导读: 2014年广东成人学位英语(2014年5月24日(星期六)9:00至11:00)已经进入备考阶段,大家一定都很关心在这段时间内应该怎样复习,需要重点复习什么,不同题型应使用什么复习技巧。下面233网校小编为大家带来了2014年广东学位英语考试备考经验,希望能给您在备考过程中指明方向。
Color is widely used as a protective device among animals. Some birds displaybrightly colored feathers when they are threatened. These are designed to frightenaway the enemy. Some animals emit a peculiar smell for the same purpose. Colorand form may be used to conceal the animal. Some insects conceal themselves bymaking themselves resemble plants or flowers. They are hardly visible becausethey can merge into their surroundings.
学位英语:2014年学位英语考试报名考试大纲 复习专题/资料下载/真题