始建于明朝永乐四年,历经15年方才建成,迄今已有570多年的历史。它占地72万多平方米,四周有各类宫殿房屋9900余间。故宫的建筑集中地体现了中国古代建筑艺术的精湛水平和民族特色。
9、You shouM write a short essay on the topic ofstudents selecting their lecturers.
10、 You should write a short essay on the topic on a Harmonious Dormitory Life.
How to Reinvent College Rankings:Show the Data Students Need Most
A. All rankings are misleading and biased (有偏见的.. But they're also the only way to pick a school. I've heard those exact words dozens of times and inferred their sentiment hundreds more. They undoubtedly were a major contributing factor in the 250.000 applications to the too colleges this past year. With only 14,000 chances available, there will be a lot of disappointed families when decisions are announced in a few days. For 30 years, I've co-authored bestselling books and provocative articles about how to improve one's chances of being accepted at a "top" college.
B. The first edition of our book Getting In! revealed what went on behind the admission committees' closed doors,and introduced the concepts of packaging and positioning to the college-application vocabulary. The newest edition adapts the same principles to the digital age. But the core messagere mains: good colleges are not looking for the well-rounded kid--they're looking to put together thewell-rounded class.
C. What were revelations in 1983 are common knowledge today--at least among college-bound students, parents, and counselors. They also don't have to be told that the odds of getting into a "highly selective" school are ridiculously low. Brown and Dartmouth will each accept about 9 percent of applicants; Cornell, Northwestern, and Georgetown about 16 percent. And Harvard, Yale, and Stanford? Forget about it: less than 7 percent!
D. Wanting to attend a "name" school isn't illogical. And there is nothing illogical in parents wanting a better return on their investment. A college's brand value--whether that school's name will be recognized and open employers' door.
E. Colleges, counselors, and parents talk a lot about finding the right "fit" between a school and a student. In reality, the process is dominated by reputation. The problem is that college reputation shave been controlled by rankings. Far too many "highly ranked" colleges are gaming the rankings and trying to attract more and more applicants--when the particular college is actually a poor "fit" for many of the kids applying. Colleges want to attract and reject more kids because that "selectivity" improves the institution's ranking. College presidents publicly complain there are too many college rankings. Privately, they admit they have to provide the data that feed that maw (大胃口.. They can't afford to be left off a rankings list. The real losers in this system are students and their parents. A bad fit is costly, not just in dollars, but in time, energy, and psychological well-being.
F. The emphasis should be on finding the right fit. But finding the right fit is not east. Subjective guide books like Edward Fiske's--originally titled the New York Times Selective Guide to Colleges--are very useful and consciously do not include rankings. Ted changed his three-category rating system to make it more difficult to simply add "stars" and rank-list colleges. Even families who can afford to visit lots of colleges and endure the backward-walking tours find that carious personalities soon blur in their memory.
G. Thus it is not surprising that anxious, busy parents turn to rankings for shorthand comfort. Unfortunately, the data that U, S. News and other media companies are collecting are largely irrelevant. As a result, the rankings they generate are not meaningless, just misleading. Some examples: U. S. News places a good deal of emphasis on the percentage of faculty who hold a" terminal degree"--typically a Ph. D. Unfortunately, a terminal degree does not correlate (相关的.in any way with whether that professor is a good teacher. It also doesn't improve that professor's accessibility to students. In fact, there is usually such a correlation: the more senior the professor, the less time they have for undergraduates.
H. U.S. News' second most heavily weighted factor--after a college's six-year graduation rate--is a peer assessment of colleges by college presidents and admissions deans. You read that right: administrators are asked to evaluate colleges that are competitive with their own school. If not an complete conflict of interest, this measure is highly suspect.
I. Even some seemingly reasonable "inputs" are often meaningless. U.S. News heavily weights the number of classes with fewer than 20 students. But small classes are like comfort food., it is what high-school kids are familiar with. They have never sat in a large lecture hall with a very interesting speaker. So it is not something they could look forward or value.
J. While most rankings suffer from major problems in criteria(标准. and inputs, the biggest problem is simpler: all the ranking systems use weightings that reflect the editors' personal biases. Very simply,some editors' priorities are undoubtedly going be different from what is important to me. Assuredly preferences are different from my kids', And both will differ markedly from our neighbors' objectives.
K. Colleges say they truly want to attract kids for whom the school will be a good fit. To make good on that promise, colleges need to provide families with insight, not just information; and they need to focus on outputs, not. just inputs. Collecting and sharing four sets of very different data would be a good start; Better insight into the quality of education a student will get on that campus. Colleges need to share the exam scores for all students applying to medical school, law school, business school, and graduate programs. These tests reflect not just the ability of the kids who've gone to that college, but what they've learned in the three-plus years they've attended. Colleges need to assess a campus "happiness" coefficient (系数.. A happy campus is a more productive learning environment; and one that has a lower incidence of alcohol and drug abuse. The full debt that families incur (招致. ; not just student debt. The salaries of graduates one, five, and 10 years after graduation.
