万事开头难,一旦有了精彩的作文开头,写好一篇文章不是难事。因此,开篇在全文写作中起着很重要的分量和作用。文章的开头既要点明主题,提出观点或论点,以便使读者抓住文章的中心思想和写作目的,又要尽可能引人人胜,以求吸引读者的兴趣和好奇心。 英语作文的开头可以千人千面,但一般而言是用鬼佬们的直线思维,开宗明义,直奔主题。比较有效的几种开头方法有:
There was a serious accident in the chemistry lab last week,A confused student accidentally poured a wrong mixture of chemi-cals in test tube.There was a strong explosion.Broken pieces ofglass from the test flew in al!directions.A sliver of flying glassfound its mark in John Martin's right arm.The lab instructor sawblood trickling from John's arm.He immediately notified theuniversity's infirmary about the accident。
We can see from the chart that the world population is increasing rapidly.By the year 2000,the world population will have dou-bled from that in 1960.1960 saw the world with only about 3 billion people,but by the year 2000,the number will shot up to more than 7 bil!ion 400 million.
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