【例7】My hometown is different from what is used to be juse a few years ago. (甲方1) In the past my hometown was a small quiet place. (甲方2) The streets were for the most part narrow and winding. (甲方3) The houses were small and shabby. (乙方1) Now, there are broad strees which are lined with fine shady trees and bordered with large, imposing buildings (乙方2) Many more are still in construction, (乙方3) You can also find crowds of people here and there. (乙方4) My hometown has become noisy but active and prosperous.【点评】本段通过对照的手法阐述了主题思想: 我的家乡今天与过去相比发生了巨大的变化.首先集中表述了家乡的昔日(甲方),然后集中描述了家乡的今天(乙方). B. 甲乙双方同时描述,逐点分析。
【例8】Jane and Karen have many things in common. (甲乙双方) To begin with, both girls have the same background. (甲方) Jane was born and raise in the West, (乙方) and so was Karen (甲乙双方) Next, both girls are interested in the same kind of subjects in school (甲方) Jane likes French, history and English. (乙方) In the same way, Karen likes Spanish, history and English. (甲乙双方) Furrthermore both girls want to be teachers. (甲方) Jane plans to become an elementary school teahcer, (乙方) But Karen wants to be high school teacher. As you can see, the two girls are almost like twins.【点评】本段通过比较的手法同时逐点分析了JANE 和KAREN的相同之处。层次分明,思路清晰。
【例9】I have two good friends. They are quite different in character and yet have something in common. (对照) One of them is a jolly fellow and fond of company, and the other is a quiet and rather unsociable sort of shap. (对照) The jolly one likes all kinds of games. He is a clever, but be doesn‘t care much for books. The other one, however, likes being alone and loves reading. He never plays games. (比较) In spite of all these differences they are both so really kind and sympathetic, so honest and straightforward, so loyal and true. (比较) They are both fine and usnselfish fellows. I like them both.【点评】本段同时使用了比较和对照。即对照写出了两个朋友的不同点,又用比较法写出了他们的相同点。
【例9】 Smoking is very popular among people.Some of the smokers believe that smoking can ease their nerves hardened with socialpressure. Others are after its stimulating effects.But they sel-dom think of the effects it might have on other people's health,especially when they smoke in public places such as cinemas,waiting rooms,buses and trains。Smoking is harmful to health?It contributes a lot to lung cancer,of which many people have died in the past few years.And it isthe cause of many other diseases.In fact,not only smokersthemselves suffer from these smoking-related diseases,but alsonon-smokers who involuntarily inhale the tobacco-polluted air。
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