L. A fifth useful metric is what employers--both nationally and regionally--think of graduates from particular colleges. Hiring preferences are a useful proxy (代表.for reputation.
M. The last piece in enabling families to find a better fit will come from entrepreneurs. Some smart "kid" will develop an online tool that will allow students and parents to take this new college-reported data and assign weighting factors to the characteristics that are important to them. The tool would then generate a customized ranking of colleges that reflects the family's priorities--not some editor's.
N. Colleges may complain about the rankings, but they are complicit (串通一气的. in keeping them. It is reminiscent (怀旧的. of the classic Claude Raines line in Casablanca: "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!" ff colleges really want kids for whom their college is a good fit, they will collect and publish the types of honest data that will give families a better basis for smart decisions.
The rankings generated on the basis of data collected by U.S. News and other media companies are misleading.
2、 回答题:
Marriage emerged as the most popular institution throughout history primarily because it was an effective arrangement to improve the care and upbringing of children. Marriage is not necessary to have children, but it has been of enormous importance in the rearing of children.
With the sharp declines in birth rates since 1970 in Western and other rich countries, including much larger fractions of adults who do not have any children, both men and women have significantly increased their ages marriage, and sharply raised their tendencies to divorce. In 1950, a typical woman and man married at ages 20.3 and 22.8 respectively, whereas now the typical marital ages are 26.0 and 27.7. These changes in age at mariage are related to reduced demand for many children, increased college education of both men and women but especially of women, much greater labor force participation of married and divorced women, and the narrowing of the gender gap in earnings.
The most important economic and social concerns due to low marriage rates are the effects on roaring of children. These effects are not due to lower marriage rates alone, but rather to the close connection between these low rates and high divorce rates, and to the greater tendency of women to have children without being married, or without living with the fathers of their children.
Although many single mothers do an absolutely wonderful job in raising their children, common sense and most academic findings suggest that having a father present during the raising of children generally has a positive effect on the development of non-cognitive ( 非认知性) traits of children, These include a general respect for authority and reduced rebelliousness in school, and the avoidance of gangs and other criminal activities. It also appears that the absence of fathers has a greater effect, on the non-cognitive traits of sons than daughters, although that is a less well-established finding.
I am not claiming that children are worst oft" when their parents divorce if their parents were fighting a lot, or ff they bad abusive (粗暴的) fathers. Rather, it, appears that up to a significant point, children are, better off in intact families even when their families are not ideal.
What do we learn from the first paragraph about marriage?
A.It is primarily a necessary step to have children.
B.It meets resistance in Western and other rich countries.
C.It has a tremendous impact on the rearing of children.
D.It is the most important institution throughout history.
The rise of the sharing economy
A) Last night 40,000 people rented accommodation from a service that offers 250,000 rooms in 30,000 cities in 192 countries. They chose their rooms and paid for everything online. But their beds were provided by private individuals, rather than a hotel chain. Hosts and guests were matched up by Airbnb, a firm based in San Francisco. Since its launch in 2008 more than 4 million people have used it—2.5 million of them in 2012 alone. It is the most prominent example of a huge new "sharing economy", in which people rent beds, cars, boats and other assets directly from each other, co-ordinated via the internet.
B) You might think this is no different from running a bed-and-breakfast (家庭旅店). owning a timeshare (分时度假房) or participating in a car pool. But technology has reduced transaction costs, making sharing assets cheaper and easier than ever—and therefore possible on a much larger scale. The big change is the availability of more data about people and things, which allows physical assets to be divided and consumed as services. Before the internet, renting a surfboard, a power tool or a parking space from someone else was feasible, but was usually more trouble than it was worth. Now websites such as Airbnb. RelayRides and SnapGoods match up owners and renters; smartphones with GPS let people see where the nearest rentable car is parked; social networks provide a way to check up on people and build trust; and online payment systems handle the billing.
What's mine is yours, for a fee
C) Just as peer-to-peer businesses like eBay allow anyone to become a retailer, sharing sites let individuals act as an ad hoc ( 临时的) taxi service, car-hire firm or boutique hotel (精品酒店) as and when it suits them. Just go online or download an app. The model works for items that are expensive to buy and are widely owned by people who do not make full use of them. Bedrooms and cars are the most obvious examples, but you can also rent camping spaces in Sweden, fields in Australia and washing machines in France. As advocates of the sharing economy like to put it, access trumps ( 胜过) ownership.
D) Rachel Botsman, the author of a book on the subject, says the consumer peer-to-peer rental market alone is worth $ 26 billion. Broader definitions of the sharing economy include peer-to-peer lending or putting a solar panel on your roof and selling power back to the gr/d ( 电网). And it is not just individuals: the web makes it easier for companies to rent out spare offices and idle machines, too. But the core of the sharing economy is people renting things from each other.
E) Such "collaborative (合作的) consumption" is a good thing for several reasons. Owners make money from underused assets. Airbnb says hosts in San Francisco who rent out their homes do so for an average of 58 nights a year, making $ 9,300. Car owners who rent their vehicles to others using RelayRides make an average of $250 a month; some make more than $1,000. Renters, meanwhile, pay less than they would if they bought the item themselves, or turned to a traditional provider such as a hotel or car-hire firm. And there are environmental benefits, too: renting a car when you need it, rather than owning one, means fewer cars are required and fewer resources must be devoted to making them.
F) For sociable souls, meeting new people by staying in their homes is part of the charm. Curmudgeons (倔脾气的人) who imagine that every renter is a murderer can still stay at conventional hotels. For others, the web fosters trust. As well as the background checks carried out by platform owners, online reviews and ratings are usually posted by both parties to each transaction, which makes it easy to spot bad drivers, bathrobe-thieves and surfboard-wreckers. By using Facebook and other social networks, participants can check each other out and identify friends ( or friends of friends) in common. An Airbnb user had her apartment trashed in 2011. But the remarkable thing is how well the system usually works.
Peering into the future
G) The sharing economy is a little like online shopping, which started in America 15 years ago. At first, people were worried about security. But having made a successfal purchase from, say, Amazon, they felt safe buying elsewhere. Similarly, using Airbnb or a car-hire service for the first time encourages people to try other offerings. Next, consider eBay, Having started out as a peer-to-peer marketplace, it is now dominated by professional "power sellers" ( many of whom started out as ordinary eBay users). The same may happen with the sharing economy, which also provides new opportunities for enterprise, Some people have bought cars solely to rent them out, for example.
H) Existing rental businesses are getting involved too. Avis, a car-hire fn'm, has a share in a sharing rival. So do GM and Dalmler, two carmakers. In future, companies may develop hybrid (混合的) models, listing excess capacity (whether vehicles, equipment or office.space) on peer-to-peer rental sites. In the past, new ways of doing things online have not displaced the old ways entirely. But they have often changed them. Just as internet shopping forced Wal-mart and Tesco to adapt, so online sharing will shake up transport, tourism, equipment-hire and more.
i) The main worry is regulatory uncertainty. Will room-renters be subject to hotel taxes, for example? In Amsterdam officials are using Airbnb listings to track down unlicensed hotels. In some American cities, peer-to-peer taxi services have been banned after lobbying by traditional taxi firms. The danger is that although some rules need to be updated to protect consumers from harm, existing rental businesses will try to destroy competition. People who rent out rooms should pay tax, of course, but they should not be regulated like a Ritz-Carlton hotel. The lighter rules that typically govern bed-and-breakfasts are more than adequate.
J) The sharing economy is the latest example of the internet's value to consumers. This emerging model is now big and disruptive (颠覆性的) enough for regulators and companies to have woken up to it. That is a sign of its immense potential. It is time to start caring about sharing.
Sharing items such as cars does good to the environment.


5、 第29题为( )
6、 __________
7、黄河是我国第二长河,世界第五长河,源于青海巴颜喀拉山,干流贯穿九个省区。早在80万年前的旧石器时代,中华民族的祖先就在黄河流域过着狩猎、采集的生活。在中国历史上,黄河及沿岸流域给人类文明带来了巨大的影响,是中华民族主要的发源地之一。人们常说黄河是中华民族的摇篮,称之为“母亲河”。而如今黄河污染形势十分严峻,保护黄河是每个人不可推卸的责任(i ncumbent ob I i gat;oll)。
8、故宫(Forb i dden o i ty)是世界上规模、保存完整的帝王宫殿建筑群。它位于北京的中心,是明清两朝的皇宫。明朝的十四个皇帝和清朝的十个皇帝曾在这里居住,他们统治中国的时间长达491年。故宫始建于明朝永乐四年,历经15年方才建成,迄今已有570多年的历史。它占地72万多平方米,四周有各类宫殿房屋9900余间。故宫的建筑集中地体现了中国古代建筑艺术的精湛水平和民族特色。
9、You shouM write a short essay on the topic ofstudents selecting their lecturers.
10、 You should write a short essay on the topic on a Harmonious Dormitory Life.